
The Department of Health and Community Care (ACT Health) aims to increase the community’s capacity for healthy living by planning, providing and purchasing quality community based health services and major trauma and tertiary health care, managing public health risks and promoting health and early interventions, while at the same time ensuring that access to health services is fair and equitable and addresses the needs of disadvantaged groups.

ACT Health’s objectives are to:

  • increase the community’s capacity to live healthily;
  • ensure access to health and community services is fair and equitable;
  • ensure health services in the community are appropriate and of a high quality;
  • gain best value for the community through promoting efficiency and sound resource management;
  • meet consumers’ needs for services that are better coordinated and integrated;
  • ensure quality information drives effective decision making; and
  • build an effective organisation with a skilled, satisfied and accountable workforce.

200304 Highlights

Strategic and operational issues to be pursued in 200304 include:

  • improving the range and level of mental health services in the ACT by providing additional community based services, infrastructure support and accommodation, inpatient and 24 hour community beds together with specialist forensic and dementia services;
  • improving access to publicly funded dental services for adults by direct purchase of services from private providers;
  • providing improved access to elective surgery through increased services at Calvary public hospital;
  • developing further the response of ACT Health to the Reid Report, which set a significant agenda for organisational change;
  • ensuring that hospital services meet the needs of the ACT community and people from the surrounding region of NSW;
  • providing an adequate provision of blood and blood products to the ACT’s trauma centres;
  • delivering the strategic plan as set out in the Health Action Plan, assisted by advice that the Health Council provides to the Minister and ACT Health;
  • providing for the needs of the community in relation to substance abuse as identified in the recommendations of the drugs taskforce; and
  • providing appropriate health care to all detainees in ACT Remand Centres.

The Health portfolio was significantly restructured in 2002-03. This recognised the efficiencies and improvements to be gained from combining the policy, planning and purchasing with the health service provision components of the portfolio. It involved the abolition of the separate ACT Health and Community Care Service Statutory Authority and the recognition of Mental Health ACT as a separate Division.

ACT Health is structured into six Divisions. They are:

  • The Canberra Hospital;
  • Community Care;
  • Mental Health;
  • Population Health;
  • Policy and Planning; and
  • Corporate.

Budgeted Financial Results

Section 31 of the Financial Management Act 1996 (FMA) advises that Chief Executives are responsible for achievement of financial results. For the purpose of Section 31 of the FMA, key budgeted results are specified in the Budget Papers to improve accountability. An outcome of the increased accountability will be the requirement for Chief Executives to explain material variances from specified budgeted results.

In accordance with Section 31 of the FMA, following are the key budgeted results for ACT Health:

  • Operating Result ($18.094m loss) – this measure focuses on the financial performance of ACT Health, and will measure our success in managing expenditure levels within government funding and own-source revenue limitations. This is mostly driven by depreciation.
  • Current Ratio1 (0.49 to 1) – the current ratio is an indication of the ability to fund short term liabilities from short term assets. While a generally accepted minimum of 1:1 is desired, given the nature of the Department’s operations and that the majority of its revenue is from Government and received in regular fortnightly instalments, a ratio of 0.49 to 1 is not unreasonable. Additionally, the Department’s current liabilities of $57.261m include $29.602m for annual leave. It is extremely unlikely the liability for annual leave would be fully realised in one financial year.
  • Total Assets ($406.589m) – this measure focuses on ACT Health’s ability to manage its asset base.
  • Total Liabilities ($87.298m) – this measure focuses on maintaining prudent levels of liabilities as required by Section 11 of the FMA.

