October 19, 2017
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Hermiston Irrigation District
Board of Directors
October 19, 2017
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bergstrom called the October Board Meeting of the Hermiston Irrigation District Board of Directors to order at 4:01 p.m. at the Hermiston Irrigation District office. Also present at the meeting were Directors Ian Findley, Wes Locke and Jeremy Bolen; District Manager Annette Kirkpatrick; Field Manager Mike Christley; Bookkeeper Sonia Nash and Customer Service Representative Karra Van Fossen. Director Len Jeppeson via telephone.
MINUTES: The Board reviewed the minutes of the September 21, 2017 Regular Board Meeting. Director Bolen moved to approve the minutes as presented. Director Findley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & VOUCHERS: The Board reviewed and approved the September 2017 Profit & Loss Report and the October 2017 Vouchers Report. The Board reviewed and approved the accounts payable receipts. Bookkeeper Nash gave a report of the District’s financial standing.
Bookkeeper Nash advised the Board that collection calls were made October 11 & 13, 2017 and there remains approximately $43,000 in outstanding accounts receivable.
Bookkeeper Nash advised the Board that she had placed 5 Second round liens on October 2, 2017. Manager Kirkpatrick stated that total of liens for 2017 were less than 30 and it was the lowest she had ever seen.
CTUIR/HID WATER RIGHTS TRADE: District Manager Kirkpatrick reported that Steve Shropshire met with Dan Hester to update the trade language according to all the discussions HID had with them on August 29, 2017 and as of today HID had not received a new draft proposal.
District Manager Kirkpatrick also reported that Steve Shropshire has been speaking with Duane Mecham in which there was a meeting scheduled for October 18, 2017 but schedules changed and is being rescheduled for a later date. Manager Kirkpatrick suggested to meet at the OWRC annual Conference as everyone would be attending.
District Manager Kirkpatrick reported that Steve Shropshire would be sending a list of requests to the Bureau of Reclamation for a breakdown of cost for O & M of the new Columbia River System.
WATER RIGHTS PROJECT: Manager Kirkpatrick reported to the Board Water Rights Specialist Karra Van Fossen, along with herself met with Mike Ladd from Oregon Water Resources Department to discuss proper procedures for the upcoming water rights sales and transfers. Mike Ladd stated that HID would not be able to use transfer process but would actually have to apply for a new permit which in turn is a longer process and is a higher expense for potential buyers as they would need to hire a certified water rights specialist to prove beneficial use of new water rights. Mike Ladd also stated HID could group all water rights together that needed to be moved and move them instream for this next year and that could buy HID and patrons another five (5) years to correct all water rights.
District Manager Kirkpatrick and Water Rights Specialist Van Fossen came back to office and regrouped and decided Water Rights Specialist Karra Van Fossen would contact patrons and/or potential patrons who have expressed an interest in purchasing water rights from the District and inform them HID had found out new information and was unsure of pricing and would be holding off on sales of water rights at this point in time.
District Manager Kirkpatrick reported she has been speaking with representative from EA Engineering Science & Technology, Inc. and stated that the project is bigger than HID had expected and will be meeting to go tax lot by tax lot to apply for an instream transfer for next year and to be able to move forward.
ELECTIONS: Bookkeeper Nash stated that Director Jeppeson was the only petition HID received for Division 1 and Director Bolen was the only petition HID received for Division 5. Bookkeeper Nash stated that there would not be an election this year for HID.
HID/HSD LAND TRADE: District Manager Kirkpatrick reported that Attorney Hadley has amended the agreement and has sent over a hard copy to Attorney Anderson regarding the trade of the Theater Lane property and as of today HID is awaiting response from Attorney Anderson.
MOBILE DEVICE POLICY: District Manager Kirkpatrick presented to the Board the Mobile Device Policy. This policy has been reviewed and approved by SDAO. Director Findley moved to approve the Policy as presented. Director Bolen seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
2017 OWRC ANNUAL CONFERENCE: District Manager Kirkpatrick reported that the OWRC Annual Conference is scheduled for November 28-December 1, 2017 in Hood River, OR and that she did not have an agenda as of today. Manager Kirkpatrick stated that the deadline for registration is November 15, 2017.
WATER MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION PLAN: District Manager Kirkpatrick handed out rough draft hard copies of the Water Management and Conservation Plan to each of the Directors and asked to receive any comments within the next 2 weeks if possible.
PERSONNEL EVALUATIONS: District Manager Kirkpatrick stated to the Board that Manager Evaluations are coming due for the District Manager and Field Crew Manager. Manager Kirkpatrick asked if the Board would prefer to do evaluations as a group or have a subcommittee. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to do manager evaluations as a group in December.
FIELD MANAGER’S REPORT: Field Manager Christley reported he and the field crew have begun mowing weeds and getting the ditch banks cleared up enough to add bentonite to the ditches and working on the Feed Canal.
Field Manager Christley reported that the crew had to do some work on the dozer.
Field Manager Christley reported HID will be using the inmate work crew to help clean up ditches.
DISTRICT MANAGER’S REPORT: District Manager Kirkpatrick reported that West Extension Irrigation District will be holding an Excavator and Competent Person Training on October 30, 2017. Manager Kirkpatrick is hoping all Field Crew members will be going to the training.
District Manager Kirkpatrick reported that the entire field crew along with herself will be on vacation October 23-27, 2017.
MEETINGS: As listed on the Agenda.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Director Findley moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:40 p.m. Director Bolen seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Michael Bergstrom Sonia Nash
Chairman Recording Secretary