SuccessFactors Compensation
October 2014
SAP Best Practices for SuccessFactors Compensation: APOSoftware and Delivery Requirements
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SAP Best Practices Software and Delivery Requirements


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Icon / Meaning
/ Caution
/ Example
/ Note
/ Recommendation
/ Syntax
/ External Process
/ Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice

Typographic Conventions

Type Style / Description
Example text / Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text / Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text / Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key.
Example text / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> / Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.


1 Purpose of the Document 5

2 Technical Requirements 5

2.1 Software product versions 5

2.2 SAP Notes 6

2.3 Required Content 7

2.4 Connectivity 9

2.5 Authorizations 9

1  Purpose of the Document

This document contains all information to:

·  Validate that key prerequisites such as software components and versions match the customer situation.

·  Check that all prerequisites for a customer implementation are in place

·  Check that correct content, tools and skills are in place before the project starts.

The document will list different kinds of requirements on package level if they are valid for all Scope Items included in the package. For requirements valid for certain scope items only, these scope items are mentioned.

The document contains pre-requisites only, not the procedures to meet them. For how-to information (e.g. how to find the download area) please refer to the Quick Guide.

2  Technical Requirements

This section contains technical requirements in different areas. For each requirement, the relevance for scope items of the package is provided.

2.1  Software product versions

The table lists the software required to implement and run the solution. This table should be interpreted as follows for these products:

·  SAP ERP 6.0 or SAP enhancement package: one of the entries in the table.

·  SAP NetWeaver Process Integration: one of the entries with including listed levels.

·  SuccessFactors Business Execution (BizX) suite: 1405 and higher

The table lists all software required to implement and run the solution:

Product / Product Version / Components as tested / Comments / Relevance /
SAP NetWeaver Process Integration / SAP NetWeaver 7.3 SPS 10 or 7.31 SPS 09 7.40 SPS 04 / XI TOOLS 7.30 / 7.31 / 7.40, Java Stack only / On Premise / All Scope Items
SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 Including Enhancement Package 1, SPS 12 / Process Integration, ABAP & Java stack (Dual Stack implementations) / On Premise
OR / OR / OR
SAP HANA CLOUD INTEGRATION(PI) / SAP HANA Cloud Integration 1.0 for process integration / SAP Cloud / All Scope Items
>= SPS 15
OR / EA-HR 600 / On Premise / All Scope Items
OR / EA-HR 602 / On Premise / All Scope Items
EHP3 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 >= SPS 04
OR / EA-HR 603 / On Premise
EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 >= SPS 02
OR / EA-HR 604 / On Premise
EHP5 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 >= SPS 03
OR / EA-HR 605 / On Premise
EHP6 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 >= SPS 01
OR / EA-HR 606 / On Premise
EHP7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 >= SPS 01 / EA-HR 607 / On Premise
Integration add-on 2.0 for SAP ERP Human Capital Management and SuccessFactors HCM Suite / SUCCESSFACTORS HCM INTEGR 2.0 / SFIHCM01 600 SP06, SFIHCM02 600 SP02, XI Content SFIHCM01 600, XI Content SFIHCM02 600 / On Premise / All Scope Items

2.2  SAP Notes

The following SAP Notes need to be considered:

SAP Note No / Content / Comments / Relevance /
2033813 / This SAP Note contains critical information for implementing the SAP Best Practices for SuccessFactors Compensation / Before you start the activation of the related SAP Best Practices scope, check the latest versions of this SAP Note. / All Scope Items
669669 / Update the SAP Component Repository in SLD / Update the Component Repository Content (CR Content) in the System Landscape Directory (SLD). Follow the instructions in the note. / All Scope Items
836200 / SAP NetWeaver 7.0: Importing Process Integration Content / The software components XI CONTENT SAP APPL 6.05 SP 07 and SAP BASIS 7.3 or respectively SAP BASIS 7.1 (depending on PI installation) have to be imported into the PI Enterprise Service Repository. / All Scope Items
1578675 / PI SOAP Axis receiver channel over HTTP proxy / Implement via SNOTE / All Scope Items
1712309 / RH_TEXT_GET_P0001: Texts determined only in logon / Implement via SNOTE / All Scope Items
1824818 / Error in transfer of country / Implement via SNOTE / All Scope Items
1911069 / Workaround for issues launching the PI tools with Java 7 / Use of Java 7
1949794 / Multiple Group IDs in Compensation Integration not working / PA-SFI-TM / All Scope Items

For On Premise Systems: Apply all SAP Notes to the system via the SAP Note Assistant (transaction SNOTE). All SAP Notes mentioned above must have the implementation status Completely implemented. Some SAP Notes require manual action before you set the status to Completely implemented.

To avoid activation errors as a result of generating loads, perform a mass generation using transaction SGEN as described in SAP Note 481548.

2.3  Required Content

The following content is required:

Product / Product Version / Components as tested / Comments / Relevance
XI CONTENT RDS SF HCM 2.0 / XI/ESR Content for RDS Pckage for Success Factors Integration 2.0 / All Scope Items

2.4  Connectivity

The following connectivity is required:

-  Connectivity between SAP ERP and SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI) via RFC-Connection

-  Connectivity between SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI) and SuccessFactors instance


-  Connectivity between SAP ERP and SAP HANA Cloud Integration (HCI) over SOAP using SOAMANAGER and Eclipse/HCI WebUI

-  Connectivity between SAP HANA Cloud Integration (HCI) and SuccessFactors instance

HCI services are secured by certificates. So in order to directly trigger HCI services via SOAP UI you will have to include your certificate into the build and deploy it to the operations server.

For end to end connectivity (between SAP ERP and SAP HCI), the backend (SAP ERP) certificate needs to be included in the iFlow in Eclipse.

2.5  Authorizations

The following authorizations are required:

Role / Description / Comment /
Integration Developer / Default role / SAP HCI

In the following table you will find an overview of the template standard roles which were used during the package build. For productive use, copy them and adjust them as necessary. In addition, an authorization concept has to be defined and implemented accordingly. For details check the related product documentation.

Composite Role / Description / Comment /
SAP_XI_ADMINISTRATOR / Contains authorizations for technical configuration and administration of PI / SAP NW PI
SAP_XI_CONFIGURATOR / Contains authorizations for the configuration of integration content / SAP NW PI
SAP_XI_CONTENT_ORGANIZER / Contains authorizations for organization of the content of the ES Repository, Integration Directory, and the System Landscape Directory / SAP NW PI
SAP_XI_DEVELOPER / Contains authorizations for the design and development of integration content in the ES Repository and for proxy generation / SAP NW PI
SAP_XI_MONITOR / Contains authorizations for monitoring message processing / SAP NW PI

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