Matthew Mansfield 5625

(e) Evaluation

Personal Evaluation

This table shows the extent to which the requirements of system were met analysed by me and also where the elements can be found in the documentation.

Requirement: / Extent to which met: / Comment: / Location:
Access & Security
1: All employees shall be able to access the database system at the same time. / Fully Met / All of the employees can log in successfully throughout the offices. / MBM Distribution database using Microsoft Access.
2: Employees shall be able to log on to the system using the database password which will be changed each month. / Fully Met / The employees must use a database password which is useful however the later suggestion of individual staff passwords was not implemented. / MBM Distribution database using Microsoft Access.
3: Employees will only be able to access the database when connected to the company network through an office Desktop Computer or when controlling their computers through remote access from a laptop off-site. / Fully Met / This works as employees can access their work computers using remote software from home. / MBM Distribution database using Microsoft Access.
1: The following data will be stored about employees:
Ø  Employee ID code
Ø  Forename
Ø  Surname
Ø  Date of Birth
Ø  Job Title
All data stored about employees will be confidential and abide within the data protection act of 1998. / Fully Met / This data is all stored in the employee table as is carried through into the forms where relevant. I am satisfied that the data is stored securely as there is no sensitive information and it can only be accessed by staff. / Development evidence document page 10.
1: The following data will be stored about customer firms:
Ø  Customer ID
Ø  Customer Name
Ø  Road
Ø  Town
Ø  City
Ø  Postcode
Ø  Email Address
Ø  Telephone Number
All users will be able to access customer firm’s information as it may be necessary for any employee to contact them. / Fully Met / This information is available in the customers table and can be accessed in the forms. / Development evidence document page 5.
1: All documents produced on the system will be able to be printed using a print button at the bottom of each printable page. / Fully Met / The reports can be printed easily by clicking the button and following the printing instructions that are explained well in the user guide. / Development evidence document page 24.
2: All documents that are printed will be saved in the system so that they can be accessed for future reference. / Mostly Met / All the documents can be viewed using the delivery notes or invoices forms. It is possible to find past documents but it would be much easier with a search facility to find specific records especially as the number of documents increases. / Development evidence document page 24.
3: Invoices will be produced from a form and will be able to be printed. / Fully Met / This works successfully as required. / Development evidence document page 27.
4: Delivery notes will be produced from a form and will be able to be printed. / Fully Met / This works successfully as required. / Development evidence document page 24.
5: Stock Reports will be produced from a form and will be able to be printed. / Fully Met / This works successfully as required. / Development evidence document page 33.
6: All documents will follow the company house style and colour scheme. / Mostly Met / The house style and colour scheme matches the client’s requirements. / Development evidence document page 37.
7: All documents will have the MBM Distribution logo at the top. / Mostly met / All the documents viewed by the customers contain the logos. / Development evidence document page 37.
8: All reports will be printed in portrait format. / Fully Met / Yes this works successfully. / Development evidence document page 37.
1: Forms shall contain drop down boxes so that data can be selected from lists. / Mostly Met / There are drop down boxes where values can be chosen from a list. / Development evidence document page 33.
2: Forms will contain tick boxes to represent Boolean data. / Fully Met / The tick box for personal delivery is effective. / Development evidence document page 24.
3: Forms will have boxes where a user can manually enter quantities and values. / Fully Met / Yes there are lots of these and the work well. / Development evidence document page 32.
4: Users can input new customers into the system. / Fully Met / This is easy to do using the new customer form. / Development evidence document page 31.
5: Users can input new employees into the system. / Fully Met / This is easy to do using the new employee form. / Development evidence document page 32.
6: Customer or employee information will be able to be changed. / Not met / There is no way of doing this without editing the information in the tables. / See shortfalls.
7: Invoice shall contain:
Ø  Invoice number
Ø  Delivery Note number
Ø  Product number
Ø  Quantity Required
Ø  Product Name
Ø  Product Size
Ø  Product Colour
Ø  Net cost
Ø  Postage cost
Ø  Overall amount owed / Fully Met / The invoice contains all the required elements. / Development evidence document page 38.
8: Delivery Notes shall contain:
Ø  Delivery note number
Ø  Date
Ø  Product number
Ø  Product name
Ø  Quantity / Fully Met / The delivery note contains all the required elements. / Development evidence document page 37.
9. New orders will be able to be added to the system. / Fully Met / New orders can be added simply with the new order form. / Development evidence document page 25.
10. New delivery notes will be able to be created. / Fully Met / This can be done easily using the new delivery note form. / Development evidence document page 26.
11. New invoices will be able to be created. / Fully Met / This can be done easily using the new invoice form. / Development evidence document page 28.
1: There will be a home page containing buttons that will allow users to navigate to each of the forms of the database. / Fully Met / The home page is very effective and easy to do all of the tasks on the system. / Development evidence document page 23.
2: The home page will contain buttons that allow the user to search through previous reports. / Not met / There is no feature of searching through past reports. On screen documents can be viewed but not searched for. / See shortfalls.
3: Each form will contain a home button to allow the user to navigate back to the home page. / Fully Met / The home buttons are present and consistent to allow the user to go to the main menu effectively. / Development evidence document page 40.
4: There will be a button to allow the user to exit the system. / Fully Met / This button is present on the main menu and works well. / Development evidence document page 43.
5: Users will be able to edit information such as adding a new customer or employee. / Fully Met / A new employee or customer can be added easily. / Development evidence document page 32.
Guides and Documentation
1: There will be a comprehensive user guide that all employees will have a copy of which they can use if they are unsure how to use any features of the system. / Fully Met / The user guide is very useful and detailed. / See user guide.
2: Buttons shall have control tips to help the user to understand their function. / Fully Met / The control tips on the main menu are useful to explain what the buttons do. / Development evidence document page 45.
3: There will be example data next to data entry boxes allowing the user to see the format of the data that is to be entered. / Fully Met / The example data is very useful to help users understand the validation. / Development evidence document page 45.

