Annual General Meeting of Norfolk Local Pharmaceutical Committee 2013- Meeting to be Held on Thursday 12th September 2013 at Barnham Broom Hotel (Colton Suite), Barnham Broom, Norwich, 9.00am for 9.30am


Geoff Ray Chris Ball David Hopkinson

Sue Spoerer Sunil Sharma Emma Murray

David Standerwick Kay Watkinson Sharon Gardner

Also attending: Tony Dean(Chief Officer), Lauren Seamons (Service & Communications Officer)

1)  To Approve the Minutes of the previous AGM

No additional contractors attended. The committee members received and approved the minutes of the previous AGM. Proposed: Sunil Sharma, Seconded: Sue Spoerer

2)  Presentation and Adoption of the Annual Report and Financial Statement April 2012 to March 2013

The annual report was discussed and approved, postal votes were received from 3 contractors, all in favor of adopting the annual report and financial statement.

Proposed: David Standerwick, Seconded: Sue Spoerer

September 2013 Meeting

1.  Apologies for Absence

Keith Fishwick stood down from the committee; we wish him all the best and thank him for his service. Apologies were received from Ben Ampomah, Claire Thomas and Julian Snowling

2.  To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the previous minutes were received and approved.

Proposed: David Hopkinson Seconded: David Standerwick

3.  Matters Arising (not dealt with elsewhere)

Clarity of the CPAF procedure was discussed and a letter will go out to contractors as a guide and reminder.

DS are AIM machines available to Great Yarmouth contractors? TD Yes, this can be arranged.

4.  Declarations of Interest

All previous declarations of interest still stand.

Action Section

5.  Great Yarmouth- Handover, Financial, New Officer, HLP etc.

LS reported on her visits to HLPs in Yarmouth and meeting and greeting. The committee discussed the HLP criteria move from the Suffolk model to the Norfolk model and were satisfied that appropriate arrangements were in place.

No new applications or interest has been received so far for the Support Officer position so we will look to advertise more widely.

6.  East Anglian LPCs “ Federation”

GR informed the committee of discussion around a more federated approach to working and the joint costs/savings which may be associated. To ensure that no LPC is out of pocket for taking on the work a fund could be set up and held.

DS highlighted the importance of clear governance and ensuring that clear accounting is maintained. The committee discussed the risks and advantages of a federated approach to higher level work streams. CB shared concerns of giving out a sum of money to managed by another LPC may not be justifiable in a time of high scrutiny and reduced reserve.

EM dealing with fragmented LPCs and groups is the biggest barrier at the moment. How can we not support the idea, the detail is more difficult. SG suggested a review of the current work to take place then decide. TD will discuss governance with PSNC.

7.  Waste Audits & Hazardous Waste

TD updated the committee on compliance with the waste audit; there is some confusion over how many pharmacies have completed audits.

GR & CB expressed concern over hazardous waste licenses being required if you produce over 500kg. TD will chase this with Caroline Davies. EM highlighted that it is the contractors responsibility to ensure that they are storing and using correct bins.

8.  PharmOutcomes

LS reported on the purchase of PharmOutcomes to report services. The intention would be to start with Health Checks and NRT vouchers.

Concerns were raised about tracking payments through multiples accounts which we will investigate with Pinnacle Healthcare. This may be an issue with county council account rather than PharmOutcomes.

9.  LPC Governance

GR introduced a discussion around current governance arrangements.

EM and KW are leading on the governance of the committee and would like some more formal arrangements in place. There are no current issues but the committee reviewed the PSNC governance policy. KW suggested that she and EM could regularly review a selection of expenses and enable other members to come to them with queries or concerns.

TD raised the issue of delegation of power; many decisions have to be made between committee meetings. Are the committee comfortable with this arrangement or would we prefer a different system? As long as there is a mechanism to raise concerns and ask questions the current arrangement works. GR pointed out that decisions do often get checked by the chair and treasurer if not sent around the committee by email. If any issues do arise members are reminded that they are welcome to scrutinize decisions.

When emails are circulated please can committee members respond positively rather than officers having to take an absence of response as consent; important matters should be discussed by phone also. Concerns or questions can be taken to EM or KW for discussion and taken forward anonymously if necessary.

10.  LPC Conference 2013

GR LPC conference attendance does seem to be of questionable identifiable benefit, however not attending may send the wrong message when trying to put views across. This is supposed to be the forum for asking about value and accountability; however nothing appears to come from the motions raised.

TD we are not happy with the responses from PSNC recently around flu and general guidance. A motion around scrutiny of PSNC in the same way that LPCs are could be useful.

The committee felt that a member should attend LPC conference.

11.  National Contract Issues

See PSNC issues above.

12.  Area Team Update

LS briefed the committee on the latest AT meeting.

Lunch 12.30-1.15pm

13.  HealthWatch Norfolk: Dr. Sam Revill (Research and Analysis Manager)

GR introduced Sam Revill who gave a brief introduction to Health Watch and their role within healthcare and services. TD extended an open invitation to future meetings.

SR is involved in research which may involve volunteers “mystery shopping” sexual health services in pharmacy or MURs in people’s homes. Discussions were around speaking in private and use of services, patient surveys and complaints procedure. GR offered a visit to his pharmacy to see the services and facilities available. LS to contact Chris for a newsletter article.

14.  LPC Prize for UEA

In previous years the LPC prize was based on a business case to a PCT. Any ideas of what this funding could be used? We will stop sponsoring the prize in its current form but welcome ideas from the UEA if they have a project worth funding.

15.  PNA

Area Team would like consistency across NSC areas in this report, the PNA is needed by 1st April 2015 but work should start at least early 2014.

16.  Influenza Vaccination Service

TD reported that we are very close to getting an agreement. It is likely to cover at risk groups. Details are being finalised around data collection. We have a comms plan in place and will be looking to offer LPC facilitated flu training. The whole process is cost neutral to the NHS.

17.  CCG Engagement

West Norfolk CCG have funding for innovation which they are look to pharmacies to offer a form of respiratory MURs based on the AIM machines already piloted.

18.  Service and Communication Officer’s Update, including HLP, HealthChecks etc.

LS reported on Health Check training funding and progress with RSPH training.

Current work streams include the Hearty Lives project, Health Checks with West Norfolk Health trainers & South Health Trainers and the Great Yarmouth handover.

19.  EPS2

Ian Small is holding an event to tell GPs about EPS. The roll out if there is interest would be strategic and stepwise. DS asked where FP10-DTs are ordered from. LS reported that there is a mixed message about where this piece of paper is coming from and who is responsible for it.

20.  Patient Consent

TD in the next newsletter we would like to remind contractors that informed patient consent is vital. Signing patients up outside of the pharmacy premises could open you up to additional risks of complaint if this is not carried out with adequate training and understanding.

Next meeting 14th November