Wilderness.net Image Library Slide Submission Form

Wilderness.net needs your help to expand the wilderness image library! This library is an online resource where agency employees can search for and download wilderness images for PowerPoint presentations, educational literature and other printed or digital materials. Please fill out this form and send it along with your slides or prints to the following address. Remember to include your return address so we can return your materials to you promptly!

Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center

ATTN: Wilderness.net Webmaster

James E. Todd Building

32 Campus Drive #3168

Missoula, MT 59812-3168


Slide #1 (write this number on your slide) Index # (administrative use only) _____

Photographer: Lisa Ronald Email and/or phone: 406-243-6933

Photo credit: Lisa Ronald, Wilderness Institute

Wilderness name (check for correct name and spelling here: http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=NWPS&sec=advSearch): Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness

Image description: Mountains goats ascend part of Grasshopper Glacier.

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # (administrative use only) _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Slide #____ Index # _____

Photographer: ______Email and/or phone: ______

Photo credit (if different from name above): ______

Wilderness name: ______

Image description:

Please print your complete return address below:

If you have questions about the image library or about submitting images, please contact the wilderness.net webmaster, Lisa Ronald, via email at or by phone at 406-243-6933 (office), 406-396-3607 (work cell).