Client Evaluation

This table shows Mr Mansfield’s evaluation of how the requirements were met and any comments Mr Mansfield made about the system.

Requirement: / Requirement Met?
(Yes/No/Partly) / Comment
Access & Security
1: All employees shall be able to access the database system at the same time. / Yes / Yes, all the employees can use the system at work whenever they need to.
2: Employees shall be able to log on to the system using the database password which will be changed each month. / Partly / I am happy with the database password system which does work but although not specified in requirement specification it would have been nice for each employee to have their own username and personal password to improve the security of the system.
3: Employees will only be able to access the database when connected to the company network through an office Desktop Computer or when controlling their computers through remote access from a laptop off-site. / Yes / Yes this is possible for employees to do this if working from home. However, to access the MBM Distribution software the computer must be connected to the M: Drive. This means that the server computer must be turned on which it only is in office hours (9-5). Therefore this is only available to employees in office hours.
1: The following data will be stored about employees:
Ø  Employee ID code
Ø  Forename
Ø  Surname
Ø  Date of Birth
Ø  Job Title
All data stored about employees will be confidential and abide within the data protection act of 1998. / Yes / All the information required is present.
1: The following data will be stored about customer firms:
Ø  Customer ID
Ø  Customer Name
Ø  Road
Ø  Town
Ø  City
Ø  Postcode
Ø  Email Address
Ø  Telephone Number
All users will be able to access customer firm’s information as it may be necessary for any employee to contact them. / Yes / All the information is available.
1: All documents produced on the system will be able to be printed using a print button at the bottom of each printable page. / Yes / This is a good feature that works well.
2: All documents that are printed will be saved in the system so that they can be accessed for future reference. / Yes / All documents are saved which is useful but they can sometimes be difficult to find once saved.
3: Invoices will be produced from a form and will be able to be printed. / Yes / Works well.
4: Delivery notes will be produced from a form and will be able to be printed. / Yes
5: Stock Reports will be produced from a form and will be able to be printed. / Yes
6: All documents will follow the company house style and colour scheme. / I am happy that the invoices and delivery notes look very neat and as I suggested. I would like them to have the company address on the top of them preferably.
7: All documents will have the MBM Distribution logo at the top. / Partly / The invoices, delivery notes and stock reports all contain the logos but it would have been nice if the logos could be on the forms also.
8: All reports will be printed in portrait format. / Yes
1: Forms shall contain drop down boxes so that data can be selected from lists. / Partly / There are a couple of drop down boxes but it would have been nice to have a few more to speed up data entry and make fewer mistakes.
2: Forms will contain tick boxes to represent Boolean data. / Yes / The personal delivery tick box works well.
3: Forms will have boxes where a user can manually enter quantities and values. / Yes / Works well, example data is useful.
4: Users can input new customers into the system. / Yes / Can be done with new customer form easily.
5: Users can input new employees into the system. / Yes / Easy with new employee form.
6: Customer or employee information will be able to be changed. / No / I have not worked out how to do this with the system as there is not a form to do it.
7: Invoice shall contain:
Ø  Invoice number
Ø  Delivery Note number
Ø  Product number
Ø  Quantity Required
Ø  Product Name
Ø  Product Size
Ø  Product Colour
Ø  Net cost
Ø  Postage cost
Ø  Overall amount owed / Yes / Invoices contain all these elements and look neat.
8: Delivery Notes shall contain:
Ø  Delivery note number
Ø  Date
Ø  Product number
Ø  Product name
Ø  Quantity / Yes / Delivery notes contain all required and look neat.
9. New orders will be able to be added to the system. / Yes / Easy with new order form.
10. New delivery notes will be able to be created. / Yes
11. New invoices will be able to be created. / Yes
1: There will be a home page containing buttons that will allow users to navigate to each of the forms of the database. / Yes / This home page looks professional and is easy to use.
2: The home page will contain buttons that allow the user to search through previous reports. / No / This feature is not on the home page making it difficult to find past reports as they cannot be searched for.
3: Each form will contain a home button to allow the user to navigate back to the home page. / Yes / Very consistent.
4: There will be a button to allow the user to exit the system. / Yes
5: Users will be able to edit information such as adding a new customer or employee. / Yes / This can be done easily using the new customer or new employee forms.
Guides and Documentation
1: There will be a comprehensive user guide that all employees will have a copy of which they can use if they are unsure how to use any features of the system. / Yes / The user guide was very useful to me with any problems I had.
2: Buttons shall have control tips to help the user to understand their function. / Yes
3: There will be example data next to data entry boxes allowing the user to see the format of the data that is to be entered. / Yes / This is a useful feature to help data to be entered correctly to pass the validation rules.

Shortfalls of project