How Mu, Meme Haganee, Hungamaheshee, Greetings to all! Your host for the 10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference will be the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Language/Culture Program. We hope that your language/culture programs are in operation and running smoothly. We invite you to join us in Sparks, Nevada for this year’s 10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference. In organizing this event, we hope to provide education and networking opportunities that will benefit all who work in the language preservation and revitalization field. If the survival of our native languages depends on what we do today then it is imperative that the Great Basin Languages Conference is held on an annual basis. It is our responsibility to ensure that our native language teachers and staff have the tools and networking opportunities to do the work at hand. With that said….


We are calling out to our Great Basin Language Conference participants to help us with our 10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference. It is important for our people to see and hear what language renewal efforts are working in our native communities so that we can continue to encourage and empower one another to continue bringing life to our Great Basin native languages. This year is no exception. We are in need of presenters. We can waive the registration fee for up to 2 presenters per group in lieu of a presenter’s fee. If you would like to share the progress being made in your program, please note this on your registration form. In year’s past, workshop presenter(s) provides one workshop 2 times throughout the conference. We would like to continue encouraging the use of immersion in your language lessons; therefore presenters must include a 20-minute immersion language lesson in their presentation – NO ENGLISH. Please complete a presenter’s form on your intended workshop. The presenter’s form is an attachment to this document. As presenters, we would like you to keep in mind, that you will need handouts for your workshop participants; you can expect up to 30-50 participants per session. Contact information is key for participant’s who need help with their programs and would like to contact you after the conference.


Since we will be having the conference at the host hotel, your meals will be on your own. For our Cultural Sharing Night, we will sponsor a dinner. Each registered participants will receive one dinner ticket. Additional dinner tickets can be purchased at the registration table.


Every year, each Tribe who sponsors the event struggles to come up with funding to host the conference. This year is no exception. We need raffle items. If you can donate a raffle item, it would be greatly appreciated. The raffle funds will help us with conference costs. The rest will be provided to next year’s conference host.


This is always a highlight of our conference. Cultural sharing night will be held on Saturday evening. We would like to get an idea on the time needed to ensure that all who wish to contribute to cultural night has ample time to do so. We are asking those who would like to share their traditional knowledge (song, dance, storytelling, etc) to please indicate so, on your conference registration form. We will be in touch if we need more details on each cultural sharing activity.


We will be able to provide a registration fee waiver for some elders who wish to attend but they must be working with a community language program. Unfortunately, we have no travel scholarships available this year.

Requests for elder scholarships must be received by September 1, 2011




Being our 10th annual conference, we feel that it would be nice to create an “In Loving Memory” page in our program to honor those who have passed on within the past two years since our last conference, who – when living, dedicated their lives to language preservation and revival. Should you have a person from your community that you would like to honor on the memorial page, please fill out the attached “In Memory Dedication” form and submit a photograph and a small paragraph noting his/her contribution(s).


There is a limited amount of vendor spaces available this year. The vendor fee has increased this year to $50 and one raffle item for one table and 2 chairs. Should a vendor require an additional space, they will have to pay for the additional space. If in question, vendors will have to provide proof of their native heritage. Vendors can begin set up at 7:30 am on Friday morning, the first day of the conference. Vendors will have to set up and tear down each day. The GBLC host will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. We would appreciate pre-payment for your booth space; however if that is not possible, arrangements can be made to collect the vendor fee on the first day of the conference.


We are searching for a tribal group to host next year’s Great Basin Languages Conference. This conference was always meant to be held in various Great Basin locations so that more of our people could participate and become involved. It does require a meeting space. Nothing extravagant – just whatever you could afford. It could be held in a gymnasium with keynote speakers and workshops held one right after the other. In that case, it wouldn’t require the need for more meeting rooms. Please consider being a conference host. We would like to announce the next host by the end of this year’s conference.

Ma’nosopa! Well that’s it for now. Call or email me if you need to.

October 7-9 Mu Poonedooa! – Lois Kane

10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference – REGISTRATION FORM

Empowering Our Native Language Warriors

October 7-9, 2011

John Ascuaga’s Nugget

Sparks, Nevada

First Name: ______Last Name: ______

Street ______City ______St ______Zip ______

Phone #: ______Email Address ______

Tribal Affiliation (Paiute, Shoshone, Washo, etc.) ______

Tribal Group You Are Representing ______


Please check here, if you would like to do a presentation about your program and/or have resource

materials you would like to share. Fill out the attached presenter’s form. We will contact you.

