Unit A: Interactions and Ecosystem Project

Individually or with a partner, you are going to demonstrate the ways that humans impact species within an ecosystem. {Hint: Most of this project will be completed on your own time so if getting together with your partner will be a challenge; I recommend you do it individually).

Through this unit, we have discussed the interactions among living things and explored the ways that ecosystems change over time. In this project you will demonstrate your knowledge on a specific animal, factors that are relevant to their ecosystem and the ways humans have made an impact on that species/ecosystem.

Your task…

1.)Choose a threatened or endangered species to study.

2.)Research this species, their ecosystem and interactions among other living things.

3.)Research the human activities that have impacted your species (bioinvasion, farming, cutting forests, hunting etc.)

4.)Come up with a realistic idea to reduce human impact.

5.)Use your creativity to depict your species (and their ecosystem if you choose) that invites the viewer to question human impact. (ex. Sculpture made out of garbage, comic strip, video, poster etc.)

NOTE: All the information/research collected in your booklet should be included in a summary, or within your depiction that you hand in.

By the end of class Thursday October 5th, you must report to Ms. Williamson the following…

-Are you working individually or with a partner

-What endangered or threatened species you are studying

-How you plan to depict your animal


Almost Gone Project Brainstorming

Section 1
Endangered species: ______

What type of ecosystem does your animal live in? ______

Some of the biotic and abiotic components include… (minimum 3 of each)




Adaptations: ______

Interesting Facts:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

Section 2

Draw a Food Web that includes your animal; Label the producer, primary consumer, and secondary consumer.

Section 3 and 4

Are there changes that have occurred in your species ecosystem that contribute to their endangerment? Yes or No (Circle one) Examples: Bioinvasion, cities or human contact.

If yes, why? ______

In what ways have humans impacted your species?




What steps could be taken to reduce such impact?


