July 24, 2016

Suggested passages to read in preparation for corporate worship this morning:

The Lord’s Service

9:30 AM


Welcome and Announcements

*Call to Worship: Psalm 99:1-3

The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!

He dwells between the cherubim; let the earth be moved!

The Lord is great in Zion, and He is high above all the peoples.

Let them praise Your great and awesome name—He is holy.

*Invocation: Isaiah 37:16

O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, the One who dwells between the cherubim,

You are God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth.

You have made heaven and earth.

*God’s Greeting: Romans 1:7

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


*Response of Praise: Jehovah Reigns in Majesty.……………....…………….……………………….…....#194

Reading of the Law: Exodus 20

Hymn of Confession: How Blest is He Whose Trespass……………………………………………....#55(1-3)

Declaration of Pardon: Romans 3:21-25

But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,

Even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe.

For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,

Whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,

To demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

Profession of Faith

*Hymn: Jesus Loves Me………………………………………….……………#479 (Great Hymns of the Faith)

Congregational Prayer


*Song of Preparation: Great Shepherd Who Leadest Thy People in Love.……………………...#153(1,2,6)

Scripture: Exodus 25:10-22 & 37:1-9

This is the Word of the Lord!

Thanks be to God!

Sermon: “The Ark of the Testimony”

I. Its Description—vv. 10-15

II. Its Contents—vv. 16

III. Its Message—vv. 17-22


*Song of Response: Holy, Holy, Holy!…………….…...…………………….…………………..….....#318(1-3)

*Doxology: Holy, Holy, Holy!...... ……………………………………………………..……#318(4)

*Benediction: Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

*Moment of Silence


Organist: Deb Wierenga


As you leave your seat, please take a moment to greet those around you.

If you don’t know them, introduce yourself and invite them to stay for refreshments.




Marge Bykerfell last weekend and broke 3 ribs.She is in pain, but doing well.

Congratulations to Steven & Amanda Diemer in the birth of their son Everett Richard on July 13! Mother and baby are doing well.

We extend our Christian sympathy to Jean Entingh and her family in the death of Jean’s father, Al Van De Weert, this past Wednesday morning in Vermont. May the Lord comfort you with His unfailing compassion.

We extend our Christian sympathy to Rob & Sharon Jonker in the death of Rob’s brother John. May the Lord comfort you with the promises of His Word.

Joseph Postma will be attending the RYS National Convention at Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri this week. Pray for safety in travels, and for a week of growth in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

Bennet VanderVennen is receiving chemotherapy for a brain tumor.

Esther VanVugt’s brother, Rusty VanHoeven, will be undergoing surgery on July 25 for lung cancer. If the surgery goes well, he will have a lung removed in the near future.

Please pray for those of our congregation with continuing needs: Audrey Berghoef; Vesta Bos; Anne & Beverly Braam; Marge Byker; Davis DeJong; Lucy Diephouse; Carol Helmholdt; Edythe Huberts; Don Knott; Ed & Nina Mersman; Elaine Pasma; AnnaLisaStegink; Sid & Virginia VanderLaan; Cheryl VanTil; Gerry VanderVennen; Lucille Wierenga; & Ann Wychers.

Please remember our missionaries in prayer, as well as those involved in mission and service work: Dr. Neal Hegeman; Rev. Nick Lamme & Family; Katie DeJong; Dave & Mary Meengs; Kevin & Michelle Suwyn; & Rev. Chan Thleng.

Happy Birthday to Haylie Suwyn as she celebrates her 19th birthday on Tuesday, July 26!