1Total current assets / Total current liabilities

Department of Health and Community Care
Statement of Financial Performance
2002-03 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
Budget / Est.Outcome / Budget / Var / Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / % / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
395 505 / Government Payment for Outputs / 403 454 / 433 714 / 8 / 449 678 / 468 406 / 487 704
52 014 / User Charges - Non ACT Government / 70 439 / 82 824 / 18 / 85 105 / 86 710 / 88 790
15 339 / User Charges - ACT Government / 11 273 / 868 / -92 / 890 / 912 / 935
0 / Grants from the Commonwealth / 2 513 / 5 331 / 112 / 5 464 / 5 601 / 5 741
480 / Interest / 850 / 729 / -14 / 700 / 650 / 600
50 / Other Revenue / 4 068 / 4 301 / 6 / 4 409 / 4 519 / 4 632
368 / Resources Received free of charge / 650 / 391 / -40 / 401 / 411 / 421
463 756 / Total Ordinary Revenue / 493 247 / 528 158 / 7 / 546 647 / 567 209 / 588 823
16 331 / Employee Expenses / 124 727 / 237 528 / 90 / 242 417 / 249 109 / 255 192
2 375 / Superannuation Expenses / 14 419 / 29 245 / 103 / 29 371 / 29 663 / 30 021
15 426 / Supplies and Services / 84 360 / 150 132 / 78 / 156 217 / 164 223 / 172 660
915 / Depreciation and Amortisation / 7 349 / 14 941 / 103 / 15 164 / 15 679 / 14 640
13 818 / Cost of Goods Sold / 6 720 / 3 633 / -46 / 3 724 / 3 817 / 3 912
411 275 / Grants and Purchased Services / 275 965 / 108 799 / -61 / 112 464 / 117 806 / 123 509
1 638 / Other Expenses / 1 638 / 1 864 / 14 / 1 911 / 1 959 / 2 008
461 778 / Total Ordinary Expenses / 515 178 / 546 142 / 6 / 561 268 / 582 256 / 601 942
1 978 / Operating Result From Ordinary Activities / -21 931 / -17 984 / 18 / -14 621 / -15 047 / -13 119
0 / Extraordinary Revenue / 5 724 / 250 / -96 / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / Extraordinary Expense / 1 968 / 360 / -82 / 102 / 0 / 0
1 978 / Operating Result / -18 175 / -18 094 / .. / -14 723 / -15 047 / -13 119
0 / Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation reserve / 127 149 / 0 / -100 / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / Change In Equity Other Than Those Resulting From Transactions With Owners As Owners / 127 149 / 0 / -100 / 0 / 0 / 0
9 415 / Total Equity From Start of Period / 12 327 / 311 953 / # / 319 291 / 316 468 / 301 421
1 550 / Capital Injections / 9 073 / 25 432 / 180 / 11 900 / 0 / 0
20 / Inc/Dec in Net Assets from Admin Restructure / 181 579 / 0 / -100 / 0 / 0 / 0
12 963 / Total Equity At The End of Period / 311 953 / 319 291 / 2 / 316 468 / 301 421 / 288 302
Department of Health and Community Care
Statement of Financial Position
Budget / Est.Outcome / Planned / Planned / Planned / Planned
as at 30/6/03 / as at 30/6/03 / as at 30/6/04 / Var / as at 30/6/05 / as at 30/6/06 / as at 30/6/07
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / % / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
Current Assets
1 058 / Cash / 2 451 / 1 813 / -26 / 1 769 / 1 830 / 1 904
6 340 / Receivables / 20 239 / 16 217 / -20 / 16 217 / 16 217 / 16 217
7 241 / Investments / 13 444 / 4 446 / -67 / 3 430 / 2 913 / 2 382
1 199 / Inventories / 4 563 / 4 563 / - / 4 563 / 4 563 / 4 563
50 / Other / 1 162 / 1 162 / - / 1 162 / 1 162 / 1 162
15 888 / Total Current Assets / 41 859 / 28 201 / -33 / 27 141 / 26 685 / 26 228
Non Current Assets
0 / Investments / 3 000 / 3 000 / - / 3 000 / 3 000 / 3 000
12 804 / Property, Plant and Equipment / 358 388 / 365 487 / 2 / 374 796 / 364 902 / 355 008
0 / Intangibles / 4 501 / 3 116 / -31 / 1 731 / 346 / 0
0 / Capital Works in Progress / 3 000 / 6 785 / 126 / 0 / 0 / 0
12 804 / Total Non Current Assets / 368 889 / 378 388 / 3 / 379 527 / 368 248 / 358 008
