“Staying Healthy At Work”
aSHaWd Accreditation
Self Assessment/Storyboard
aSHaWd Accreditation
The following tableoutlines the requirements needed to achieve the Staying Healthy at Work aSHaWdAccreditation.
The aSHaWd accreditation is designed to encourage organisations and individuals to put their ideas and approaches into practice and work towards getting strong health and wellbeing foundations in place. The aSHaWd framework is based on the Investors on People Health and Wellbeing award which is build on a broad plan, do, review principle designed to be flexible and not prescriptive, but ensure that health and wellbeing is being considered and integrated within organisational activity and plans.
In order to achieve the aSHaWd accreditation you will need to ensure that your organisation has actions in place to demonstrate that you are meeting all of the evidence requirements in black in the first column (taken from the Investors in People Health and Wellbeing Good Practice Award) and the SHaW requirements in the second column.
Read through the first two columns and think about what your organisation is doing to achieve the requirements. Tell us what is going on in your organisation in the ‘supportive evidence’ column. Bullet points are fine and remember to include examples ofstaff stories/comments about what has been happening. We’d love to see photographs, newsletters, press releases, posters or leaflets if you have them!
The right hand side column ‘action plan to develop’ is for you to list how you are going to develop this area and move the health and wellbeing approach forward in your organisationto meet all the greyed-out areas in the first column.
Once you have filled out the two right hand side columns, attach your photos etc. and send it in to the Staying Healthy at Work Team (). Your evidence base/storyboard will then be validated by a trained reviewer. They will assess the information you have supplied, possibly ask you to provide some evidence,and let you know if you’ve reached the aSHaWd standards. Once all the requirements are achieved you will receive an aSHaWd certificate demonstrating that you are an organisation concentrating on the health and wellbeing of your staff!
Staying Healthy at Work/Investors in People Health and Wellbeing Good Practice Award
aSHaWd lays the foundations for the Staying Healthy at Work/Investors in People Health and Wellbeing good practice award. The evidence requirements greyed out are not needed to be in place for aSHaWd, only plans on how they will be covered in future. These grey requirements are needed for the full SHaW/IIP Health and Wellbeing Award and therefore aSHaWd is an excellent stepping stone towards meeting the full Award.
The Staying Healthy at Work/Investors in People Award is more rigorous and requires a higher level/more integrated health and wellbeing approach. The assessment for the Award follows an interview approach, where trained Investors in People assessors will come and discuss evidence with a sample of people across your organisation.
If you are interested in working towardsbeing assessed for the full Staying Healthy at Work/Investors in People Award please contact us.
Please contact us if you’d like any further information:
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Annie Cooper, Programme Lead
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07949 685113
There is a brief overview of what the assessors will be looking for each stage of the award below. The following pages outline all of the evidence requirements in greater detail.
Planning stage
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy
This section is about ensuring that the organisation has strong foundations for integrating health and wellbeing. There will need to be evidence that there is a clear health and wellbeing vision which has evolved from the needs of the organisation and its workforce.
- Health and Wellbeing Resources
Once the vision/strategy has been identified there will need to be resources allocated to put this in to practice. Please note that these resources do not have to be financial. Decisions regarding evaluation methods are important at this stage.
- People Management Strategies
Ensuring that your health and wellbeing initiatives are delivered in a fair way is a vital component of the award. The organisation should promote equality of opportunity and work-life balance.
- Leadership and Management Strategies
Managers must have the right knowledge and capabilities to be supportive to staff, not just with Health and Wellbeing needs, but also within day-to-day working. Staff should be able to illustrate what their manager should be doing to lead, manage and develop them effectively.
‘Doing’ Stage
- Management Effectiveness
Managers should be effective in leading, managing and developing, and supporting health and wellbeing needs across the organisation. It is important that managers and staff are having regular discussions about health and wellbeing needs and that staff are receiving constructive feedback on their performance.
- Recognition and Reward
People’s contributions to an organisation should be recognised and valued. This will be looked at on an individual, team and organisation level.
- Involvement and Empowerment
It is important that staff are involved in decisions and are empowered to input ideas at a level that is appropriate to their role. Staff should be encouraged to take ownership and responsibility of their own health and wellbeing needs and be supported in doing so.
- Effective Health and Wellbeing
In this section the assessor will be looking for evidence that the organisational approach to health and wellbeing is effective and meets the needs of the workforce. Staff should be aware of the organisation health and wellbeing approach throughout their recruitment, induction and reviews.
Review Stage
- Performance Measurement
It is essential that the health and wellbeing activities in place make a difference to the performance of the organisation and individuals. Monitoring what is being put in place is important. Results do not always have to be positive, but should always link in to indicator 10: continuous improvement.
- Continuous Improvement
Once the impact of your health and wellbeing activities has been identified you will need to make continuous improvements to ensure that plans are positively managed and developed.
