Coaches Meeting

July 31, 2016

  1. Introduction

A.Sign up sheet – Sign up for all coaches – include name, phone number, e-mail address(This is the main form of communication between the board and coaches!).

B.FYSA Board member contact information provided in packet.

C.FYSA app – Download Florence Youth Soccer Association app for schedules for all teams and/or just your own. Important announcements are also made on the app. It truly is the best way for the Master Scheduler to get schedules out and update/revise schedules (cancelled games, game time changes, etc.). Field closures are also announced here. ENCOURAGE PARENTS TO DOWNLOAD THE APP TO SAVE YOURSELF TIME! The coaches’ code is FlorCoa45. Once this is done under settings, coaches can send mass messages to their teams through the app.

D.FYSA website for constitution and bylaws, contact information, pictures, etc. –

E.MSA website for tournament information, coaches’ clinics, referee certification, etc. –

F.FYSA EMAIL – o address any issues concerns, thoughts on league improvement. It will be viewed only by the Executive Committee.

G.COMPLAINTS/CONCERNS: ll official complaints must be received in writing to the President of FYSA.

H.FYSA Facebook page – Facebook/Florence Youth Soccer Association for updates, pictures, etc.

I.Contact Tom Cosgrave, DI/II Coordinator, with any questions concerning Flood, DII, private lessons, etc. 601-500-9823 or

J.Josh Cavanaugh, Director of Coaching, should be contacted for information about coaching clinics, coaching lesson plans, extra help with practices, etc.

IIFYSA Season Overview

A.Year in review

  1. Flood merger - 65-70 former FYSA players play for Flood now.
  2. Numbers are up from approximately 244 last year to approximately 311 this year.
  3. No U14 or U16 team last year, but we have a U14 coed and a U16 coed team this year.
  4. Park improvements
  1. Parking lot (diagonal lines and barriers)
  2. Adjusted goals
  3. New nets
  4. Two colors for big field (U12 one and U14/U16 the other)
  5. Display case on concession stand
  6. Field map in display case along with highlights
  7. Field signs for new fields
  8. Backstops thanks to the efforts and contributions on behalf of the City Council, FYSA Board, and FFC’s U10 D2 Girls’ team (sign to be on fencing)
  9. State Champion banner for Bowen’s U10 girls’ rec. team
  10. Benches
  1. Highlights
  1. U8 River League Girls
  • Starkville Holiday Classic – Silver medals
  • SMSC All Star Classic – Gold medals
  1. U10 Rec. Girls
  • Bowen’s team – State Champions
  • Gould’s team – 4th in the state
  • Bowen’s team – District Champions
  • Gould’s team – 4th in the district
  • Bowen’s team – Gold medals at Rumble on the Rez
  • Bowen’s team – Gold medals at MSA Kohl’s Cup
  1. U10 D2 Girls
  • Tupelo’s DII Classic – Silver medals
  • Rust Tournament – Gold medals
  • President’s Cup – Silver medals
  • JFC Premier Cup – Gold medals
  • Alabama Soccer Festival - Champs
  • Kudzu Classic – Gold medals
  • State Games – Bronze medals
  1. U10 D2 Boys
  • Starkville Holiday Classic – Silver medals
  • Bill Griffiths Invitational – Gold medals
  • Alabama Soccer Festival – Champs
  • JFC Premier Cup – Gold medals
  • State Games – Gold medals
  1. U12 Rec. Boys
  • Miller’s team – Silver medals at Rumble on the Rez
  • Miller’s team – Gold medals at the Pearl Fall Festival
  1. U12 D2 Boys
  • Starkville’s Frostbite Tournament – Gold medals
  • Tupelo’s DII Classic – Gold medals

B.Policy review – included in packet

C.Calendar review – Section VII

D.Opening Ceremonies – On Aug. 27, 2016,we will have our annual parade and day of games to kick off the year. It is MANDATORY that ALL teams participate (feel free to dress up, make signs, play games, etc.). Games will begin immediately following the parade. Coaching sessions may also be available and are required of all coaches.

