
Needham Housing Authority

July 20, 2017




THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2017 7:30 P.M.




Chairman Reginald C. Foster Paul Dumouchel, Executive Director

Vice Chair Scott Brightman Sandra Amour, Office Manager

Commissioner Andrew Cohen Patricia Edmond, Asst. Executive Director

Commissioner Karen Hughey, Treasurer

Commissioner Peter Pingitore

Also present: Needham Police Chief John Schlittler, Officer Anthony Frongillo, Atty. Tom McEnerny, Janelle Austin, Needham Times Reporter Stefan Gellar, and numerous NHA tenants


Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the Secretary of the Needham Housing Authority (NHA) by preparing a Public Notice dated July 18, 2017 setting forth the date, time and place of this meeting. Said notice was filed with the Clerk of the Town of Needham and provided to persons requesting it.

DISCLOSURE WITH RESPECT TO RESIDENT COMMISSIONER: Chairman Foster noted that Commissioner Hughey has been duly elected NHA Commissioner by the Town of Needham and serves as the NHA’s resident commissioner in conformance with state/DHCD policy and the policy of the NHA Board. Commissioner Hughey has disclosed that she is a resident of the Chambers Street facility. She is also the past President of the Linden Chambers Resident Association and her son-in-law is employed as Residential Services Coordinator for the Wellesley Housing Authority. As such, substantially all of the proceedings of the NHA Board could be construed to have an indirect effect on Commissioner Hughey’s interests. Commissioner Hughey commented that she would recuse herself from any NHA Board discussion or action that directly affected her interests, but intended to otherwise fully participate in any other Board discussions or actions, including representing the views and options of the NHA residents in her capacity as Resident Commissioner. Chairman Foster asked if any Board, Staff or public attendees at tonight’s meeting had any objection to Commissioner Hughey’s participation in the remainder of the Board meeting. Hearing none, he proceeded to the remainder of the agenda.


Chief Schlittler reported that he cannot go into specifics, but Tammie Galloway was arrested for the murder of Ms. Shifrina. She was in custody on another charge so the Police were able to take their time and build the case.

RESIDENT/PUBLIC INPUT: Before opening the floor for public input, Chairman Foster reviewed some ground rules: Attendees wishing to speak are requested to put their names on the sign in sheet. All questions need to be addressed to the Chair. The Board may not be able to answer every question put to us, as there is an ongoing investigation. Private personal information pertaining to individuals involved in the case cannot be discussed per privacy laws and regulations.

Helen Giragosian, President of the Linden/Chambers Tenant Association spoke first. She said that the core mission of the Association is to maintain a healthy, safe environment for the tenants. She said she’s glad to work with a great staff who are willing to work with us. It appeared to President Giragosian that NHA staff filled all required procedures regarding background checks. She indicated that although she doesn’t know all the regulations, perhaps the NHA can learn from this crisis and be an LHA leader in screening for out-of-state offenders.

Chairman Foster commented that he has accumulated much information over the past few weeks. He stressed that Housing Authorities are very regulated entities. Typically we are not free to unilaterally alter a policy or procedure. He introduced Atty. Tom McEnaney and asked him to educate the Board and public further with respect to background checking in Massachusetts.

Atty. McEnaney confirmed Chairman Foster’s statement that all Local Housing Authoritites are heavily regulated by HUD and DHCD. He has contacted DHCD to see about options and changes that could affect the policy going forward. At present, housing applicants to the NHA go through a Required ICORI check.

Meghan Rockett of Linden Street interrupted and asserted that Galloway had 20 prior arraignments. She was outraged that the alleged perpetrator had been accepted as a tenant at Linden Street. Chairman Foster told Ms. Rockett that she would have an opportunity to speak, but she needed to wait her turn. But Ms. Rockett would not wait, and left the meeting.

Atty. McEnaney continued, saying that one potential option available to the NHA is the Interstate Identification Index (Triple I) background check, which contains records on any individual who has been arrested or indicted for a serious criminal offense anywhere in the country. However, most housing authorities in the state utilize the Required 1 CORI checks; a small minority of LHAs use the Triple I check….those LHAs are mostly in border communities adjacent to other states.

Atty. Janelle Austin gave a brief summary of the CORI system, saying LHAs are allowed access only to Required 1 CORI access. Before 2010, people were coming out of jail, unable to find housing and employment. The Patrick Administration & General Court worked on a CORI reform stature, which was passed in 2010. The ICORI system was introduced in 2012, providing on-line access to authorized entities (LHAs, schools, private employers, municipalities, etc.) The reform statute took effect on May 4, 2012, introducing several categories of access (Standard, Required 1, Required 2, Required 3 and Required 4). From that point forward, by law each type of entity could only utilize a specified category of access.

Atty. McEnaney said that the NHA cannot unilaterally switch the Triple I background check. There is a process which involves entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Needham police department and the approval of Department of Criminal Justice Information Systems.

Nancy Lee Mauger of Chambers Street spoke next, starting with kudos to the NHA staff for handling the crisis so well. She stated that this event has been a tragedy and her heart goes out to the victim’s family and friends. She then asked if a background check can be run on the current tenant. Can tenants be re-CORI-ed? She also asked if crimes that tenants commit as current residents are reported to the Housing Authority. She stated: “Speaking as a current tenant, I think we should get CORI-ed every 2 years.”

Chief Schlittler responded to Atty. McEnaney saying that the Needham Police does have a MoU with the Needham public school system. He went on to say that the Needham Police would be happy to support the NHA in obtaining approval for Triple I background checking, if that’s what the Board decides.