28 692 / TOTAL ASSETS / 410 748 / 406 589 / -1 / 406 668 / 394 933 / 384 236
Current Liabilities
3 383 / Payables / 23 365 / 19 410 / -17 / 18 455 / 17 999 / 17 543
2 903 / Interest Bearing Liabilities / 2 962 / 2 962 / - / 2 962 / 2 962 / 2 962
0 / Finance Leases / 95 / 68 / -28 / 41 / 14 / 0
2 567 / Employee Benefits / 38 170 / 33 212 / -13 / 35 484 / 37 710 / 39 032
3 926 / Other / 6 474 / 1 609 / -75 / 1 609 / 1 609 / 1 609
12 779 / Total Current Liabilities / 71 066 / 57 261 / -19 / 58 551 / 60 294 / 61 146
Non Current Liabilities
2 950 / Employee Benefits / 27 729 / 30 037 / 8 / 31 649 / 33 218 / 34 788
2 950 / Total Non Current Liabilities / 27 729 / 30 037 / 8 / 31 649 / 33 218 / 34 788
15 729 / TOTAL LIABILITIES / 98 795 / 87 298 / -12 / 90 200 / 93 512 / 95 934
12 963 / NET ASSETS / 311 953 / 319 291 / 2 / 316 468 / 301 421 / 288 302
12 488 / Accumulated Funds / 184 329 / 191 667 / 4 / 188 844 / 173 797 / 160 678
475 / Reserves / 127 624 / 127 624 / - / 127 624 / 127 624 / 127 624
12 963 / TOTAL FUNDS EMPLOYED / 311 953 / 319 291 / 2 / 316 468 / 301 421 / 288 302
Department of Health and Community Care
Statement of Cashflows
2002-03 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
Budget / Est.Outcome / Budget / Var / Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / % / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
388 817 / Cash from Government for Outputs / 396 642 / 428 849 / 8 / 449 678 / 468 406 / 487 704
67 353 / User Charges / 82 059 / 83 692 / 2 / 85 995 / 87 622 / 89 725
480 / Interest Received / 739 / 729 / -1 / 700 / 650 / 600
0 / Grants Received from the Commonwealth / 2 348 / 5 331 / 127 / 5 464 / 5 601 / 5 741
9 429 / Other Revenue / 12 730 / 22 320 / 75 / 22 532 / 22 592 / 22 705
0 / Extraordinary Receipts / 1 702 / 4 272 / 151 / 0 / 0 / 0
466 079 / Operating Receipts / 496 220 / 545 193 / 10 / 564 369 / 584 871 / 606 475
18 349 / Related to Employees / 123 084 / 269 423 / 119 / 267 904 / 274 977 / 282 321
18 058 / Related to Supplies and Services / 76 694 / 153 696 / 100 / 156 771 / 164 268 / 172 695
411 275 / Grants and Purchased Services / 282 925 / 108 799 / -62 / 112 464 / 117 806 / 123 509
24 835 / Other / 17 388 / 23 516 / 35 / 23 758 / 23 849 / 23 993
0 / Extraordinary Payments / 1 029 / 360 / -65 / 102 / 0 / 0
472 517 / Operating Payments / 501 120 / 555 794 / 11 / 560 999 / 580 900 / 602 518
-6 438 / NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES / -4 900 / -10 601 / -116 / 3 370 / 3 971 / 3 957
1 800 / Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment / 19 535 / 24 440 / 25 / 16 303 / 4 400 / 4 400
11 943 / Capital Payments to Government Agencies / 3 320 / 0 / -100 / 0 / 0 / 0
13 743 / Investing Payments / 22 855 / 24 440 / 7 / 16 303 / 4 400 / 4 400
-13 743 / NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES / -22 855 / -24 440 / -7 / -16 303 / -4 400 / -4 400
13 493 / Capital Injection from Government / 12 393 / 25 432 / 105 / 11 900 / 0 / 0
0 / Receipt of Transferred Cash Balances / 12 907 / 0 / -100 / 0 / 0 / 0
13 493 / Financing Receipts / 25 300 / 25 432 / 1 / 11 900 / 0 / 0
0 / Repayment of Finance Lease / 3 / 27 / 800 / 27 / 27 / 14
47 / Payments of Transferred Cash Balances / 47 / 0 / -100 / 0 / 0 / 0
47 / Financing Payments / 50 / 27 / -46 / 27 / 27 / 14
13 446 / NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES / 25 250 / 25 405 / 1 / 11 873 / -27 / -14
-6 735 / NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD / -2 505 / -9 636 / -285 / -1 060 / -456 / -457
12 131 / CASH AT BEGINNING OF REPORTING PERIOD / 15 438 / 12 933 / -16 / 3 297 / 2 237 / 1 781
5 396 / CASH AT THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD / 12 933 / 3 297 / -75 / 2 237 / 1 781 / 1 324