E.Field support/maintenance –The park director and field directors are responsible for making sure fields are ready for games (grass is cut, lines are visible, etc.).If coaches see a problem, they should inform the park director John Mickle by email at or call 601-259-6226 ASAP. Please also copy your report to the field directors, the mayor nd the FYSA President. The week before Opening Ceremonies and the week before spring games begin, mandatory work days are required of coaches and board members. You will sign up for a day and time before leaving the coaches’ meeting today.

F.Coach/ref certification – All head and assistant coaches are required to be certified. Go to MSA website to take register for classes and we will let coaches know by e-mail when field sessions are scheduled (keep checking MSA website). Contact Josh Cavanaugh, Director of Coaching, with any questions601-543-8940 or John Hart if interested in becoming a referee or you know someone 12 or older that would be interested.

G.Sponsors – Each coach is responsible for securing a sponsor for their team. These fees will be used to offset the cost of team uniforms. Sponsor may provide logo to be added to team uniform. Uniforms will not be ordered until sponsor fees are received.

U4/5/6 - $175U7/8$250


H.Draft – Procedure is included in packet and to follow coaches’ meeting. Coordinators will oversee.

I.Team Information Sheets/Uniform Orders-Included in packet and MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE DRAFT!

J.Coach Conduct – All coaches must sign the FYSA Coach Code of Conduct form, which will be turned in to the Age Group Coordinator before games begin.

K.Parent Conduct – All parents must sign the FYSA Parent Code of Conduct form. These will all be turned in to your Age Group Coordinator before games begin.

L.KidSafe – This MUST be completed BEFORE coaches and Assistant Coaches can have any contact with the players!!

M.Pictures – Ricky Styron will contact all coaches within the first two weeks of games starting to schedule a time to take pictures before a game or in the Sports Department.

  1. FYSA Playing Formats

A.U4/5* – 3v3 format. Games are 4 – 8 minute quarters. Coaches alternate as “referee” for the game. No additional adults allowed on field other than “referee.”

B.U6* – 3v3 format. Games are 4 - 8 minute quarters. Coaches alternate as “referee” for the game. No additional adults allowed on the field other than “referee.”

C.U8* – 4v4 or 5v5with goalkeeper format. Games are 4-10 minute quarters. FYSA provides a Center Referee. All kicks are indirect. No goals scored from defending side of field. If playing 5v5, there will be a build out line. No punting is allowed.

D.U10 – 7v7 format. Games are 4-12 minute quarters. FYSA provides Center Referee and two Assistant Referees (AR’s). There is a build out line. No punting is allowed.

E.U12 – 9v9 format. Games are 4-15 minute quarters.

F.U14 – 11 v11 format. Games are 4 – 17 minute quarters.

G.U16 – 11 v 11 format. Games are 4-20 minute quarters.

H.U19 – 11 v 11 format. Games are 2-45 minute halves. Players must participate in each half.

*3v3 and 4v4 soccer is meant to be played in a less structured environment in order to maximize fun and participation

**The build out line in U8 and U10 is meant to promote playing the ball unpressured in the back setting, which is why there is no punting. The goalie may roll, pass, or throw to a teammate outside the build out line. After the keeper puts the ball in play, opposing players may cross the build out line (runs across the field from one sideline to the other 14 yards from goal line. The goalie in U8 may not play more than one quarter in the goal.