Mary Smith of Chambers Street said she was watching a friend walk home when she spied some kids looking into cars and called the Police. The Police came and checked it out. She said she doesn’t think anything was done because the mother of one of the kids works for the Police Dept.

Chief Schlittler stated that it was very unlikely that any inaction by the Police would be due to the reason stated by Ms. Smith. But he went on to say that all NHA tenants should always feel free to call the Needham Police any time they have a concern, however small. The non-emergency number is (781) 444-1212 and the emergency number is of course 911. The Needham Police would rather be called and have it turn out to be nothing than not be called and have a serious incident occur.

Sue Biasizzo of Seabeds Way commented on the MoU and the Triple I check, and said that the NHA should contact Executive Directors who are involved in NAHRO to get together with their Police Chiefs and get this done. There is more power in groups. She said she asked ED Dumouchel where she could find the rules regarding applicants and was given a copy of 760 CMR 5. She asked that the office have copies available for tenants who request them and that the site be put on the website. She said that local housing authorities have the option of doing a home check on applicants, that that could be an option. She also questioned the Emergency Contacts that applicants give. Are they legitimate people?

Ilene Hoffman of Chambers Street, who has lived in Needham all of her life, said she would just like to request that the Board jumps through hoops if necessary to access the Triple I background check. She also requested that a CORI be periodically re-run on present tenants. She requested that the Police and Fire Department alert NHA staff every time they responded to a call for assistance by NHA tenants. She also advocated Triple I checks for all NHA tenants, both current and prospective.

Chief Schlittler responded that there are a lot of privacy issues that need to be protected as a matter of Public Records Law. He said that if they respond to a certain addresss or have issues, they go to the Housing Authority and we work together. Not all information, though, can be shared back and forth.

Ms. Hoffman asked that the tenants be made aware of background checking changes that are made by the NHA Board.

Ross Donald of Chambers Street said he’d recommend that BHA Board investigate The Eden Alternative. Chairman Foster asked Mr. Donald to forward more information to the staff.

Mary Smith thanked the Police Department.

All members of the public having expressed their opinions, Chairman Foster turned to the Board for their comments.

Commissioner Brightman noted that the Board is made up of volunteers, that they do this as residents of Needham. He said he is absolutely heartsick for what this family and this community had to go through. He said he’s very proud of the NHA staff and his Board colleagues.

Commissioner Pingitore, the longest tenured board member (having served since 2005), thanked the Needham Police for their continual work and effort in our community. He thanked all the tenants for attending this Board meeting and for coming up with thoughtful comments and questions

Commissioner Hughey responded that as a resident, she really appreciates the Police presence, that people who have in the past been afraid to talk to the Police are now talking to them. She says she feels more of a sense of community.

Chairman Foster expressed again how sorry he was that this terrible incident had taken place. He noted that even though most LHAs only use the Required 1 CORI check, we as a Board are always open to improving our procedures to see what improvements can be made. He said that this issue and the NHA’s options will continue to be explored in the next 4 weeks, and be on the agenda for the August Board meeting.


A.  Vacancy- NHA Designated Member, Council on Aging: The Chairman said the NHA’s currently designated member of the CoA is resigning. The town will be running an ad soliciting volunteers to apply for the empty seat. Commissioner Hughey and Helen Giragosian both said they would be interested in the position. Chairman Foster said that the appointment is made by the Board of Selectmen, based on a recommendation by the NHA Board.

B.  DHCD Board Training : Chairman Foster reported that all Commissioners have completed their training.


Approving the Minutes of the June 15, 2017 Regular Meeting.

Upon a motion duly made by Chairman Foster and seconded by Commissioner Hughey, the motion to approve was approved by the following vote: 5-0


Approving payment of the bill roll/check roll listed on the Warrant dated July 20,2017 in the amount of

$285,757.32 follows:

Section 8:116 vouchers……………………………………….……………………… $120,919.60

Payroll checks (6/14/17) #500572 - #500585……………………………………….... $25,600.82

Payroll checks (6/28/17) #500586 - #500597 .………………………………………....$21,172.23

Payroll checks (7/12/17) #500598 - #500611 .……………………………………...... $21,305.56

A/P Checks (6/18/17) #30033 – #30109………………….……………………………$96,759.11

Upon a motion duly made by Chairman Foster and seconded by Commissioner Pingitore, the motion to approve was approved by the following vote: 5-0


Review and comment on Needs Assessment of the Captain Robert Cook Drive property prepared by

Andrew Barr of Russo Barr & Associates: Chairman Foster reported that the price came in 40-60% lower than we thought. Commissioner Pingitore asked if the sheathing was 3 different materials, and stated his view that the project should be high priority. Commissioner Hughey opined that one reason for the reduced cost relative to what was spent on Seabeds Way is probably because no water/mold damage needs to be remediated.

Rescheduling the Linden/Chambers Site Visit: Commissioner Brightman will send out a poll to find a time for the Board to visit each of the sites. 1. Linden/Chambers. 2. High Rock/Captain Robert Cook Dr. 3. High Rock Estates (Bungalows)

Potential Linden Units Issue: In response to Commissioner Hughey’s remark that they should inspect the crawlspace below the Linden units (where there may be standing water), Chairman Foster asked E.D. Dumouchel to follow up.

Compensation Reports due to DHCD: Compensation Reports for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 were signed by the Commissioners to be sent to DHCD.

Payment To MassHousing for 2016 Residual Receipts: After a discussion regarding the historical payment, the Board, still having questions, asked that someone be brought in to give a good explanation for this check.