
Lisa Sheppard

(407) 422-5918

Junior League of Greater Orlando Announces New Board Members,

Sets Sights on 2006-07

League Focuses on “Building a Legacy for the Future”

ORLANDO, Fla., June 5, 2006 – Whether a former Army officer, a business school graduate, a professional engineer, or a stay-at-home mom, the new leaders of the Junior League of Greater Orlando, Florida, Inc. (JLGO) all have at least one thing in common – a passion for positively impacting their community. With a focus on “Building a Legacy for the Future,” the JLGO announces its Board of Directors for 2006-07.

This year’s board, which took office on June 1, includes:

o  President: Lisa Sheppard, who is a 13-year member of the Junior League of Greater Orlando, Florida, Inc. and a full-time volunteer in the Orlando community. Sheppard, whose previous roles with the organization include Recording Secretary and Vice President of Membership, holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College. She is married with two children.

President-Elect: Betsy Culpepper serves as the Public Relations/Marketing Director for Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies. She also directs communication activities for the Orlando Regional Healthcare Foundation. Culpepper earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communications from the University of Florida and is active in St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. She became an active member of JLGO in 1990.

Recording Secretary: Shelley Warticki, a member of the JLGO since 1999, has served in various leadership roles with the organization. Warticki’s professional background includes sales and nonprofit experience. She is currently a stay-at-home mom to three children.


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Member at Large: Lucinda Machado McCain is a fourth-generation Orlando resident and active member of the Junior League of Greater Orlando since 2003. McCain attended Wesleyan College and graduated from the University of Central Florida. She and her husband are expecting their first child in December.

Parliamentarian: Alison Register has been an active member in various leadership positions with the Junior League of Greater Orlando, Florida, Inc. since 2001. A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Business Administration, Register is a Creative Memories consultant and a part-time employee at Arnold Palmer Hospital. She and her husband have a five-year-old daughter and are expecting their second child in late July.

o  Treasurer: Jennifer Woodall, a member of JLGO since 2001, has been involved in several of the organization’s community programs and served on the 2005-06 Board of Directors. Woodall is a professional engineer and project manager at Tetra Tech, Inc.

Vice President of Community: Laura Dauksch has been a member of the JLGO since 1998. Dauksch, who taught for nine years, also coached competitive gymnastics and directed a preschool and recreational gymnastics program. She is currently a stay-at-home mom to three children.

Vice President of Finance: Stephanie Garris is an Orlando attorney who is currently taking time off to raise her three young children. Garris previously served as the Orlando Area Executive Director for the American Cancer Society. She became an active member of JLGO in 2001.

Vice President of Marketing and Communications: Jennifer Keefe has been a member of the Junior League of Greater Orlando since 2001 and is a former editor of the organization’s Connections magazine. She holds a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies from Rollins College and a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications from the University of Florida. Currently a stay-at-home mom, her professional background includes working in both the radio and television industries in Orlando, most recently for MetroNetworks.


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Vice President of Membership: Diane Stull has been a member of the Junior League of Greater Orlando since 2000 and is a former Vice President of Finance for the organization. Stull, who formerly worked in banking, is a finance manager at Walt Disney World. She is the mother of a 19-year-old college student.

Vice President of Research and Development: Heather M. Gantt has been

an active member of the Junior League of Greater Orlando since 2003. She

previously served as chair of the Community Research and Program

Development Committee as well as editor of the organization’s Connections

magazine. Gantt is a former U.S. Army officer who now works as an

Information Technology Specialist at Walt Disney World. She also is a

Certified Travel Associate and enjoys working part-time as a travel consultant

at Travel Without Limits.

“The incoming board of the Junior League of Greater Orlando is passionate about making a positive impact on the Orlando community,” said Junior League of Greater Orlando President Lisa Sheppard. “We are committed to further building partnerships within the community that will enable us to provide leadership, financial support and volunteers for community needs.”


The Junior League of Greater Orlando, Florida, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable and is focused on child well-being and domestic violence. The Junior League of Greater Orlando, Florida, Inc. has served the Orlando community for more than 55 years and involves more than 800 women who believe in making a difference in their community. For more information, visit