Notes to the Budget Statements

The variances between the 2002-03 Budget, the 2002-03 estimated outcome and the 2003-04 Budget relate mainly to the restructure of the Health Portfolio. This has resulted in the accounts of the previously separately reported Statutory Authorities, consisting of The Canberra Hospital and ACT Community Care, being included in the Department’s Financial Statements.

This restructure was effective from 1January2003, therefore, the 2002-03 estimated outcome includes six months of activity from The Canberra Hospital and ACT Community Care (collectively known as the ACT Health and Community Care Service). The 2003-04 Budget includes a full year of activity for these services.

With the exception of the following items the majority of variances that appear in the Departmental Financial Statements, are as a result of the restructure.

Statement of Financial Performance
  • government payment for outputs: the increase of $7.949m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget relates mainly to funding for wage increases to cover all staffing categories with the exception of nurses, who were fully funded in the 200102 Budget.

The increase of $30.260m in the 2003-04 Budget from the 2002-03 estimated outcome relates to funding for the wage increases of $10.777m, previous nursing wage increases of $1.292m, other indexation of $6.685m, growth funds of $7.963m, full year effect of the medical school of $1.700m, increased InTACT costs of $0.901m and new budget initiatives for:

hospital base issues ($4.000m);

mental health growth of $1.450m;

adult dental waiting list reduction of $0.500m;

blood sharing arrangements of $0.500m;

HACC matching of $0.700m;

pharmaceutical growth of $0.250m;

surgical implants of $0.250m;

SACS of $0.660m;

corrections health of $0.310m;

renal growth of $0.300m;

emergency department growth of $0.420m;

home enteral nutrition of $0.100m;

increased throughput of $1.800m;

additional registrars of $0.300m;

after hours ultrasound service at Calvary of $0.100m; and

price pressures of $0.980m.

These are offset by reduced Commonwealth funded programs of $2.933m, one-off funding for the Client Care Information System of $3.920m and a reduction in insurance costs of $1.024m mainly associated with the removal of one-off insurance tail funding.

  • interest: the increase of $0.370m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget relates partly to the merger of bank accounts with The Canberra Hospital and ACT Community Care and higher levels of investments held due to deferral of Commonwealth funded programs;
  • user charges – ACT Government and cost of goods sold: the decrease in the 2002-03 estimated outcome and further decrease in the 2003-04 Budget is the result of eliminating internal supply transactions following the Department’s restructure;
  • extraordinary revenue: this item relates to insurance revenue and appropriation provided as a result of the January 2003 bushfire; and
  • extraordinary expense: this item relates to expenses incurred as a result of the January 2003 bushfire for additional hospital expenses, counselling services, emergency centre costs and write-down of assets lost in the fires.
Statement of Financial Position
  • investments: the decrease of $8.998m in the 2003-04 Budget from the 200203 estimated outcome relates mainly to the utilisation of deferred Commonwealth funds for the Quality Improvement and National Health Development Funds;
  • property, plant and equipment: the increase of $7.099m in the 2003-04 Budget from the 2002-03 estimated outcome relates to assets purchased through the capital works program and other recurrent equipment purchases, offset by annual depreciation and amortisation;
  • employee benefits: the decrease of $2.650m in employee benefits in the 2003-04 Budget from the 2002-03 estimated outcome relates to the effect of the additional pay in 2003-04, which results in reduced liabilities and an increase in cash employee costs. This is offset by an increase in other employee provisions mostly related to wage increases; and
  • other current liabilities: the increase of $2.548m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget relates to higher than planned levels of deferred Quality Improvement and National Health Development funds. The decrease of $4.865m in the 2003-04 Budget from the 2002-03 estimated outcome relates to the planned utilisation of these funds.

