
Course Instructor: Mrs. Tibbs Email:

All policies of the Huntsville City School Board of Education as well as the rules and guidelines of Huntsville Jr. High School will be followed in the classroom. Additional rules and guidelines described in the syllabus for this mathematics course will also be followed.

Course Description

The Alabama Course of Study will determine the curriculum for this course. The Huntsville City Schools curriculum guide will be a supplement document. Pearson Success Net, MathXL and LTF are tools for information and practice and will be used as a resource. Teacher notes, explanations and assignments will reflect the necessary topics for covering the Alabama Course of Study.

Grading Policy

The nine weeks’ grade will be calculated as followed: 40% the average score from daily grades and the remaining 60% will be an average of the test scores from the grading period. A progress report will be provided in the middle of the nine weeks. Parents can also access INOW grades online and check student progress as necessary.

Daily Grades (40%)

Daily grades will consist of homework, quizzes, worksheets, LTF and MathXL. Students must complete all homework in pencil, write the problem, show all work, and obtain an answer to the problem in order to receive credit. Students should correct/complete homework as it is reviewed in class. Any homework not worked in pencil will not be graded and will have to be re-worked in pencil. In addition, homework completed and turned in online will be recorded as a homework grade.

Test Grades (60%)

There will be multiple tests and possible notebook test each grading period. Projects will be assigned during the year that will count as test grades. The notebook test will include questions from class notes and the homework assignments given during the nine weeks. The notebook test is graded for accuracy from notes and homework, so make sure to correct any work as needed. This test will not necessarily be announced, so students should be prepared at all times.*There will also be multiple tests given by the Huntsville City Board of Education throughout the year.

Make Up Work

Huntsville City Schools Board Policy States: “all make up homework must be completed within ten days of an excused absence or by the last day of the grading period.” Class notes missed due to an absence should be copied by the student in the notebook as soon as possible. Students who do not turn in missed work within ten days will receive a zero for the grade missed.

**If possible, it is best to turn in missed work as soon as possible so students do not fall behind. Please note that this is an advanced course and students are advised to notify the teachers if going to be absent to get assignments ahead of time.


Students are expected to have computer, headphones, math notebook, calculator and pencil with them every day of class. They need to purchase a 1-subject notebook and folder with pockets (prongs not necessary) to be kept in the classroom. There will be a certain color assigned to each period on the 1st day of school for the notebook and folder. Students who arrive to class with no materials will have a consequence of my discretion. Students are responsible for coming to class prepared; this includes having computer charged and fully functional before entering the classroom.

Math Notebook

The student’s notebook should be a three-ring binder with lots of loose-leaf paper, graphing paper and 4 dividers. All papers and notes should be kept in chronological order. The three sections of the binder should be as followed:

1.)Handouts-Such as syllabus, policy, and reference sheets.

2.)Notes-Your notes should include the following: date, objective, definitions and examples given in class.

3.)Homework- Homework is any item that will be graded in class for an attempt.

4.)Graded Items- Tests, quizzes, projects, or any item that has been graded for accuracy and returned.

I am available to provide extra help and to discuss grades/progress before or after school. Please make an appointment when you need extra help or when you have a concern about your progress. Your parents can call the office at 256-428-7700 or email me at for any information.

When you and your child have reviewed the above syllabus, please email me by August 8th. Using these emails addresses, I will create a contact list, so be sure to use the email address from which you would like to be contacted by me. The email should state your name, your child’s name and period, thenstate “I have read and understand the Geometry Syllabus.”

Student Expectations

  1. Students are expected to follow the rules and guidelines from the Huntsville City Schools Official Student-Parent Handbook and the HJHS Handbook.
  2. Students are expected to behave in a manner that will facilitate their own learning and will not interfere with the learning of others.
  3. Students are expected to be prepared and on time to class. Bring your computer, notebook, pencil and calculator to class daily and be in your seat when the bell rings.
  4. Students are expected to do all work in pencil. Homework or tests done in ink will not be graded. Homework will have to be re-worked in pencil.
  5. Students are expected to leave non-school related items at home.
  6. Students are expected to pay attention, take notes and work on Geometry.
  7. Students should be respectful of themselves and others at all times.
  8. Students are expected to do their own work. In the event that a student is caught cheating on an assignment/test, the student will be given a grade of zero on the assignment/test and the parents/guardians will be notified of the situation.
  9. Students are expected to collect and complete make up assignment. Make up work must be completed and turned in within 10 days of the absence or by the last day of the grading period. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the classroom procedures for make-up work.
  10. Students are expected to come to class with a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn.

Consequences for Failure to Meet Expectations

We will follow the Huntsville City Schools Secondary Behavior Learning Guide for all inappropriate behavior. The following are possible consequences for inappropriate behavior/failure to meet expectations: Verbal reprimand, detention, writing sentences or definitions, phone conference with parents, in-person conference with parents, and/or referral to the office for more serious disciplinary issues. Some behaviors require immediate attention by an administrator. These behaviors include, but are not limited to: the use of obscene language, disregard for the authority of the teacher in charge, harassment of another student or adult, and/or fighting-verbally and physically.

This page will be kept in your notebook along with your syllabus. You and your parents should read these expectations/consequences and sign the sheet.

Student Signature:______Date: ______

Parent Signature:______Date: ______