No Prayer Tuesday

No Bible Study Tuesday

New Bible Study begins on The Book of Acts – Tuesday April 14th 10am! Living as Resurrection People. All are welcome – Bring your Bible!


FYI: Trinity UMC from Springfield, Mass. will be spending the night here at Northside on April 10th to the 11th. They are a wicked awesome group and if you’re here, make sure to say “Hey”!

Sunday School Teachers Meeting: Sunday April 12th after church in the old fellowship hall! We invite all of our Sunday School Teachers to come for an awesome time of planning and organizing for Children’s Sunday! Please make sure to RSVP to Evy! Save the Date: Children’s Sunday this year is Sunday June 7th!

NEW Youth Group Days & Time! The Sunday after Easter will be the start of our NEW Youth Group time! We’ll be meeting once a week each Sunday night usually from 5-7pm! Some weeks we’ll meet at church, some weeks will be about service and other times we’ll meet at other places for fun activities! Keep an eye out for new times at events, as it may not be 5pm that we start. Everyone is welcome to invite friends and Youth Group is for our 7th-12th Grade students! Make sure to sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board to join in on the fun! We are in need of fabulous junior chaperones & chaperones! If interested, please see Evy!

Sunday April 12: “Get to know you” Youth Night at Northside from 5-7pm! We’ll be having Tacos for dinner! Let us know what you would like to bring for dinner!

Sunday April 19: Setting up our very own Geocach here at Northside! Remember this past Fall we went Geocaching? We’ll, we’ve decided to set up a Geocach for others to find! It will be a fun night of hiding the ultimate treasure for people to find! And we’ll grill hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner. Let us know what you would like to bring for dinner!

Sunday April 26: Meet at Cape Bowl in Yarmouth off of Rt. 28 at 5:30pm for a great evening of bowling and pizza! We start with dinner and then we can stay until 8pm bowling our hearts out! Cost: $3.00 for your rental shoes. Sign up so we know how many lanes to reserve!

Youth Ministry Team: Your next payment of $50.00 is due Sunday April 19th.

Interested in sending your child to a Christian Summer Camp? Then check out Camp Aldersgate on Sunday April 19th following our Worship Service in the Sanctuary! We will have a Family Presentation time where representatives from Camp Aldersgate will come and share the awesome programs they have planned this summer! You can find their brochure beneath the Sunday School Bulletin Board and make sure to check out their website at!

Movie Night for our children at our Community Dinner: We invite all of our Sunday School Families to come for a FREE dinner here at Northside on Tuesday April 21st! It’s open to everyone in our community! For our children, we invite you to come and enjoy a movie in the Library after you’re done with dinner! We’ll have arts and crafts for all ages! And of course we’ll have pop-corn! Make sure to invite your friends and sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board!

Love Offering from our Youth Mission Trip Team: join us during April Vacation! On Wednesday April 22nd we will be meeting at 10am at Crosby Landing Beach in Brewster doing a Beach Clean Up! Make sure to wear your Red Northside T-Shirts! Once were done at the beach join us for lunch at Buncey’s Pizza. Make sure to sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board so we know how many to expect! Invite your friends!


RED WAGON SUNDAY: Don’t forget to bring your non-perishable items on the second Sunday of the month (April 12th) for the food pantry and look for the Red Wagon!!!!

New Mission Outreach Opportunity: For every month in 2015 we will collect specific items, for the Yarmouth Food Pantry. They have provided us with a list of items that they desperately need and so our focus items in April which they have requested are “Rice and Mashed Potatoes.” Therefore if you have any of these items that you could spare please bring it in and drop it off in the brown box located next to the offices in the Narthex hallway. If you have questions please see Kate.

Champ Homes: If you are interested in helping serve, want to donate, or just come and see what this incredible ministry is all about please contact a member of the outreach committee or Kate- we have openings in April and May! We would love to have each of you work with us in any way that you feel comfortable! Thank you all for your contributions and time! For April we still need 2 dozen cookies and 5 chickens to add to our fabulous meal! Let us know if you can help!

Changing the World for April is Imagine No Malaria. Every 60 seconds a child dies due to this disease. However, just $10 will provide a net and saves lives, and we are making a difference! We, as the world wide UMC can end Malaria by 2017 if we continue at the pace we are on because we are 75% towards our end goal! So, by placing your loose change in the collection plates, every coin is going towards making a difference and helping to eliminate this horrific disease around the world. Thank you for helping and for saving a life!

Community Dinner for April will be held on Tuesday April 21st, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. All are welcome and there is no charge. Last month we had over 100 people attend! This month we are having pasta and meatballs with Caesar salad and Italian bread. If anyone is interested in making meatballs or would like to help serve, set up, etc please talk to Kate or a member of the outreach team! We would love to have you join us for this fun Italian night! A free will offering will be taken. Also, bring the kiddos as we will have a fun movie night going on as well in the library! Fun for the entire family!


Lay Leader’s Request

During our Palm Sunday Service, Evy Nickerson and her team supporting the Youth Street Reach, shared the experiences they encountered while meeting and sharing with the homeless in the Hyannis area. The opportunity to meet these children of God and to learn about some of their journeys to this point in their lives was truly powerful and meaningful. Evy, however, sensing a God moment, reached out to a young mother with an infant only 6 weeks old. Her emotional testimony of what she discovered in this meeting was both shocking and wonderful. It reminds me yet again, that we are all called to service and action by our Lord and now we have a person, a story, and a connection.

As a congregation we have been awakened to a specific need in our community. Through our Outreach Team and Evy’s connection with our youth, we have followed up with the young woman and we are taking action by distributing food and with Dy-Ech cards. Evy has been in contact with her and she has verified the need and will continue to work with her. We will be sharing follow up stories with our church family in the upcoming weeks.

We invite you, if you feel called to answer this opportunity, please purchase Dy-Ech cards in any amount following worship and give to Evy or Kate who will distribute foods and cards based on need to this family and others in similar situations.

During this Holy Week, I truly believe we have been given this opportunity by God to connect with a struggling family and to make a very real difference in their lives...and yours and mine.

Tom Kerr, Lay Leader

God’s Plate – As of 03/29/2015 – Received last week $1,967. Received YTD $68,766.

Weekly Budget Needs $6,000. Budget Needs YTD $78,000

BELLS: The bells will ring

Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee on April 12, given by Richard & Wendy Bartley in memory of their parents: Wes & Evelynn Zeliff and Richard & Ruth Bartley

Searching for Spiritual Gifts: Do you have a joy in Public Relations and in Advertising? Our church family is in need of a volunteer to run our advertising for our special events throughout the year. We use media avenues and local publications to get the word out about Northside and we need your help to spread the good news to our community! Please prayerfully consider this opportunity for our Church Family. To volunteer, please speak with Karen Schrader or Tom Kerr.