Department of Health and Community Care
Statement of Revenues and Expenses on Behalf of the Territory
2002-03 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
Budget / Est.Outcome / Budget / Var / Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / % / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
5 624 / Payment for Expenses on behalf of Territory / 5 624 / 8 436 / 50 / 2 459 / 2 517 / 2 580
650 / Taxes Fees and Fines / 650 / 666 / 2 / 682 / 690 / 706
108 005 / Grants from the Commonwealth / 108 406 / 107 838 / -1 / 108 046 / 108 904 / 108 904
114 279 / Total Ordinary Revenue / 114 680 / 116 940 / 2 / 111 187 / 112 111 / 112 190
5 624 / Grants and Purchased Services / 5 624 / 8 436 / 50 / 2 459 / 2 517 / 2 580
108 655 / Transfer Expenses / 109 056 / 108 504 / -1 / 108 728 / 109 594 / 109 610
114 279 / Total Ordinary Expenses / 114 680 / 116 940 / 2 / 111 187 / 112 111 / 112 190
0 / Operating Result / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / Total Equity From Start of Period / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / Total Equity At The End of Period / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 0 / 0
Department of Health and Community Care
Statement of Assets and Liabilities on Behalf of the Territory
Budget / Est.Outcome / Planned / Planned / Planned / Planned
as at 30/6/03 / as at 30/6/03 / as at 30/6/04 / Var / as at 30/6/05 / as at 30/6/06 / as at 30/6/07
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / % / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
Current Assets
301 / Cash / 250 / 76 / -70 / 250 / 250 / 250
0 / Receivables / 50 / 224 / 348 / 50 / 50 / 50
301 / Total Current Assets / 300 / 300 / - / 300 / 300 / 300
301 / TOTAL ASSETS / 300 / 300 / - / 300 / 300 / 300
Current Liabilities
301 / Payables / 300 / 300 / - / 300 / 300 / 300
301 / Total Current Liabilities / 300 / 300 / - / 300 / 300 / 300
301 / TOTAL LIABILITIES / 300 / 300 / - / 300 / 300 / 300
0 / NET ASSETS / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / Accumulated Funds / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / TOTAL FUNDS EMPLOYED / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 0 / 0
Department of Health and Community Care
Budgeted Statement of Cashflows on Behalf of the Territory
2002-03 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
Budget / Est.Outcome / Budget / Var / Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / % / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
5 624 / Cash from Government for EBT / 5 624 / 8 436 / 50 / 2 459 / 2 517 / 2 580
650 / Taxes, Fees and Fines / 650 / 666 / 2 / 682 / 690 / 706
108 005 / Grants Received from the Commonwealth / 108 406 / 107 838 / -1 / 108 046 / 108 904 / 108 904
328 / Other Revenue / 328 / 429 / 31 / 174 / 0 / 0
114 607 / Operating Receipts / 115 008 / 117 369 / 2 / 111 361 / 112 111 / 112 190
5 624 / Grants and Purchased Services / 5 624 / 8 436 / 50 / 2 459 / 2 517 / 2 580
328 / Other / 328 / 603 / 84 / 0 / 0 / 0
108 655 / Territory Receipts to Government / 109 056 / 108 504 / -1 / 108 728 / 109 594 / 109 610
114 607 / Operating Payments / 115 008 / 117 543 / 2 / 111 187 / 112 111 / 112 190
0 / NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD / 0 / -174 / # / 174 / 0 / 0
301 / CASH AT BEGINNING OF REPORTING PERIOD / 250 / 250 / - / 76 / 250 / 250
301 / CASH AT THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD / 250 / 76 / -70 / 250 / 250 / 250

Notes to the Budget Statements

Significant variations are as follows:

Statement of Revenue and Expenses on Behalf of the Territory
  • payment for expenses on behalf of the Territory: the increase of $2.812m in the 2003-04 Budget from the 200203 estimated outcome relates mainly to a larger capital works program for Calvary Public Hospital; and
  • grants and purchased services: this increase also relates to the increase in capital works funding for Calvary Public Hospital.
Statement of Assets and Liabilities on Behalf of the Territory
  • current assets: the decrease in cash and increase in receivables of $0.174m in the 200304 Budget from the 200203 estimated outcome relates to the outstanding ATO refund connected with the one-off payment to Calvary Public Hospital of funds to cover the additional pay in 2003-04. The outstanding ATO refund is planned to be recovered in the 2004-05 financial year.

