International Partnership Development Funding (IPDF)

Progress report 2018/2019

Please complete the form below. The outcomes of the funding will be reported to the International Steering Group.As agreed as part of the application, your progress report will be then be added to the Internationalisation Sharepoint pages (GUID required) for four years:

Please return all progress reports to Alison Coe()

1.Contact and partner details
1.1Is this proposal with one of the UofG strategic partners? / Yes / No
For the full list of strategic partners visit:
1.2Name of project – e.g.‘Partnership between the School of Geography and the University of Dodoma, Tanzania’
1.3Name of main UoG contact
1.4School(s) / institute or subject areas:
1.5Name and web of partner institution
1.6Region / Africa / Americas
Middle East / East Asia
South East Asia / Eurasia & South Asia
Europe / Australasia
2.Description of partnershipand IPDF activity
2.1Type of partnership – mark an ‘X’ in all that apply: / Collaborative research opportunity
Collaborative programme
e.g. joint or dual degree
Curriculum development /
capacity building
New programme strands
e.g. International placement
Student mobility opportunity / UG / PGT / PGR
Staff mobility opportunity
Internationalising the curriculum
International CPD
Other (please provide brief details):
2.2Date of activity funded by IPDF
2.3Brief introduction and overview of the IPDF activity. Visits already undertaken either inward or outward.
(if there are web pages linked to the project, please include these).
3.Aims and outcomes
3.1Progress against your list of objectives
(listed in section 3.1 on your IPDF application) / 1.
3.2Progress against long-term project aims/vision
(listed in section 3.2 on your original application)
E.g. Any approved outcomes? If it is a joint programme include anticipated launch date e.g.
new joint MSc launching September 2014
3.3Details on proposed financial return. E.g. Predicted intake and fee income (if applicable)
3.4Future steps, any further planned collaborations / work with partners:
4.Benefits and lessons learned
4.1Benefits of this project
4.2Lessons Learned. Any further opportunities & challenges
6.Any other comments

1International Partnership Development Funding Progress report