27 November 2017

An amazing total of £890 was raised; £116.71 of that total was raised with just the cake sale after school. Thank you for all your donations, it was great to see everyone wearing spots. Well done to everyone that donated.

Applying for a Place in Year R or Year 3, 2018
Please remember to apply for your Year 3 or Year R place by 15 January 2018. Applications should be made online at if you need assistance the school office can support.

Christmas Lunch 19 December

Thank you for returning your child’s lunch order, this will help the kitchen to prepare the correct amount of food. Children can wear a Christmas jumper on that day if they would like.

Christmas Fair: Saturday 9 December 10am-1pm

Please come along and bring your friends and family.
The PTA are now organising our Xmas Bazaar and need donations and helpers. So please help in any way if you can, eg: wrapping presents, helping on stalls (half an hour on the day will be fab) or donating items you no longer require. All proceeds will go back into school to support your children. We are working towards raising funds to purchase laptops for the children.

Remembrance Day 11 November

The British Legion are always grateful for all the contributions.

PTA Shopping night

The PTA held a very successful shopping night with £750 raised toward school funds. Thank you to everyone that attended and had an enjoyable evening.

Used postage stamps and batteries

The school collects used postage stamps, batteries and toner cartridges. Please place any donations in the appropriate collection boxes in the office. Thank you

Paw Zone

The ‘Paw Zone’ red line is to provide a space for dogs at drop off and collection from school. Please ensure your children keep this area clear for their own safety. If your dog gets anxious around other dogs or when left, please consider leaving your dog at home at these times.


Please remember to look at the school website for key dates and information. Copies of school letters that have been sent home can be found under the tab Parents, latest news.

There is a school calendar with the whole years key dates listed under the tab Parents/Sarisbury Calendar

Also check class updates to keep you informed of what your child has been up to in school. We are always very busy!!


Sarisbury is now part of Facebook- please check out Sarisbury Infant School and like our posts. This means we can celebrate our achievements

New Baby

Congratulations to Mrs Swinger who had a baby boy on 9 November, 8lb 2oz, called Jamie Robert. We look forward to meeting him.

Staff News

We are delighted to inform you that Mrs Noble (teacher of Reception Starfish) is expecting her second child in April, and will start her maternity leave at Easter.

School Staff Car Park

Please remember when taking/collecting children from school clubs, please do not walk through the staff car park as cars may be moving. Please use the pedestrian gate into the school playground. This ensures everyone is kept safe. Thank you

Anti-Bullying Focus

Perform drama held workshops for Year 1 & 2 on 23 November to heighten the children’s awareness to friendship and bullying.

Friday 24 November was ‘friendship day’, thank you for supporting new playdates with friends. It is always good to make new friends.

Bags 2 Schools

A big thank you to everyone for their donations, we managed to raise an amazing £267.20 which is 668kg. Thank you to Mr Clifford, our Site Manager for arranging this. Look out for another date in the Spring.

St Pauls Christmas Fair

Thank you to our choir for representing our school and supporting the church.

Carol Service 11th December 5.30pm-6.30pm

More details to follow. Please let the office know if you have any outside lights that we could borrow for the event.

Christmas Performance Dates

Year Group / Date / Time
2 / 12 December / 9.30am
2 / 12 December / 2.15pm
Reception / 13 December / 9.30am
Reception / 13 December / 2.15pm
1 / 14 December / 9.30am
1 / 14 December / 2.15pm

If anyone requires assistance or disabled access please contact the school office on 01489 573800. Please only attend either the morning or the afternoon performance to help with numbers and a maximum of two people at any performance. Thank you

Sammy the Social Seal Molly the Moral Manta Ray Sally the Spiritual Shrimp Colin the Cultural Crab