Changes to Appropriation

Changes to Appropriation - Departmental
Government Payment for Outputs / 2002-03
Est. Outc. / 2003-04 Budget / 2004-05 Estimate / 2005-06 Estimate / 2006-07 Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
2002-03 Budget / 388 817 / 402 238 / 421 880 / 439 695 / 439 695
Revised Indexation Parameters / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 8 616
Jan 2003 Bushfire - Hospitals / 389 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Jan 2003 Bushfire – ACT Bushfires / 288 / 250 / 0 / 0 / 0
Jan 2003 Bushfire - Howard Florey Centenary House / 46 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Implementation of Drug Taskforce Recommendations / 0 / 250 / 263 / 276 / 289
Elective Surgery / 0 / 2 000 / 2 050 / 2 101 / 2 154
Corrections Health / 0 / 310 / 318 / 326 / 334
Gungahlin Outreach / 0 / 400 / 410 / 420 / 431
Calvary Link / 0 / 80 / 82 / 84 / 86
Drug and Alcohol/Mental Health Worker / 0 / 80 / 82 / 84 / 86
Forensic – Court Liaison / 0 / 80 / 82 / 84 / 86
Expanded Community Teams / 0 / 400 / 410 / 420 / 451
Discharge Planner / 0 / 80 / 82 / 84 / 86
Supported Accommodation / 0 / 240 / 246 / 252 / 258
Clinical Data Management / 0 / 55 / 81 / 107 / 111
Support for Carers / 0 / 35 / 35 / 35 / 35
Dental Adult Waiting List Reduction / 0 / 500 / 513 / 526 / 539
Cost of Pharmaceutical Growth / 0 / 250 / 258 / 266 / 274
Cost of Surgical Implants / 0 / 250 / 258 / 266 / 274
Change to Blood Sharing Arrangements / 0 / 500 / 1 000 / 1 500 / 2 000
HACC / 0 / 700 / 700 / 700 / 700
SACS Award / 0 / 660 / 660 / 660 / 660
Renal Growth / 0 / 300 / 304 / 308 / 312
Emergency Department Growth / 0 / 420 / 430 / 441 / 452
Home Enteral Nutrition / 0 / 100 / 103 / 106 / 109
Increased Throughput / 0 / 1 800 / 1 845 / 1 891 / 1 938
Additional Registrars / 0 / 300 / 308 / 316 / 324
After Hours Ultrasound Service at Calvary / 0 / 100 / 103 / 106 / 109
Price Pressures / 0 / 980 / 1 007 / 1 035 / 1 064
Continue Growth Initiative into 2006-07 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 9 670
Clerical Enterprise Bargaining Agreement / 7 596 / 18 373 / 18 613 / 18 854 / 19 099
Reduction in Government Funded Superannuation / 0 / -800 / 0 / 0 / 0
Commonwealth Funding / 229 / -677 / -1 193 / -1 221 / -1 221
InTACT Service Level Agreement Increase / 0 / 901 / 805 / 743 / 743
Increased Cross Border Revenue / 0 / -2 000 / -2 000 / -2 000 / -2 000
Transfer of Seniors Card Program to CMD / 0 / -56 / -57 / -59 / -60
2003-04 Budget / 397 365 / 429 099 / 449 678 / 468 406 / 487 704
Changes to Appropriation - Territorial
Payment for Expenses on Behalf of the Territory / 2002-03
Est. Outc. / 2003-04 Budget / 2004-05 Estimate / 2005-06 Estimate / 2006-07 Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
2002-03 Budget / 5 624 / 5 365 / 2 459 / 2 517 / 2 517
Revised Indexation Parameters - Healthpact / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 63
2003-04 Capital Works Program for Calvary / 0 / 1 330 / 0 / 0 / 0
Supplementation for additional pay in 2003-04 / 0 / 1 741 / 0 / 0 / 0
2003-04 Budget / 5 624 / 8 436 / 2 459 / 2 517 / 2 580
Changes to Appropriation - Departmental
Capital Injection / 2002-03
Est. Outc. / 2003-04 Budget / 2004-05 Estimate / 2005-06 Estimate / 2006-07 Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
2002-03 Budget / 13 493 / 5 500 / 2 000 / 0 / 0
2003-04 Capital Works Program / 0 / 9 633 / 9 900 / 0 / 0
Supplementation for additional pay in 2003-04 / 0 / 9 199 / 0 / 0 / 0
Rollover Capital Works Program / -1 100 / 1 100 / 0 / 0 / 0
2003-04 Budget / 12 393 / 25 432 / 11 900 / 0 / 0

