SUBJECT: Nuisance Pest Environmental Control

Date CMO Implemented:DRAFT

Date CMO Revised:

Date CMOReviewed:


File Name:.docAttachments/Forms:None



Day to day activity in a public clinic involves risk for exposure to nuisance pests which includes but is not limited to: Scabies, Head Lice, Fleas,and Bed Bugs. BFHC will address any exposure to these pests to reduce the risk of transmission to employees and other patients.

Exposure to these pests does not imply infestation and this protocol is for exposure management only . Infestations are treated by professional exterminators.


Room Closed sign

Garbage bags

Vacuum withcrevice tool

Specimen Container

Pick up forceps / tweezer

Disinfectant wipes/solution


If there is suspected or direct visual evidence of any of the above mentioned insects when rooming a patient, notify the provider seeing the patient and site facility manager.

1)Place client and any personal bags, purses, outer clothing in an exam room and remove any books or magazines from the room.

2)The provider should address the Medical/Dental/Behavioral health or Optometry issue the patient came in for and then may address the concern for any insect infestations in the home or on the person if appropriate.

3) If the patient is being seen in the Medical department the provider should conduct skin/scalp assessment looking for evidence of insects, eggs or skin bites.

4) The Medical Provider may prescribe appropriate treatment if indicated along with appropriate educational information.

5) If patient is in the Dental, Optometry or Behavioral health or Pharmacy departments and the patient has a concern about pests they should be referred to their primary care physician.

6)After the patient has left the exam room a sign marked Closed should be placed on the door and the room should not be used till it has been cleaned and properly evaluated for risk of residual pests. Note the area on report for housekeeping .

7)If family members of the source client are present in lobby / waiting area, remove any chairs used by them and put them in the room marked Closed after the patient and family have left.

8)If direct visual evidence of insects are noted ; collect specimens using a tweezer and urine collection cup ifeasily obtainable and give to site facility manager whom will decide if specimen needs to be formally identified at the MSU lab.

9)Rooms that have been designated as Closed should be vacuumed and cleaned thoroughly by housekeeping before being used again by patients or staff. See room cleaning protocol. The room and any furniture should be vacuumed thoroughly and all surfaces wiped down / decontaminated with the appropriate cleaning solution /wipes.

10)Place all disposable items in appropriate bags and place in outside receptacle. Vacuum cleaner bags should be placed in a garbage bag and placed outside. If there is no bag the vacuum cleaner contents should be emptied into a garbage bag outside and the bag sealed shut.

Information: Head lice is transmitted by sharing hair grooming items or hats, scabies are transmitted by prolonged direct skin to skin contact or shared clothing , towels, or bedding, fleas can jump from person to person, and bed bugs are usually transmitted from home to home thru a purse, clothing, bag or other personal items.

11. Any employee whom is concerned they may have acquired any of these pests should speak to the site facility manager.

12. Employees or volunteers that go into patient’s homes should limit bags they take into the home. Bags that are taken into the home should be colored so that any stow away bed bugs can be detected. When in the home select wood or plastic chairs to sit on and avoid fabric chairs.

13. If a child is in the toy area and has been found to have scabies or other pest exposure the toy area should be closed by placing a closed room sign and cleaned according to protocol.