The Curriculum Learning Communities (CLC) project will help early learning programs implement developmentally appropriate curricula. Initially, it will supportearly learning programs that use Creative Curriculum or HighScope Curriculum, with plans to include other approved curricula in the future. CLC is based on best practices and lessons learned from thelocal Ready Schools Miami project and other local and national early childhood curriculum implementation initiatives.
Year One: August, 2009-June, 2010
The goals of the Curriculum Learning Communities project are to:
- improve fidelity and accountability for curriculum implementation through job embedded professional development;
- empower programs and teachers by building onsite capacity through innovative strategies and systematic training and support; and
- assist Quality Counts centers in making progress in their quality rating.
Each Curriculum Learning Community will consist of groups of 15-20 centers that are implementing the same curriculum. The group will work together to implement the curriculum over time, share successes, and work to solve challenges.A total of 4 CLCs – one each ofInfant/Toddler Creative Curriculum, Preschool Creative Curriculum, Infant/Toddler HighScope and Preschool HighScope- will be created Year 1; for a total of 80 teachers.
Each center will select two peer facilitators, ideally one infant/toddler and one preschool. The peer facilitators will:
- Receive training on how to implement a learning community at their program so the entire program can benefit from the trainings;
- Complete 18-20 days of training on either Creative Curriculum or HighScope and 5-7 days of Peer Facilitator’s training over more than a year;
- Work with peers on-site to implement the approach between each training;
- Provide feedback to each other and the trainers on what worked (and didn’t);
- Participate in Learning Showcases to share what they have learned over the CLC;
- Over the course of the CLC, increase appropriate implementation of the curriculum approach, providing higher quality care and education for young children and their families.
In addition to the specialized training, centers will be able to access curriculum materials, incentives to cover staff time, support from the learning communities to ensure successful implementation,and ongoing coordination and follow up.
Year Two: August, 2010- June, 2011
The goals above remain for a new group of programs (or for some programs that might send a different teacher to training)
The following goals apply to participants in Cohort one (those trained in year one). This group has completed 18-20 days of training plus 5 days of peer facilitator training, so now they are in need of targeted follow-up support to continue the process of integrating curriculum knowledge into teaching practices and continuing collaboration within and across centers.
The goals for Cohort One are:
- Utilize curriculum and program assessment tools for planning, self-reflection and continuous improvement.
- Facilitate ongoing curriculum learning conversations using specific protocols within their early learning program using specific protocols.
- Participate in ongoing professional learning opportunities using specific protocols with teachers from other early learning programs, such as posting and reviewing video clips of classroom activities, giving and receiving feedback on lesson plans, and sharing dilemmas.
- Continue to pursue knowledge, information and resources in the area of curriculum by participating in on-line training courses, webinars, forums, blogs, etc.
Additional goals for the overall CLC project include:
- Formation and training of a support team (Train the Trainer model). The plan includes building capacity of Quality Counts technical assistant staff as facilitative leaders.
- Identification of teachers that are implementing HighScope and Creative Curriculum with a high level of fidelity to be used as “model” classrooms. Determination will be based upon geographic location and language spoken to ensure that there is a diverse representation across the county.
- Identification of early learning programs that are implementing HighScope and Creative Curriculum with a high level of fidelity. These will serve as “model” programs for each region in the county.