Southern Local
High SchoolCheerleading
Cheerleading Mission Statement
The purpose of this cheerleading squad is to be a source of encouragement and spirit for the school’s athletic programs. The squad should strive toenhance school spirit,teach good sportsmanship, andincrease positive crowd involvement.
1. All cheerleading activities are mandatory, including practice!Cheerleaders are expected to always be ontime. Times will be designated by the coach during the season. A calendar of events will be provided in a timely manner. In case of emergency or illness, the parent must contact the coachby phone on the day of the emergency BEFORE the scheduled practice,performance, meeting or game. If not notified prior to the scheduled event, then the absence will remain unexcused.
2. Two unexcused absences from practice, performance, meeting or game will result in removal from the squad. This includes excuses given that are proven to be false.
3. A squad member that does not follow the Appearance guidelines will be benched. Three bench slips will result in removal from the squad.
4. If a squad member has an unexcused absence from a practice prior to a game, they will be required to sit a quarter or period.
5. A squad member may be required to sit for any special performances if they are unprepared. This is not a punishment.
6.A broken school rule will not only result in a typical school punishment, but also from cheerleading.
(EX/ Physical fighting in school will result in the suspension from practices, performances, meetings and games as decided by the coach.)
7. Each cheerleader is required to stay eligible. Grades will be monitored by the Athletic Department. Should there be a failingoverall grade, parents will be notified by the head coach and the appropriate actions will be taken.
8. No squad member is permitted to leave school grounds unless the coach has been notified.
9. Your cheerleading uniform is only to be worn by you at cheerleading events, or when approved by the coach. It is not a costume; it is not a prop; it is not a toy. Uniforms are expensive to replace. Show respect to your school and squad by handling it appropriately.
10. All cheerleading rules will be interpreted and carried out by the coach under the guidance of the athletic director. Interpretation of these rules is at the strict discretion of the coach.
Student Initial: ______Parent(s) Initial: ______
1. Uniforms must be kept neat, clean and pressed. Losses of any part of the uniformmust be replaced by the cheerleader. This uniform includes skirt (provided), shell (provided), short white socks, undershirt (provided), briefs, andshoes.
2. Hair must be tied back so it is off the face. Alllong bangs must be sprayed or pinned back. Any hair accessories must be discreet and color appropriate.
3. Makeup and fingernail polish must be natural.
4. Gum chewing is not permitted while at practice or during a game.
5. NO jewelry is permitted to be worn during practices, games or performances. This includes earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, watches, tongue, eyebrow ornavel piercing. If worn to a game or practice, the cheerleader will be instructed toremove such articles. The ONLY exception is a medical medallion or religiouscharm which must be worn taped to the skin.
6. NO visible tattoos.
Student Initial: ______Parent(s) Initial: ______
1. Whether at home or away games, cheerleaders must display proper conductbefore, during and after all games. Each cheerleader is expected to maintain goodmoral behavior, show cordial courtesy to visiting teams, spectators and eachother. Squads must be respectful of visiting cheerleaders and of the gameofficials. It does not matter who “started it”! Cheerleaders are important representatives of our school and arevery visible to everyone. Improper conduct will result in immediate actions taken by the coach!
2. Possessing/ Using: alcohol, tobacco or other drugs will result in removal from the squad. No exceptions.
3. Disrespect to the cheerleading coach will result in dismissal fromthe squad, practice, season or game at the discretion of the coach.
Inappropriate behavior and defiance will NOT be tolerated.
4. Bullying is not permitted in ANY form. It will result in immediate consequences as deemed appropriate by the coach.
Student Initial: ______Parent(s) Initial: ______
I agree to the previously stated mission statement, goals, rules, appearance, and conduct for the upcoming cheerleading season.
Parent(s) Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______