  1. Cancellation Policy. FYSA requires a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you need to cancel a game, you must contact the Master Scheduler Chris Jones or 601-601-473-6099 AND the Ref Assignor John Hart 601-506-1819. If the cancellation policy is not followed, it will be considered a forfeit for your team record.
  1. Age Group Training – EveryMonday starting Sept. 12 and ending Oct. 17. U4-U8 will be 6PM-7PM and U10-U16 will be 7PM-8PM. Cost for six weeks is $50 or $10 a session. For players interested in playing DII, they must attend at least two sessions, which will also be used as their tryout. Sessions will also be offered in the spring.
  1. Division II

A.All requests to coach a Division II team must be received IN WRITING by the President and DII coordinator (Tom Cosgrave)


C.Coaches may submit early notification if they wish to form a pool for tournament play in September. Deadline for early submission is by the end of the first week of practice.

D.Late submission requests must be received by September 30, 2016.

E.A DII coach information meeting will be held for an overview of the FYSA DII policies at a later date.

  1. Calendar


7/31 - DRAFTS


8/7 – DII early letter of intent to coach

****All coaches and assistants must be KidSafe approved before their practice begins********


8/27 – FYSA Fall Season begins with OPENING CEREMONIES

9/30 –FINAL DEADLINE for DII request to coach

10/30 – FYSA Fall Season End

FYSA Board Members 2016-2017

Position / FYSA Board Member / Email/Cell Phone
President/Tournament Director / Virginia Miller /
Vice President / Chris Jones /
Secretary/PR-Tech Rep / Corri Jordan /
Treasurer/Financial Manager / Amber Raymond /
Registrar/KidSafe Coordinator / Tammy Watts /
Uniform Coordinator / Randi Lynne Evans /
Field Directors / Zach Lilley
James Aron McGowan /

Head Referee/Referee Assignor / John Hart /
Director of Coaching / Josh Cavanaugh /
Division I/II Coordinator / Tom Cosgrave /
Master Scheduler / Chris Jones /
U4 Age Group Coordinator / Randi Lynne Evans /
U5 Age Group Coordinator / Josh Taylor /
U6 Age Group Coordinator / James Aron McGowan /
U8 Age Group Coordinator / Josh Boyd /
U10 Age Group Coordinator / Corri Jordan /
U12/U14/U16/U19 Age Group Coordinator / Virginia Miller /

Division III Team Formation Process (Draft)

FYSA Team Selection Guidelines – FYSA draft focus is to equitably divide teams within the league. In an effort to make the team selection process fair, the following procedures will be utilized:

Pre-Draft Activities

Prior to the fall draft, the Age Group Coordinator will determine the number of teams to be formed based upon the number of registered players in the age division and the roster size recommended by FYSA. The Age Group Coordinator shall secure coaches for that number of teams. The Age Group Coordinator shall determine the percentage of older and younger players registered in his/her age division. Based upon this percentage and the number of teams to be formed, the League Age Group Coordinator shall determine the number of players of each age, from the older and younger groups, that each team must contain when the draft is concluded. The Age Group Coordinator must be certain that, if the number of players in each age is not evenly divisible by the number of teams, the variation in age group between the teams do not exceed one player in the Fall draft and must be within the MSA limits of 15 percent, cited above, after the Spring draft. The Age Group Coordinator must not allow teams to exceed the allotted numbers of players per age group while selections are being made.

The Player Selection Order for the Fall Draft

The fall draft will begin by determining the order of player selection. A procedure, such as drawing straws or drawing numbers out of a hat, must be acceptable to the coach or a representative from each team. The first round will begin in the order drawn. Each round will consist of one player selection per team. After each round, the order of selection will reverse itself. That is, if there are five teams, the order will be teams 1 through 5 in round one, then it will continue from teams 5 through 1 in round two. Reversing the order of each successive round will continue until all players are assigned. The Age Group Coordinator must be certain that no team exceeds the age leveling criteria. There is no restriction on the selection order of players of each age chosen by each team in the regular draft as long as each team does not exceed the maximum number of players permitted in each age group as determined by the Age Group Coordinator prior to the draft and described above.

Governing Rules in Initial Rounds for the Fall Draft

The initial rounds of the Fall Draft shall be conducted in the following manner:

1) The First Round of the Fall Draft shall be an open round. Any player in the player pool other than coaches’ children may be selected in this round.