Capital Works

Estimated Total Cost / Expenditure Previous
Years / 2003-04 Estimated Expenditure / 2003-04 Financing / Expected Completion Date
$’000 / $’000 / $’000 / $’000
New Capital Works
Corporate Services
Sub/Non-Acute Inpatient Services - Phase 1 / 5 150 / 0 / 1 000 / 1 000 / Dec-04
Karralika Redevelopment / 5 085 / 0 / 2 735 / 2 735 / Feb-05
Refurbish level 5 Moore Street Offices / 2 400 / 0 / 1 400 / 1 400 / Feb-05
Hennessey House Bruce - Collocate CALCAM / 185 / 0 / 185 / 185 / Jun-04
Hennessey House Link Development Project / 165 / 0 / 165 / 165 / Sep-03
Tuggeranong Health Centre – Lifts Upgrade / 83 / 0 / 83 / 83 / Feb-04
Feasibility Studies
Watson Hostel – Development Options / 30 / 0 / 30 / 30 / Sep-03
Replacement Options for Howard Florey Centenary House / 30 / 0 / 30 / 30 / Sep-03
The Canberra Hospital
Refurbish Paediatrics Unit / 4 050 / 0 / 1 650 / 1 650 / Jun-05
Replace Signage and Access Improvements / 440 / 0 / 440 / 440 / Jun-04
Refurbish Psychiatric Services Unit / 350 / 0 / 350 / 350 / Dec-03
Refurbish Pain Management Clinic / 330 / 0 / 330 / 330 / Feb-04
Refurbish Fracture Clinic / 187 / 0 / 187 / 187 / Jun-04
Refurbish ICU Storage and Wet Areas / 165 / 0 / 165 / 165 / Jun-04
Upgrade Emergency Power Supply / 150 / 0 / 150 / 150 / Aug-03
Refurbish Food Services Scullery / 143 / 0 / 143 / 143 / Jun-04
Refurbish and Expand Endocrinology/Diabetes Suite / 121 / 0 / 121 / 121 / Jun-04
Provide Emergency Power Supply to ACT Hospice / 100 / 0 / 100 / 100 / Nov-03
Ward 12A, Falls, Bone Bank & Donor Co-ordination, Dept of Surgery Reservations / 99 / 0 / 99 / 99 / Jun-04
Canberra Sexual Health Centre - Refurbish Clinic and Treatment Spaces / 50 / 0 / 50 / 50 / Dec-03
Womens and Childrens Tutorial Room - Refurbish and Expand Tutorial Spaces / 20 / 0 / 20 / 20 / Dec-03
Feasibility Studies
Refurbish Radiation Oncology / 80 / 0 / 80 / 80 / Dec-03
Refurbish Medical Oncology / 80 / 0 / 80 / 80 / Dec-03
Orthopaedic Theatre Refurbishment / 40 / 0 / 40 / 40 / Dec-03
Total New Capital Works / 19 533 / 0 / 9 633 / 9 633

Departmental (continued)

Estimated Total / Expenditure Previous Years / 2003-04 Estimated Expenditure / 2003-04 Financing / Expected Completion Date
$’000 / $’000 / $’000 / $’000
Works in Progress
The Canberra Hospital
Security System Replacement / 900 / 550 / 350 / 350 / Mar-04
Emergency Department Refurbishment / 3 200 / 650 / 2 550 / 2 550 / Mar-04
Establishment of the Canberra Medical School / 5 770 / 70 / 3 700 / 3 700 / Jun-05
Total Works in Progress / 9 870 / 1 270 / 6 600 / 6 600
Total Departmental Capital Works / 29 403 / 1 270 / 16 233 / 16 233
Estimated Total Cost / Expenditure Previous Years / 2003-04 Estimated Expenditure / 2003-04 Financing / Expected Completion Date
$’000 / $’000 / $’000 / $’000
Calvary Hospital
New Capital Works
Improvements to Security and Access Control / 460 / 0 / 460 / 460 / Jun-04
Refurbish Staff Cafeteria / 240 / 0 / 240 / 240 / Jun-04
Refurbish Wall Finishes In Ward Areas / 100 / 0 / 100 / 100 / Mar-04
Upgrade Existing External Pavement / 80 / 0 / 80 / 80 / Mar-04
Feasibility Studies
Lift and Electrical Services Upgrade and Condition Audit of Plant and Buildings / 80 / 0 / 80 / 80 / Dec-03
Upgrade Safety Features in Mental Health / 20 / 0 / 20 / 20 / Oct-03
Forward Design
Refurbish ICU and CCU / 350 / 0 / 350 / 350 / Feb-04
Total New Capital Works / 1 330 / 0 / 1 330 / 1 330
Works in Progress
Restoration of Roof Decking / 1 915 / 700 / 1 215 / 1 215 / Feb-04
Establishment of the Canberra Medical School / 1 750 / 0 / 1 750 / 1 750 / Jun-04
Total Works in Progress / 3 665 / 700 / 2 965 / 2 965
Total Territorial Capital Works / 4 995 / 700 / 4 295 / 4 295

Commonwealth Grants

The major Commonwealth payments for which the Portfolio has responsibility are:

