Eastern Washington University
Graduate Affairs Council
Minutes of
April 10, 2013
Members Present: R. O’Quinn, C. Hazelbaker, D. Mann, T. Martin, R. Sauders, L. Reeves, P. Nelson, N. Ridnour, S. Stankevich, A. Abdirizak
Ex Officio/Guests: R. Dalla, E. Morgan
The meeting was called to order by C. Hazelbaker at 3:05 p.m.
2. Approval of minutes of March 13, 2013 and March 20, 2013. T. Martin stated that for the March 13, 2013 minutes on line 156 the date should read, “April 12th”. T. Martin moved to approve the minutes of March 13, 2013 as amended. P. Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
P. Nelson moved to approve the minutes of March 20, 2013 as written. T. Martin seconded. Motion carried.
3. Addition/Changes to Agenda. None.
4. ASEWU Graduate Affairs Report. a. A. Abdirizak reported this past week was family weekend and many prospective students came to tour the campus. b. The election candidate filing process began on Friday and they have received 18 applicants to date. He stated they have official notice that Macklemore & Ryan Lewis will be coming to campus during that time and any student who votes will get priority free entrance into the concert. If you know of any students who may be interested and would be a good fit for a position please encourage them to run.
5. Nominations for GAC Chair. T. Martin stated she doesn’t like the idea of having co-chairs on a council but feels a chair and vice chair would be better. C. Hazelbaker stated he is willing to serve as chair for the 2013-14 academic year as long as someone would be willing to attend Rules for him. T. Martin nominated C. Hazelbaker to serve as chair of GAC for the 2013-14 academic year and P. Nelson as vice chair. C. Hazelbaker stated he would check with S. Ligon and J. Smith of the Faculty Org Executive Committee to see if they would be open to Skype for P. Nelson to attend Rules since she works at the Riverpoint campus. P. Nelson stated she would consider the position and will get back to the committee with her decision. T. Martin, L. Reeves and S. Anderson stated they would be willing to attend Rules if needed.
6. Committee Reports. CPAC 1. R. Sauders brought forward the following courses and programs as approved by CPAC 1: MUSC 620 The Orff Schulwerk Approach to Music Education; MUSC 621 Early Childhood Music Education. Comes forward as a seconded motion from CPAC 1. Motion carried. Program revision – Master of Arts in Music moved to a Master’s of Music; PHTH 554 Diagnosis in Physical Therapy; PHTH 617 Musculoskeletal Systems II; PHTH 618 Musculoskeletal Systems III. The PADM prerequisite changes came forward to be approved. This comes forward as a seconded motion from CPAC 1. Motion carried.
CPAC 2. T. Martin brought forward the following courses and programs as approved by CPAC 2: Masters of Business Administration; BADM 603; International MBA-MA Dual Degree program; MS in Applied Psychology revision; SOWK 526 Research Methods II; SOWK 568 Proseminars in Social Welfares Policies and Programs; SOWK 602 Advanced Generalist Practice I; SOWK 694 to SOWK 571; SOWK 695 to SOWK 671; MSW revision;GIS Certificate; GEOG 521 GIS for Social Sciences; GEOG 523 GIS for Environmental Sciences; GEOG 527 Desktop Mapping; GEOG 528 GIS I; GEOG 536 GIS Programming; GEOG 538 GIS II; GEOG 548 GIS III; GEOG 549 GIS Portfolio. PLAN 500 Planning Practice; PLAN 510 Community Facilities Planning; PLAN 540 Land Use Planning; PLAN 542 Sustainable Communities; PLAN 551 Transportation Planning; PLAN 570 Environmental Planning; PLAN 571 Environmental Review; PLAN 572 Rural and Small Town Planning; MURP revision. This comes forward as a seconded motion from CPAC 2. Motion carried.
PDRC. AP 303-22 Section 2.9 Graduate Student Access and AP 303-22 Graduate Students – Chapter 7 Thesis Regulations. C. Hazelbaker stated that R. Dalla has presented two documents that are ready to be voted on. R. Dalla is in Wisconsin attending the NCUR conference so these items will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting.
7. Unfinished Business. a. Development of Guidelines for CPAC. Due to lack of time this will be unfinished business at the next meeting.
b. Academic Policy 303-?? Graduate Faculty. Due to lack of time this will be unfinished business at the next meeting.
8. Chairs Report. a. C. Hazelbaker reported he attended the 4/8/13 Rules meeting and they discussed whether the grading scale was hurting the students. He stated they are looking at other institutions to see what they do and will continue to discuss this at the next meeting. b. UAC and GAC created a document to remind the Senators their job is to make substantive changes only to documents sent forward from the councils/committees and not to wordsmith them. He stated there has been a lot of wordsmithing by the Senators that only delay documents and appears to dismiss the hard work done by the councils/committees. c. FPAC has been working on revising the Faculty Organization Constitution and the changes are ready to come forward to Senate at their next meeting. The committee will work on the bylaws next year.
9. Good of the Order. None.
10. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 24, 2013.