October 8, 2008

President Tim Kearnan in Room 18 at Elmwood School called the meeting of the Executive Board to order. Board members in attendance were Cris Bright, Mark Boisvert, Mary-Lou Burns, Maureen Ferguson, Jane Maguire, John Parker, Deb Pinto, Leslie Prior, April Pires, and Myah Stone. Absent were Jane Norton, Bryan King, and Mike Donahue.

The Secretary’s minutes for the meeting of September 10th E-Board and September 23rd General Session were presented. The minutes of the 23rd were amended for name change correction, and unanimously accepted along with the minutes of the 10th on a motion by Maureen, which was seconded by Leslie. The HTA is making an effort to go paperless.We are now looking into the possibility of reviewing the HTA minutes through e-mail.

The Treasurer’s report was presented and explained. Maureen reported that there are still enrollment issues with the HTA and MTA. The issues seem to be coming from the list of HTA members, versus the list MTA is claiming is correct. There seems also to be many members who have not yet received their membership information. Maureen and Tim have both been in contact with the MTA and Maureen will now be sending her communications to the MTA by “return receipt requested” mail.

P. R. & R. - In Bryan’s absence, Tim reported that nothing needs to be discussed at the moment.


  • The Nurses finally settled their contract negotiations. The group has not yet ratified this contract. When ratified, the nurses will receive 1 year of retro pay in effort to match the new pay scale. The new contract is similar in structure to the existing HTA contract. The HTA E-Board will be receiving copies of the new contract.
  • The HTA member list was past out to each building’s Faculty Reps. All corrections to the list will be sent to Mary-Lou
  • Tim will be checking on a job posting issue that occurred over the summer. AT issue is the posting of an opening in the Wellness Department at Center School.


  • IPDP confusion is still happening at every building. IPDP’s are the responsibility of each member as relates to teacher certification. IPDP’s are requirements of the State, not part of our Evaluation process. Dan Mazur (former MSch rep) has offered to do a IPDPD training for members as part of Dan’s administrative intern program.
  • School Pictures seemed to have gone well this year. We will be looking into the options for next year soon.
  • The dismissal/bus issues with Hopkins have been resolved. Students and teachers are being released at 3:20 now.
  • PLC and night meeting issues are still being investigated. Tim has a meeting scheduled with Dr. Phelan in late October.
  • The New Evaluation Process has met with a few glitches. There have been scheduling issues with the PreK staff; Sign –off procedures not being followed at the Middle School; Secondary Evaluator sign-off issues at Center; and Primary/Secondary evaluator sign off issues at Elmwood. All issues are being addressed by the respective Faculty Reps and Administrators. This will be a continual work in progress for both Admin and the HTA as we endeavor to work together on this new evaluation process.

There was no Executive Session at this time.

Future meetings are November 12th , December 10th.

The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 4:35 PM on a motion by Maureen, which was seconded by Deb.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary-Lou Burns Secretary