Decision of the Exchange Board of

JSC “The Crimean Stock Exchange”

(Minutes № 61

«21» / July / 2017

Chairman of the Exchange Board of

JSC “The Crimean Stock Exchange”

______М.S. Pelagenko

«21» / July / 2017

Time Specification for the Technological Operations Processing at the Organized Trading of the JSC “The Crimean Stock Exchange”

All the terms and definitions, used in the present Time Specification for the technological operations processing at the organized trading of the JSC “The Crimean Stock Exchange” are published in the Trading Rules for the commodity market of the JSC “The Crimean Stock Exchange” (hereinafter - the Trading Rules) and in the other internal documents of the JSC “The Crimean Stock Exchange”.

  1. Period of the technological (trading) operations of the pre-trading period

Period* / Operation
Till 09-00 of the day
Т-1 / Marginal Loan Deposit by the Auction Customer
The Auction Participant is to transfer money to the account of the Exchange not later the day of the Request for Proposal appliance. The Form of the Bank Transfer Receipt is given in the Form4 in the “Forms of the documents, presented by the Applicants/trading Participants and by the Stock Exchange under the rules of the JSC “The Crimean Stock Exchange”” (hereinafter – Forms of the presented documents).
Т-2days / Request for Proposal (hereinafter – the Request) for the trading processing.
The Request is formed by the Form N 14 of the Forms of the presented documents (at the condition of Proposal applying by the Trading Participant on the behalf of the Client - in the Form N14C):
-For the Auction Customer, who is the SEDF Participant, the Request is sent to the Exchange address in the form of the electronic document under the Rules of the EDF;
-For the Auction Customer, who is not the SEDF Participant, the Request is presented to the Exchange as an original document (in writing).
till 12-00 of the day
Т-1 / Forming and approval of the Auction(s) Specification(s)
The Stock Exchange forms and approves the Auction(s) Specification(s) on the basis of the Request in case it corresponds to the Form N14 (at the condition of Proposal applying by the Trading Participant on the behalf of the Client - in the Form N14C) of the Forms of the presented documents and under condition of the Marginal Loan deposit by the Auction Customer. Auction Specification is formed under the Appendix 1 to the Trading Rules and is approved by the Exchange Supervisory Board.
till 15-00 of the day
Т-1 / Publishing of the Trading Schedule and the Auction(s) Specification(s) at the Exchange site
After the Auction(s) Specification(s) is(are) approved, the Stock Exchange defines the Trading time under the Proposal and forms the Trading Schedule. Time of the mini-sessions processing beginning and finishing is defined under the Proposal.
Exchange Trading Schedule and the Auction(s) Specification(s) are published at the Exchange site.
till 09-00 of the day
Т / The Marginal Loan deposit by the Auction Participants
The Auction Customer is to provide the transfer of money to the account of the Stock Exchange at or before 18:00 of the working day preceding the day of the Auction. The Form of the Bank Transfer Receipt is given in the Form4 in the “Forms of the presented documents
till9-30 of the dayТ / Trading Participant’s deposit is shown in the Trading System
(10:00 – 16:00) of the day Т / The Trading Day, during which the Auctions are proceeded
The Trading Participants make the Applications in the Trading System.
  1. Period of processing the operations,connected with the Request’s Revocation

Period* / Operation
till 12-00 of the day
Т-1 / Appliance of the Notification of the Revocation of the Request for proposal (Request)
Auction Customer has the right to revoke his own Request (to withdraw from the Auction processing) any time, but not later than 1 (one) working day before the date of the Auction processing.
Auction Customer makes the Notification of the Revocation of the Request for proposal by the Form N 11 of the Forms of presented documents:
-For the Auction Customer, who is the SEDF Participant, the Notification is sent to the Exchange address in the form of the electronic document under the Rules of the EDF;
-For the Auction Customer, who is not the SEDF Participant, the Notification is presented to the Exchange as an original document (in writing).
till 17-00 of the day
Т-1 / Information of the Trading Participants of the Revocation of the Request for proposal via the Exchange site
till 18-00 of the day
Т-1 / Publication of the corrected Exchange Trading Schedule without the revoked Request at the Exchange site.
  1. Period of processing the operations, connected with the Trading results presentation

Period* / Operation
On the day Т,within one hour after the Trading close / Trading results forming and publishing of the information at the Exchange site
- Forming of the Applications Register in the Trading System;
- Forming of the Contracts Register in the Trading System;
- Forming of the Report of Trading processed during the day in the Trading System and publishing at the Exchange site.
On the dayТ, not after 20:00 of the local time / Serving out the Extracts from the Contracts Register to each trading Participant
Within one month, starting from the date of the trading Participant’s Application receiving / Serving out the Extract from the Applications Register to the trading Participant after his request
  1. Days of appliance of the Notifications from the trading Participants

Days / Operation
Т+10 / Notification of signing/non-signing of the Delivery Contract by the trading Participants:
-For the Auction Customer, who is the SEDF Participant, the Notification is sent to the Exchange address in the form of the electronic document under the Rules of the EDF;
-For the Auction Customer, who is not the SEDF Participant, the Notification is presented to the Exchange as an original document (in writing).
The Form of the Notification of signing/non-signing of the Delivery Contract is given in the Form 12A in the Forms of presented Documents.
Д(D)+5 / Notification of Fulfillment/Non-fulfillment of the Requirements under the Contract of Delivery:
-For the Auction Customer, who is the SEDF Participant, the Notification is sent to the Exchange address in the form of the electronic document under the Rules of the EDF;
-For the Auction Customer, who is not the SEDF Participant, the Notification is presented to the Exchange as an original document (in writing).
The Notification of Fulfillment/Non-fulfillment of the Requirements under the Contract of Delivery is given in the Form 12B in the Forms of presented Documents.
Д(D)*+1 / Release of the Marginal Loan (excluding the Exchange charge)of the trading Participant in case of receiving:
­From the Auction Customer - Notification of fulfillment of the requirements under the signed Delivery Contract by the Winning Bidder;
­From the Winning Bidder - Notification of fulfillment of the requirements under the signed Delivery Contract by the Auction Customer.
  1. Days of settling the payments by the trading results

Days / Operation
Д(D)**+10 / Chargeback of available (unblocked) cash assets of the Marginal Loan (excluding the Exchange charge) to the trading Participant, in case of receiving from him the Order of the Marginal Loan Chargeback. The Form of the Order is given in the Form 5 in the Forms of presented Documents.
Д(D)+10 / Marginal Loan debiting as a penalty charge (excluding the Exchange charge) in favour of theaffected Partyunder p.5.20 of the Trading Rules.

Any mentioning the time means Moscow time (MSK).

Period of processing* - is defined by the amount of working days.

In other case – by the amount of calendar days. At this, if the day of processing falls on the day-off/holiday, it is postponed to the next after it working day of the Stock Exchange.

Т – the day of the Auction processing.

Д(D) - Term (period) of delivery (from the Specification).

Д(D)* – the day of Stock Exchange receiving of Notification from the trading Participants.

Д(D)** – the day of Stock Exchange receiving of Order of the Marginal Loan Chargeback from the trading Participant.

At technical deficiency in the trading system arising, the pointed time of the operations processing can be changed without the preliminary information of the trading Participants.