Conservation Commission –January 31, 2015

Members present were Chair Mr. Ned Wilson Dr. John Schreiber and Mr. Freddy Friedman. Also present was Mr. Mark Stinson, DEP Regional Circuit Rider.

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM.

Meeting minutes of December20th2014 were accepted as prepared.

Stinson Stroup Hearing: Present for this hearing was representative, Mr. Steve Mack, Foresight Land Service. Applicant submitted a NOI for the purpose of a single family home and related site work. Property location is O Hadsell Street. Brief discussion occurred and which Mr. Mack stated that he is working on comment from DEP and he’ll submit a revised map. DEP comment is to try to have project work out of the 100 ft river front. Mr. Mack requested the hearing be continued until the next meeting. A motion was made, seconded and so voted to approve the request and continue this hearing to February 28th at 9AM.

Fainer Hearing: Present for this hearing was property owner Mr. Edward Fainer. Applicant submitted a RDA for the purpose of cutting down pine trees & brushes to repair area for tilling.

Property location is 353 Clayton Mill River Road. Mr. Fainer stated that he owns another property that abutters this piece of land. Mr. Fainer mentioned that he wants to use the area for gardening items such as garlic and onions – so that he can expand his business since he is a farmer. Mr. Mark Stinson mentioned that this project works needs to file a NOI and contact Natural Heritage & Endangered Species (NHESP) for their approval. Mr. Stinson stated that this property has some issues: wetlands, riverfront, floodplain & habitat and that the wrong parcel/lot number was on the application – lot should be 136 not 134. Mr. Fainer requests anagricultural exemption. It was noted that there are wood turtles on this property. After discussion a motion was made, seconded and so voted to close this hearing. A motion was made seconded and so voted to make a positive determination of numbers 1, 3 & 7 (must file a NOI).

New Business:

Mr. Mike Parson of Kelly, Granger & Parsons & Assoc. appeared before the commission with questions for two clients. The first client would like to drill a well & septic tank and install a tight tank to replace the existing cesspool which will be abandoned. It was recommended that a RDA be filed. The second client has a leak in the water line and would like to drill a new well. Mr. Stinson mentioned that if you can get the same improvement and protectionthen you should be able to file a RDA instead of a NOI per wetlands per regulations 10.58.5.a. It was recommended that a RDA be filed.

The commission reviewed an emergency certificate for Mr. & Mrs. Turner – 28 East Hill Road requested by the Board of Health for a new septic system.

The commission reviewed the mail:

  1. Forest Cutting Plan - Joan Laskoff – Ford Hill Rd – approved
  2. Forest Cutting Plan - Alan Bachetti & Jean Christman – Ford Hill Rd & Sisson Hill Rd – approved
  3. Forest Cutting Plan – Joyce Hackett & Bernard Schlink – East Hill Rd & Doyle Hill Rd – approved
  4. Commonground news letter
  5. Memo – Annual Town Reports are due
  6. MACC – Conference 2015

Old Business:

The commission received a second anonymous letter from an abutter of a property owner inquiring if the property owner at 123 Bockway has received permission for trees to be taken down. The commission hasn’t received any filings for 123 Bockway or received a forest cutting plan for that location. The commission mailed a memo to the property owner but they haven’t received a response as of their meeting. It was noted that the commission needs to get a visual of the property (site visit).

The commission received an email from Ms. Shannon Boosma, White Engineering Inc regarding an update for the enforcement order Lumbert Cross Road.

The commission received an email back from Karen DEP with her response regarding lot 7 for NM Hill Rd.

No other business was brought before the commission, so voted to adjourn at 10:26AM.

Next regular meeting is scheduled for February28, 2015.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Chretien