Prayer Request from Katie DeJong on July 21:

Dear Friends and Family-
I have a special prayer request which is especially close to my heart. I am so thrilled that my sister Melissa and my brother Jon have the opportunity to come visit me for two weeks.
They fly out tonight and we hope to arrive in Guinea Saturday. Pray for a safe and dare we ask, enjoyable, trip. Pray against troubles with connecting flights and favor with the immigration and customs officials in a country where they do not speak the language. I am so excited to introduce them to my friends and neighbors in Kankan!
We are also planning a kid’s club for the first week of their visit, July 27-30th. I have invited the children from 12 families with whom I have developed relationships, which should limit enrollment to 40 kids or less. Please join us in praying for the smooth running of this opportunity. Pray for the teenage translator K* who will work with my brother to tell the story of Joseph. Pray against conflicts or injuries. Pray most of all that the message of God’s greatness and God’s love would be clearly communicated in our words and actions.
Finally, pray that God would bless their time with me. We ask God that he would smooth their sleeping transitions, guard their health, and give them eyes to see His Kingdom moving here in this place.
Thanks for your prayers, Katie DeJong

Please pray for the evangelism ministry at the Kent County Correctional Facility this afternoon.



Profession of Faith: Joni Smith will be making public profession of her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ today during this morning’s service.



Men's Group:There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer for the Men's Group. We are going to be studying the book "Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes" by VoddieBaucham Jr. We will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at 6:30 a.m. at Russ' restaurant in Cutlerville. We will hold our first meeting, the Lord willing, on September 9. All men are encouraged to attend! Please sign up today.



Update from the Evangelism Committee: The Evangelism Committee has been working on a multipurpose gift bag to use in outreach.These bags will have a Bible, simple gospel tract, letter introducing our church, as well as other items.We are just finishing the design of a notepad and magnet and hope to share those with the congregation soon.We will make these bags available for new residences in our area, visitors at church, and for you to share with your neighbors.We have also made contact with Mel Trotter Ministries to see if there are opportunities for our church to serve.We will update you in the future and look forward to extending our reach into our own community.

Sermons preached here at Trinity can be downloaded from our website, just click on “Listen” and “Sermons.” Or visit You’re encouraged to share these sites with others.

The August edition of Tabletalk, a monthly devotional published by Ligonier Ministries and R.C. Sproul, is available in the kiosk. This month’s edition is on addictions.



RYS Convention 2016 will take placeJuly 25-29at Evangel University inSpringfield, MO,DV. Please pray for everyone as they travel and for
safety during the week. Please also pray that the speakers will be powerfully used by the Lord as they minister to the conventioneers. Photos
will be available to view on the RYS Facebook page late every evening.

Please remember to sign up for this year’s Puritan Reformed Conference, August 25-27. The theme for this year isThe Beauty and Glory of the Christian Worldview. Together, we will look at what the Bible has to say about such topics as the Christian's view of everyday life, of suffering, of sexuality, and much, much, more. Guest speakers will include Derek Thomas, Charles Barrett, Brian Cosby, and several PRTS faculty members. Registeronline or call the seminary at 977-0599 before August 1 for the low price of $75 per person. A la carte options are available. For more information visit us online at ask when you call Ann Dykema or Chris Hanna.

Bible League International volunteers are hosting a retreat on September 8 at the FriendshipCRCin Byron Center. The speaker this year is GraciaBurnhamwho is a widow of MartinBurnham. They were kidnapped in the Philippines by a Muslim group in 2001, held hostage for over a year. In 2002 Martin was killed and Gracia was wounded but freed. Gracia has written two books of their experience. The day retreat is open to both women and men. An evening concert will be performed by Tribute Quartet nationally know. There will be a freewill offering for the concert. Brochures are in your mailbox for reservations for the retreat. Any questions, call Joyce Koning at 277-1533.

United in Prayer: Up-to-date Requests from our Missionaries. Rev. Rich Bout – Missions Coordinator. 1.) Pray for Pastor Bout as he leads a short-term YP evangelism team this weekend with Rev. Zac Wyse in Cincinnati, OH. Another weekend team is scheduled to help out Rev. Sam Perez from August 18-22th in Jersey City, NJ. 2.)Pray for upcoming travels to: ICRC conference in Philadelphia Sept. 20 & 21; India (Rev. Steve Poelman) Sept. 22 - Oct. 4; Missions Committee meeting – October.

