P.O. BOX 506


(423) 496-3546


The Board of City Commissioners met in regular session on May 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

with Mayor Talley presiding. The meeting open was opened by the Pledge to the Flag and Invocation led by Bud Taylor. Roll call consisted of Mayor James Talley, Commissioner Doug Collins, and Commissioner Brad Miller.

I: Mayor Talley made a motion to approve the minutes as distributed. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mayor Talley yes, Commissioner Collins yes, Commissioner Miller yes.

II: Reports from the Board:

  1. The Kleenco Company engineer has completed the plans for the Light Project on Main Street and Highway 68 and the plans have been sent to the Rural Development for approval.
  2. The closing on the purchase of the Bradford building was on April 9th , since funds to rehab the building will come from the city’s revolving fund, handled by the Development District, Beth Jones with the Development District will give ideas and send an inspector to get information on the building.
  3. Cell tower company has approved the site for the cell tower, city attorney, Laura Crawford is looking over the lease to see if everything is in order. Tower should be operational in three months.
  4. BMXPark is going well, Corporation getting sponsors.
  5. No recommendation from the Housing Board to appoint a member to replace Darlene Byrd at this time.
  6. Mayor attended the Hospital Board meeting, representatives are doing their jobs.
  7. Commissioner Collins reported on the Lighting Project Grant for $40,000.00. Congressman Zach Wamp and others from the Rural Development were present for the check presentation. Had a real good turn out.

Old Business:

  1. Mayor Talley discussed the down payment and first two payments on purchasing the Bradford and stated that it should be paid out of the Building Fund in this fiscal years budget, making it a new item in the 2008-09 budget, Mayor Talley made a motion to pay the down payment and two payments out of the Building Fund. Commissioner Collins seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mayor Talley yes Commissioner Collins yes, Commissioner Miller yes.
  2. Mayor Talley made a motion to make an amendment to the 2007-08 budget by adding the Light Project grant of $40,000.00 to the General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Fund. (attached)

New Business:

  1. Mayor Talley presented the proposed budget resolution and budget for 2008-2009 fiscal year for the first reading. Commissioner Collins made a motion to accept the first reading of the 2008-09 proposed budget. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mayor Talley yes, Commissioner Collins yes, Commissioner Miller yes. Any and All changes will be made before the final adoption of the proposed budget on July 3rd.
  2. There was a discussion on the city tax rate for 2008 taxes, with new appraisals and a new certified tax rate from the State, Commissioners agreed to discuss further at the city’s workshop. No decision was made at this time.
  3. There was a discussion on selling city lots. One of the lots had been changed to a Ingress and Egress Street. Mayor Talley stated he had talked with MTAS consultant, Mike Tallent, about doing an amendment Resolution to have it changed back to a city lot. He is to get the information to us in a few days.

Mayor Talley made a motion to start the procedures to sale the lots. Commissioner Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Talley yes, Commissioner Collins yes, Commissioner Miller yes.

  1. There was a discussion on the hospital building on Main Street. The Hospital Corporate Board had gotten a loan from the city’s revolving fund for their sewer lines and have not been able to repay the loan, leaving them owing the city’s fund $32,601.00. Mayor Talley said he would discuss the matter with David Hyatt, Board member about doing a property swap. Commissioners agreed to discuss further when more information is received.
  2. The Museum sent a letter requesting a donation for the kid’s carnival on May 31st. Commissioner Collins suggested the Commission donate instead of using the city’s funds. Commission agreed.
  3. There was a discussion on adopting building codes for the city which were recommended by the State Planner and the Planning Commission in order to help with growth and annexations in the city. Mayor Talley made a motion to accept the 1st reading of the Ordinance of International Building Codes, being ordinance number 61 on the City records. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mayor Talley yes, Commissioner Collins yes, Commissioner Miller yes.
  4. There was a discussion on the Park. Picnic tables needed to be ordered, gazebo needs to be built, and a portable potty needed to be set up for the workers and those using the park.
  5. July 4th Activities were discussed. Vendors will have to get a form and pay a fee for booths. Mayor stated that he hoped to get volunteers to help with the stage roofing to keep the cost down. Commissioner Collins state that there would be a ca Cruise-In in the Peoples Bank parking lot the first Saturday of each month from May to October from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 pm.


  1. City workshop the 13th at 7:00 p.m.
  2. Planning Commission the 15th at 6:00 p.m.
  3. Events Committee the 8th and 22nd at 7:00 p.m.

With no further business Commissioner Collins made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Mayor Talley seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.