Introduction to the Organisation
Please explain some of the background of the organisation so that the Health and Wellbeing evidence can be taken in context.It’s very helpful to have areas such as numbers of people, overview of purpose with products and services, structure of senior management team and departments, number of sites and locations, recent changes, and who’s been involved in putting together the evidence for this self assessment.01 / HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY
A strategy for improving people’s health and wellbeing is clearly defined and understood
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
MANAGERS / 1. Top managers have a clear and consistent understanding of health and wellbeing, which is appropriate to the organisation
2. Top Managers make sure the organisation has a clear purpose and vision supported by a strategy for improving its performance
3. Top managers make sure the organisation has a strategy or plan with measurable success criteria to improve the health and wellbeing of its people
4. Top managers ensure the health and wellbeing strategy or plan is based on the assessment of people and organisational needs and is supported by appropriate and well communicated policies.
5. Top managers can explain how the organisation has consulted its people (including representative groups where appropriate) when developing the health and wellbeing strategy or plan /
- Develop, and ensure that all managers and staff know of the Health and Wellbeing plan that sets out organisational policies and priorities including:
- Mental Health/Stress management
- Smoking cessation, management, referral and signposting
- Healthy Eating
- Health and Safety
- Physical activity
- Alcohol Management
- Substance misuse
- Absence management
- Supportive management practice
- Assess health and wellbeing needs in the workplace and develop an action plan
- Ensure that the health and wellbeing approach is linked together (e.g. by the use of a health and wellbeing brand)
MGRS / 6. Managers know the health and wellbeing needs of their team and can explain what activities they are planning to support them
7. Managers make sure their teams have a plan with measurable success criteria to improve the health and wellbeing of their people.
PEOPLE / 8. People can explain how their managers have involved them in assessing health and wellbeing needs
9. People (including representatives groups where appropriate) can describe how they have been consulted when the organisation is developing the health and wellbeing strategy or plan.
Activities are resourced to meet the organisation’s health and wellbeing needs
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
- Top managers make sure the organisation has the resources it needs to implement health and wellbeing plans
- Set up a ‘Staying Healthy at Work’ working group, which has resources available to be effective, and is progressing to:
- Have Board/Senior level support;
- develop a health and wellbeing Plan with success criteria which are regularly monitored
- encourage and enable staff engagement
- coordinate events relating to organisational health and wellbeing priorities
- signpost local health and wellbeing activities
- work with Management to make positive health and wellbeing changes across the organisation e.g. ensuring access to healthy food choices and physical activities, referral to smoking cessation services
- People are aware of the health and wellbeing resources available
- Managers confirm that the team has the resources it needs to implement agreed health and wellbeing activities
- People confirm that resources are available to meet their agreed health and wellbeing needs
Strategies for people’s health and wellbeing are designed to promote equality of opportunity and work-life balance
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
MGRS / 1. Top managers can describe how the health and wellbeing of the organisation’s people is supported in an appropriate and fair way reflecting their different needs.
- Top managers can describe strategies they have in place to support work-life balance to meet the needs of the organisation and its people
- Show that health and wellbeing issues and priorities in
- Smoking cessation, management, referral and signposting
- Healthy Eating
- Health and Safety
- Physical activity
- Alcohol Management
- Substance misuse
- Absence management
- Supportive management practice
are incorporated into policies, induction, job roles and appraisal systems.
- Demonstrate that staff are supported by their managers and are encouraged to identify their roles and responsibilities in relation to health and wellbeing.
- Raise awareness of the options available for flexible working; e.g. compressed hours, annualised hours, job share.
- The health and wellbeing approach is progressing towards full equality and diversity by considering that different issues for different sectors for the workplace population are considered.
MANAGERS / 3. Managers can describe how the health and wellbeing of their team is supported in an appropriate and fair way, reflecting the different needs.
- Managers can describe how they make sure work-life balance solutions are effectively put into practice.
- People can describe the support available for health and wellbeing and confirm it is provided in an appropriate and fair way.
- People can describe how they are supported in balancing their work and personal lives.
The capabilities managers need to lead, manage, develop and support people’s health and wellbeing needs are clearly defined and understood
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
- Top managers can describe the knowledge, skills and behaviours managers need to lead, manage and develop people effectively, and the plans they have in place to make sure managers have these capabilities.
- Top managers can explain what managers are expected to do to support health and wellbeing and managers are provided with the help they need to develop their capabilities
- Staff understand what the organisation expects of a ‘good manager’.
- Managers are supportive of staff and are developingtheir knowledge in order to:
-understand and identify their role in the health and wellbeing plan
-actively support health and wellbeing initiatives
-have the ability to deal with health and wellbeing issues in the workplace
-demonstrate knowledge of what supports a mentally healthy workplace; e.g. Mindful Employer, Mental Health First Aid
- demonstrate how carers are supported in the workplace
- A System of risk assessment and accident reporting is in use, and actions identified
- Managers can describe the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to lead, manage and develop people effectively
- Managers at all levels understand what they need to do to support health and wellbeing activities and confirm that they are provided with the help they need to develop the capabilities.