The Shepherd's Way(tSw)is a ministryof IRBCwhich provides counseling opportunities for Supervised Counselors working towards their certification. We currently have a male SupervisedCounseloravailable forfree counseling. All tSw supervised counselors havefulfilled basic training, reading, and counseling observation requirements and have successfully sustained counseling and theology examinations.Contact Dr. Jeff Dollat 669-2190fora confidential intake discussion.

IRBC asks that you pray that God will bless the efforts that are being made to begin biblical counseling ministries in NE Grand Rapids and somewhere in the Plains (i.e. Iowa or South Dakota). For more information, please read the IRBC newsletter.

TheIRBC Basic Training Course in Biblical Counselingis a“user friendly”class that will equip you with the knowledge you need to effectively counsel at home, at church, and the workplace. Pick up a brochurein the Narthexor go to more information.

Singers (ages 18-30) are encouraged to join the Young Adults Choir. It will meet at Bethel URC from 7:30-8:30 p.m. onMondaysfor the nextthreeweeks. It will last till the end of August with hopes to sing at Sunset Manor.All are welcome: single, married, ordating; no matter what your relationship status is, you are welcome and encouraged to join us! If you are interested, please contact Seth Steenwyk at 616-430-6040.

Zion Christian School is currently hiring for several positions. Visit click on the employment link under Faculty and Staff for more details.


Offertory Schedulefor today:

AM: General Fund

Christian Education Fund

PM: MINTS Equador

MINTS-Ecuador Earthquake-Rebuilding homes, churches and MINTS ministry centers on thecoastof Ecuadorfrom the recentearthquakes.

Next Week:

AM: General Fund

Building Repair Fund

PM: Kid’s Life Bible Club

Kid’s Life Bible Clubs organize and support after-school Bible Clubs in local public schools, charter schools, apartment complexes, mobile home parks and individual homes reaching approximately 1500 children weekly, October through April. Volunteer teachers are provided with all materials needed to engage elementary students in learning Biblical truths and applying them to daily living. Prayers and financial support are vital to this ministry.

Family Greeting Schedule for today:

AM: Rusty & Staci Tobolic

PM: Joel Westendorp & Jolene Ybema

Next Week:

AM: Marty & Laurie Ybema

PM: Ed & Brenda Bakelaar

Refreshment Serving Schedule:

Geoff & Jill Bronsink

Next Week:

Dave & Beth DeBoer

Song Leader for this week:

Michael Diemer

Next Week:

Brian Knot

Nursery Attendants for today:

AM: Brenda Bakelaar

Madilyn Barbrick

PM:Missy Knot

Mariah Vos

Next Week:

AM: Rachel Postma

Grace Drew

PM:Liz Kik

Brittney Tripp

Ushers for this month:

AM:Andrew DeBoer

Darrell DeJong

Michael DeJong

PM:Matthew Diemer

Caleb Drew

Jim Drew

The Lord’s Service

5:00 PM


*Call to Worship: Psalm 98:1-3

Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things;

His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.

The Lord has made known His salvation;

His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations.

He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the house of Israel;

All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

*Invocation: Psalm 124:8

Where does your help come from?

Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

*God’s Greeting: Ephesians 1:2

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


*Song of Praise: Sing a New Song to Jehovah…………..……....………………………………….………...#190

*Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed….………….……………………………..p. 3 (back of Psalter Hymnal)

*Song of Response: Amid the Thronging Worshipers...……………..…….…………………………………#37

Scripture Lesson: Psalm 30

Congregational Prayer


*Song of Preparation: O Lord, by Thee Delivered……………..…………………………….…...….#52(1,2,5)

Scripture: Esther 9-10

This is the Word of the Lord!

Thanks be to God!

Sermon: “A Holiday for God’s People”


*Song of Response: Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun...…..………………………………...…….#399(1-4)

*Doxology: Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun………….……….…………………………………..…#399(5)


*Moment of Silence


Organist: Deb Wierenga; Pianist: Sarah Bierling


* = Stand, if ableBold Words = Congregation