CULTURAL SHARING NIGHT: Please check this boxif you would like to share your traditional knowledge (song, dance, storytelling, etc) with conference participants. Provide description of cultural sharing activity: ______


ELDER SCHOLARSHIPS (All requests due by September 1) – Applicants must be 65+ years of age.

This year’s elder scholarship will waive the registration fee only. Please check this boxif you are an elder, 65 years of age or older and in need of a scholarship. Scholarships are extremely limited this year. Priority will be given to elders/fluent speakers who are working with a community language programs. For most participants, we hope that your tribe will be able to cover your expenses.

IDENTIFYING OUR AUDIENCE. Please mark the following title(s) which best describes your current work in the language revitalization field:

Elder _____ Fluent Speaker _____ Native Language Teacher _____ Program Coordinator _____

Program Staff Person _____ High School/College Student _____, Community Language Class Student _____

Please make your check payable to the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony.

Please note that it is for the 10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference.

Total Registration Amount$______


10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference

c/o Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Language/Culture Program

98 Colony Road

Reno NV 89502

QUESTIONS: Please contact Lois Kane at (775) 329-8396 (W); (775) 229-2546 (C),

by fax (775) 785-8767 or via email

10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference – PRESENTERS FORM

Empowering Our Native Language Warriors

October 7-9, 2011

John Ascuaga’s Nugget

Sparks, Nevada

Deadline to submit Presenter’s Form – September 1

Rule: Presenters must include a 20 minute immersion language lesson in their presentation – No English. Registration fees will be waived for conference presenters in lieu of a presenter’s fee (group is limited for up to 2 waivers per group).

Workshop Name

1-Hr Workshop

Repeat Workshop 2x

Presenter Name(s)

(if more than one)

Presenter’s Profile


Contact Person

& Address

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Email Address

Workshop Summary : What knowledge will your workshop participants gain from attending your workshop, what games or activities will be introduced? Participants will learn……………..

*Registration fees will be waived for workshop presenters in lieu of a presenter’s fee.

Limit 2 waivers per workshop,

QUESTIONS: Please contact Lois Kane at (775) 329-8396 (W); (775) 229-2546 (C),

by fax (775) 785-8767 or via email

10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference – VENDOR FORM

Empowering Our Native Language Warriors

October 7-9, 2011

John Ascuaga’s Nugget

Sparks, Nevada

Vendors will be provided one table and two chairs. Vendor space is limited to one table and two chairs. If you need more space, you will need to pay for the additional space(s).

First Name: ______Last Name: ______

Street ______City ______St ______Zip ______

Phone #: ______Email Address ______

Tribal Affiliation (Paiute, Shoshone, Washo, etc.) ______

Tribe Enrolled With ______

Briefly describe your product information – what will you be selling?

Please make your check payable to the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony.

Please note that it is for the 10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference.

Total Vendor Fee Amount $______

Please mail your vendor application and fee to:

10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference

c/o Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Language/Culture Program

98 Colony Road

Reno NV 89502

QUESTIONS: Please contact Lois Kane at (775) 329-8396 (W); (775) 229-2546 (C),

by fax (775) 785-8767 or via email

10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference – IN MEMORY DEDICATION

Empowering Our Native Language Warriors

October 7-9, 2011

John Ascuaga’s Nugget

Sparks, Nevada

IN MEMORY OF:DOB: ______/ DOD:______

First Name: ______Last Name: ______

Tribal Affiliation (Paiute, Shoshone, Washo, etc.) ______

Community/Program Representing______

Contribution made:Picture: YESNO


First Name: ______Last Name: ______

Street ______City ______St ______Zip ______

Phone #: ______Email Address ______

Please return form, picture, and candidates information to:

10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference

c/o Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Language/Culture Program

98 Colony Road

Reno NV 89502

QUESTIONS: Please contact Lois Kane at (775) 329-8396 (W); (775) 229-2546 (C),

by fax (775) 785-8767 or via email