Your Name: ______

“Philidelphia” Movie Guide

Directions: As you watch the movie (or before if you really have been paying attention in class), complete the viewing guide to the best of your ability. Many of these questions, you should know already. DO NOT HAVE YOUR PHONE OUT OR ON CHARGE DURING THIS MOVIE. GET A GRIP.

Philadelphia is a 1993 American drama film and one of the first mainstream Hollywood films to acknowledge HIV/AIDS, homosexuality, and homophobia. It stars Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington as lawyers who team up to sue a giant law firm for discrimination.

1.  What type of lawyers are Andrew Beckett and Joe Miller? ______(civil or criminal) How do you know this based on the case they are arguing in the first scene?

2.  What happens to Andy when he is asked to go upstairs and see “the boss”?

3.  What does Andy tell the other lawyer about what happened to his head?

4.  What does Andy do with the “Highline” complaint he was working on?

5.  What is a complaint?

6.  What illness does Andy have? ______

7.  What type of lawyer does it seem like Joe Miller is? (characteristics). (Support your opinion with evidence throughout the movie.)

8.  Why does Andy want to sue the law firm of Wyant ,Wheeler, Hellerman, Tetlow, and Brown?

9.  In the scene during the law library where Joe once again runs into Andrew, they discuss past “precedents” for AIDS discrimination. What is a “precedent” in legal terms?

10.  Why does Andrew say AIDS is considered a “handicap” instead of a disease?

11.  What evidence does Andy have to prove the other lawyers knew he had AIDS?

12.  Six weeks later, at the basketball game, the law firm is served with a summons. What information is in a summons?

13.  Why does it seem like Charles Wheeler (the boss), does NOT want to settle? If they refuse to settle the case, how does this mean the case will be tried? (2 options)

Plaintiff’s Opening Argument (summarize 4 points) / Defense Opening Arguments (summarize 4 of her 6 points)