Name of Grant / Activities Funded by Grant / 200304
Australian Health Care Agreement / This relates to patients treated in the ACT. It also includes national mental health, palliative care, quality improvement and national health development funds. / 94 005
Home and Community Care / Expansion and development of home and community care services designed to provide basic maintenance and support services for identified target groups. / 8 427
High Cost Drugs / Provision of highly specialised drug therapies under section 100 of the National Health Act. / 5 331
National Public Health Agreement / Provide a range of public health services including: breast cancer screening; national childhood immunisation; family planning; funds to combat AIDS; drug education campaigns; women’s health program; female genital mutilation; alternative birthing; and cervical cancer screening. / 4 819
COAG Illicit Drugs Strategy / Programs to support early intervention and diversion from the criminal justice system for drug dependent people. / 105
Aged Care Assessment Team / Commonwealth funds are provided to support “assessment” services for aged people. / 430
Youth Health Services
(IHSHY) / Funding of a range of innovative health services for homeless youth in the ACT. / 52
Health and Community Care
Statement of Financial Performance
2002-03 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
Budget / Est.Outcome / Budget / Var / Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
$'000 / $'000 / $'000 / % / $'000 / $'000 / $'000
394 559 / Government Payment for Outputs / 402 508 / 432 733 / 8 / 448 680 / 467 391 / 486 672
52 014 / User Charges - Non ACT Government / 70 439 / 82 824 / 18 / 85 105 / 86 710 / 88 790
15 339 / User Charges - ACT Government / 11 273 / 868 / -92 / 890 / 912 / 935
0 / Grants from the Commonwealth / 2 513 / 5 331 / 112 / 5 464 / 5 601 / 5 741
477 / Interest / 847 / 729 / -14 / 700 / 650 / 600
50 / Other Revenue / 4 068 / 4 301 / 6 / 4 409 / 4 519 / 4 632
325 / Resources Received free of charge / 607 / 348 / -43 / 357 / 366 / 375
462 764 / Total Ordinary Revenue / 492 255 / 527 134 / 7 / 545 605 / 566 149 / 587 745
15 705 / Employee Expenses / 124 101 / 236 873 / 91 / 241 753 / 248 436 / 254 510
2 295 / Superannuation Expenses / 14 339 / 29 163 / 103 / 29 288 / 29 579 / 29 936
15 126 / Supplies and Services / 84 060 / 149 857 / 78 / 155 935 / 163 934 / 172 364
915 / Depreciation and Amortisation / 7 349 / 14 941 / 103 / 15 164 / 15 679 / 14 640
13 818 / Cost of Goods Sold / 6 720 / 3 633 / -46 / 3 724 / 3 817 / 3 912
411 275 / Grants and Purchased Services / 275 965 / 108 799 / -61 / 112 464 / 117 806 / 123 509
1 638 / Other Expenses / 1 638 / 1 821 / 11 / 1 867 / 1 914 / 1 962
460 772 / Total Ordinary Expenses / 514 172 / 545 087 / 6 / 560 195 / 581 165 / 600 833
1 992 / Operating Result From Ordinary Activities / -21 917 / -17 953 / 18 / -14 590 / -15 016 / -13 088
0 / Extraordinary Revenue / 5 724 / 250 / -96 / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / Extraordinary Expense / 1 968 / 360 / -82 / 102 / 0 / 0
1 992 / Operating Result / -18 161 / -18 063 / 1 / -14 692 / -15 016 / -13 088
OUTPUT 1.1: ACUTE Services
Description:Provision of high quality hospital based treatment and care services in line with the needs of the community.


/ 200203
Targets / 2002-03
Outcome / 2003-04 Target
Number of inpatient cost weighted separations.1 / 60 700 / 59 500 / 61 580
Number of cost weighted occasions of outpatient services. / 210 517 / 215 000 / 220 000
Rate of unplanned hospital re-admissions. / 3.2% / 3.2% / 3.2%
Providers meet appropriate standards and accreditation. / Public Hospitals hold/renew ACHS Accreditation / 100% / Public Hospitals hold/renew ACHS Accreditation
Percentage of patients in emergency departments seen within standard timeframes:
- Category 1 (Treated immediately) / 100% / 100% / 100%
- Category 2 (Treated within 10 minutes) / 80% / 80% / 80%
- Category 3 (Treated within 30 minutes) / 75% / 75% / 75%
- Category 4 (Treated within 1 hour) / 75% / 75% / 75%
- Category 5 (Treated within 2 hours) / 85% / 85% / 85%
Percentage of persons classified as Category 1 patients on the public elective surgery waiting list receiving treatment within clinically desirable timeframes (30 days). / 95% / 95% / 95%
Cost per 1,000 head of population ($’000).2 / $981.9 / $1 094.5 / $1 181.1
TOTAL COST ($’000)3 / $316 799.0 / $355 065.0 / $383 160.0
GOVERNMENT PAYMENT FOR OUTPUTS ($’000)4 / $256 285.0 / $261 652.0 / $287 406.0