2)A child of the Coach will be chosen in the Second Round in the reverse order of player selection described above. If the Coach does not have a child that will play on the team, he/she shall select a child of the Assistant Coach in the Second Round, if one exists in the player pool. If there is no child of the Coach or Assistant Coach, then any remaining player from the player pool may be selected in the Second Round.

3)A child of the Assistant Coach of each team will be chosen in the Third Round in the order of player selection. If a team has no designated Assistant Coach, but the Coach has a second child in the player pool, he/she shall select that child in the Third Round. Otherwise, the Coach may select any remaining player from the player pool in the Third Round when his/her turn arrives.

4)Remaining children of the Coach and Assistant Coach shall be drafted beginning in the fourth round. The Coach’s children shall be selected first followed by those of the Assistant Coach in consecutive rounds until all Coaches’ children are drafted.

5)All subsequent rounds are open rounds until all players are chosen, except for those which involve players with siblings in the player pool. The player selection requirements for other siblings are described below.

6)Other Siblings

If brothers and/or sisters exist in the player pool that are not children of a coach or assistant coach, these children must be chosen by the same team in consecutive rounds once the first of the siblings are chosen. If parents request that their children not be placed on the same team, they will be treated like any other players in the draft. Only two members of the same family are required to be drafted to the same team to avoid unusual absence problems stemming from family illnesses, etc.


Team Name______Jersey Color______

Head Coach:




H. Phone______W. Phone______C.Phone______

Date of Birth______E-Mail Address______

Assistant Coach:




H. Phone______W. Phone______C. Phone______

Date of Birth______E-Mail Address______



Draft Coordinator______

Registrar ______Date ______

City of Florence Uniform Order

Coach Name______Age Group______Boys Girls

Circle One

Coach Phone: Home______Cell______Work______

Team Name______Coach E-Mail ______

Sponsor name:______Total # of Players:______


X-Small / Small
Small / Medium
Medium / Large
Large / X-Large

SocksCoach Jersey

Jersey Color______Screen Color (black/white)______

Short Color______Sock Color______

**Jersey Logo (Team Name/Sponsor Name)______

**All uniforms will have either the logo/team name on front of jersey. Please provide us with an actual sponsor logo for your team. If no sponsor or team logo is provided, your team name will be put in block letters on front of uniform.

Coach Signature: ______Date:______

Code of Ethics for Players

a. I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches,

officials and parents at all times.

b. I will remember that soccer is an opportunity to learn and have fun.

c. I deserve to play in an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco,

and alcohol; and expect everyone to refrain from their use at all

soccer games.

d. I will do the best I can each day, remembering that all players have

talents and weaknesses the same as I do.

e. I will treat my coaches, other players and coaches, game officials,

other administrators, and fans with respect at all times; regardless

of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and I will expect to be treated


f. I will concentrate on playing soccer. Always giving my best effort.

g. I will play by the rules at all times.

h. I will at all times control my temper, resisting the temptation to


i. I will exercise self control.

j. Conduct during competition towards play of the game and all

officials shall be in accordance with appropriate behavior and in

accordance with FIFA's "Laws of the Game", and in adherence to

FYSA rules.

k. While traveling, shall conduct themselves so as to bring credit to

themselves and their team.

l. Alcohol, illegal drugs and unauthorized prescription drugs

shall not be possessed, consumed or distributed before,

during or after any game or at any other time at the field

and/or game complex.

Failure to comply with the FYSA Code of Ethics may result in the suspension of the privilege to participate in FYSA sanctioned events.


Print Name





Code of Ethics for Coaches/Volunteers

a. I will never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare

of all players

b. I will always show respect for players, other coaches, and game


c. I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship at

all times.

d. I will demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the game, and teach

these rules to my players.

e. I will never use abusive or insulting language. I will treat everyone