- People can describe what their manager should be doing to lead, manage and develop them effectively
- People can describe what their manager should be doing to support health and wellbeing needs.
Managers are effective in leading, managing and developing, and supporting their health and wellbeing needs
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
- Managers can explain how they are effective in supporting the health and wellbeing of their team
- Managers can give examples of how they give people constructive feedback on their performance regularly and when appropriate
- Managers confirm they regularly discuss appropriate health and wellbeing activities with individual team members.
- Health and wellbeing is being incorporated into regular individual feedback and formal processes that may exist, e.g. appraisals/team meetings
- Managers demonstrate follow up on staff needs; including consideration of mental health and wellbeing in new job design.
- Managers promote Occupational Health services where they exist or direct to local Health (NHS) services or contact.
- There are examples of managers who lead by example and pro-actively support the health and wellbeing approach.
- People can explain how their managers are effective in supporting their health and wellbeing needs.
- People can give examples of how they receive constructive feedback on their performance regularly and when appropriate.
- People can confirm that their own appropriate health and wellbeing activities are regularly discussed.
People’s contribution to the organisation is recognised and valued
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
RS /
- Managers can give examples of how they recognise and value people’s contribution to the organisation.
- Staff are recognised for their achievements.
- Individual success in health and wellbeing is recognised and publicised.
- Team and corporate successes are publicised across the organisation.
- People can describe how they contribute to the organisation and believe they make a positive difference to its performance.
- People can describe how their contribution to the organisation is recognised and valued.
People are encouraged to take ownership and responsibility by being involved in decision-making and are given information about health and wellbeing
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
MANAGERS / 1. Managers can describe how they promote a sense of ownership and responsibility by encouraging people to be involved in decision-making. /
- Staff get feedback from accident reporting and have some engagement in risk management and improvement systems.
- Employers are mindful of health and wellbeing in job role design, e.g. workload, autonomy, variety of task, working environment, job content.
- Staff understand the importance of their own role and responsibilities in their health and wellbeing at work e.g. healthy eating, physical exercise, workload responsibilities etc.
- There is clear sign posting to health and wellbeing services, support services and updates.
PEOPLE / 2. People can describe how they are encouraged to be involved in decision-making that affects the performance of the individuals, teams and the organisation, at a level that is appropriate to their role.
3. People can describe how they are encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for decisions that affect individuals, teams and the organisation, at a level that is appropriate to their role.
4. People can describe how they are given information and support in relation to health and wellbeing activities.
The organisation’s approach to people’s health and wellbeing is effective
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
S / 1. Managers can explain how their team’s health and wellbeing related needs are met.
2. Managers can confirm that the organisation’s approach to health and wellbeing is explained during recruitment and induction activities /
- Managers are developing an awareness of the benefits of the health and wellbeing approach for all staff and what is available to support that
- Health and wellbeing needs are discussed e.g. during performance reviews, team meetings and one-to-one meetings.
PEOPLE / 3. People can describe how their health and wellbeing related needs are met.
4. People can confirm that the organisation’s approach to health and wellbeing is explained during recruitment and induction activities.
Investment in people’s health and wellbeing makes a difference to the performance of the organisation.
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
- Top managers can explain the impact their health and wellbeing activities have had on the organisation and how they use this information to develop future plans.
- Performance measurements are in place and monitored for:
-Accidents and accident reporting
-Sickness and absence
-Staff retention
-Staff turnover
- People are aware of what health and wellbeing means within the organisation and what is provided
S /
- Managers can explain the impact of health and wellbeing activities on the organisation and their team.
- People can explain the impact of health and wellbeing activities on them personally
Improvements are continually made to the way health and wellbeing is managed and developed.
aSHaWd Requirements / Supportive Evidence(for black and blue text) / Action Plan to develop(for grey text)
- Top managers can show that they are continuously reviewing their health and wellbeing activities and make improvements where necessary.
- Top managers can explain how they use people’s feedback as part of the review of the organisation’s approach to health and wellbeing.
- The Health and Wellbeing Plan, policies and approach are reviewed on a regular basis.
- Improvements are made as appropriate
- Plans reflect feedback from staff
- Plans incorporate good practice as a result of sharing and learning
- Managers share and inform regarding health and wellbeing good practice
- Managers can show that they are continuously reviewing their teams’ health and wellbeing activities and make improvements where necessary
- Managers can explain how they use people’s feedback to review and improve their approach to health and wellbeing.
- People can describe how they are involved in continuously reviewing health and wellbeing activities and identifying improvements.
- People can confirm that examples of good practice and experiences are shared and recognised.
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