Registration and selection

I would like to register for the event. What should I do?

Schools and/or teachers must fill in by 13 January 2016 aregistration formthat can be found on the internet site. Students may not register independently.

How many schools will be able to take part in the exercise and how will they be selected?

Lots will be drawn in January among the schools that have registered by the deadline. Only one school per country will be chosen to participate in the workshops in Brussels. This school will also receive the visit by an EESC member between February and March 2016. The schools taking part will be informed individually and must put forward the name of the accompanying teacher and the three students who will come to Brussels in March 2016.

What level of language knowledge must the students have in order to take part in the workshops?

No minimum language level of language knowledge is required. However, the students selected and their teacher must be able to express themselves in English so as to facilitate communication and discussion during the workshops.

How should schools select the students who will come to Brussels?

Each school is free to set its own selection criteria, which must be clear, fair and non-discriminatory. For gender equality reasons, if possible the students selected must include at least one girl and one boy.

How can I contact the organisers of the workshops? How will I be contacted if my school is selected?
You can contact the organisers by sending an email to:
The organisers will contact the school by email. You must therefore ensure that the email address entered on the registration form is valid and you must check your email regularly.
Is my school allowed to register more than once?

No, only one application is allowed. Schools that apply more than once will automatically be excluded.

  1. Preparations for the workshops

How should students prepare for the workshops?
An EESC member will visit the schools taking part between February and March 2016 to explain how the EESC works and the role of the different European institutions in the decision-making process (the EESC member's travel expenses will be paid by the Committee).

All the documents needed for preparation will sent by email in due time.

  1. The workshops

How long will the workshops last?

The workshops will take place on Friday 18 March. Students will arrive in Brussels on Thursday17 March, the day before the session, and will have a chance to meet the other participants that evening. They will return home on Saturday 19 March.

Who will pay travel and accommodation costs?

The EESC will arrange and pay the accommodation in Brussels for the students and their teacher. It will also pay travel expenses for the international airplane/train connection from their home country to Brussels (including connecting flights/long distance connecting trains if needed), as well as the transport from/to Brussels station or airport and the hotel.

Will the EESC organise and pay also travel to/from the departure station or airport in our home country?

No, the EESC will not organise, pay or reimburse travel expenses from/to the departure airport/station in the home country. The EESC will pay only the international connection to/from Brussels (incl. connecting trains and connecting flights if needed).

Will the EESC pay a new ticket and additional hotel costs if I miss my train/flight?
If you miss your train or flight for any reason other thanforce majeure, the EESC will not grant any refund and/or compensation and will not cover the costs of purchasing new tickets, rerouting existent tickets, paying for accommodation or subsistence costs. Please make sure you arrive at the station/airport well in advance of your scheduled departure time.
Can schools choose a specific hotel in Brussels?
No, the EESC will contact the selected schools indicatively mid-February 2016 and will propose a travel and accommodation arrangement.
What is the role of the accompanying teacher?
The accompanying teacher is the person who will liaise between the EESC and participants. He or she will ensure that all participants receive the necessary information, and will be responsible for all the preparatory work , Should the teacher fall ill or be unable for any other reason to attend the session, he or she must be replaced by a colleague.
What is the role of the accompanying teacher during the time in Brussels?
The accompanying teachers will play a key role, bearing full responsibility for the students and themselves while they are travelling to and staying in Brussels. They will be present throughout the event and will take part in all the activities. It is important that they are able to express themselves in English

Can a school have more than one accompanying teacher?
The project foresees that the three students are accompanied by one teacher. Therefore, the EESC will pay travel and accommodation only for three students and one teacher per participant country.