Staff audit of Computing skills
and confidence (Teacher)

Have you had any e-safety training in the last year? Yes o No o
Do you plan for e-safety teaching? Yes o No o
What e-safety tools have you used with your class? e.g. Hector’s World, Captain Kara, Smartie the Penguin
What search engine do you use with the class? e.g. Searchbox, CBBC Find, Google
Do you have e-safety rules on display in the classroom? Yes o No o
Were these rules discussed with the children? Yes o No o
Do you know how to protect yourself professionally when using social networking sites? Yes o No o
How confident are you using the following tools? (tick those that apply to your learners) / Very confident / Confident / I can make do / I don’t feel confident / I have never used it
Poisson Rouge (FS)
2Go - Infant Video Toolkit and Purple Mash (KS1)
TES iBoard (KS1)
Pivot Stick Animator (KS1/Yr34)
Beebot (FS/KS1) JIT (KS1) Logo/Visual (KS2)
Probot (KS1/KS2)
Lego WeDo (KS1/2)
Textease Turtle (KS2)
Datalogger (KS2)
Scratch (KS2)
Kodu (KS2)
What apps or other resources are you currently using /planning to use with your learners?
Handling Data
How confident are you using the following tools? (tick those that apply to your learners) / Very confident / Confident / I can make do / I don’t feel confident / I have never used it
Infant Video Toolkit – 2Count, 2Graph (KS1)
Furbles (KS1)
2Investigate (KS1/2)
Textease Branch/Spreadsheets (KS1/2)
Microsoft Excel (KS2) or Google Docs
What apps or other resources are you currently using /planning to use with your learners?

How confident are you using the following tools? (tick those that apply to your learners) / Very confident / Confident / I can make do / I don’t feel confident / I have never used it
Infant Video Toolkit – 2Paint, 2Publish, (KS1)
Photostory 3 (KS1/2)
Greenscreening software/app e.g. Backdrop TV, Greenscreen by Do Ink, ZU3D (KS1/2)
Textease (KS1/2)
SMART Notebook KS1/2
Microphones e.g. TTS Easi-speak (KS1/2)
Windows Moviemaker / iMovie (KS2)
Microsoft Office Suite e.g. Word, PowerPoint (KS2)
Audacity (KS2)
What apps or other resources are you currently using /planning to use with your learners?

lead ▪ learn ▪ protect ▪ engage