St. Fagans Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday2nd October 2017
at 7.00pm in the Village Hall
Present:CouncillorsJ. Hughes (Chairman)
C. Edwards, J. Griffiths,F. Lewis,C. Price,
T. Pallier & R. Williams.
In Attendance:PolicePCSO L. Shaw & PCSO R. Morgan
ClerkD. Barnard
Apologies:County CouncillorG. Thomas
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
318.10.01 – Declaration of Interests
Agenda Item 7 – Community Projects. Cllr. Price declared an interest in the painting of the wall at Westfield Park as he is related to the Director of a company quoting for the work. He took no part in the discussion thereof.
318.10.02 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 11thSeptember2017
Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.
318.10.03 – Matters arising from the Minutes
There were none.
318.10.04 – Co-options to fill vacancies
The Chairman reported that of the 584 councils in membership of One Voice Wales, 20% currently have vacancies. He added that Mark Drakeford, AM, has confirmed that a review of Town & Community Councils in Wales will take place next year. He said that it was important to fill the vacancies as soon as possible and a general discussion ensued. It was agreed to invite interested persons to attend a meeting of the Council.
318.10.05 – PoliceMatters & Neighbourhood Watch
PCSO Shaw advised that the area north of the railway had been fairly quiet with only two reported incidents with off-road bikes, two burglaries and two thefts. South of the railway, PCSO Morgan advised that there were 10/11 ongoing issues including six thefts all of which are still under investigation. One window had been broken at the JEHU site but security at the Persimmon site has been improved. Operations against off-road bikes are ongoing and across the City between June and August some 30 bikes had been seized. The police helicopter has been up a few times that has led to some arrests and while the drone has been used, it can only do so much. The Red Mana campaign continues and efforts to persuade residents to provide intelligence are continuing. Cllr. Pallier reported that a section of fencing around the recreation ground had been cut through allowing access to the fields. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cardiff Council.
Members discussed some of the incidents and issues. With regard to the traffic speed through the Village, PCSO Shaw confirmed that ‘speedwatch’ operations continue with the aim of doing one each week.
No other issues were raised. The Chairman thanked the officers for their attendance, at which point they left the meeting.
318.10.06 – Village Hall Outstanding Matters.
The Chairman advised that the Village Association was meeting the following evening. He reported that the WiFi should be installed the following week. He explained that the offering from Plusnet was no good as they were unable to provide the service required. He had accordingly taken the offer from Xls at a cost of £99 + VAT for installation and £16.95 per month.
The quotation for the paving work to the west side of the Hall was awaited, but the Chairman expressed the view that the Council should not pay for this. Members agreed.
318.10.07 – Community projects
Reports on the progress of the various projects were as follows:
a) Parc Rhydlafar:
The picnic benches have been installed.
The weeds on the roundabout appear to have been killed off at last.
Signage on Church Road to try and slow traffic approaching the roundabout is proposed, together with a sign to warn of children. Cllr. Lewis agreed to contact Matt Wakelam about this.
Cllr. Edwards reported an increase in litter adding that the bin outside the shop is often full. The Clerk was asked to request additional bins in the area and at the bus stop.
Information plaque – Members agreed that a plaque like the one at the railway would be the best option. It was also agreed that it should be bi-lingual and the draft, once agreed, would need to be translated.
b) Westfield Park:
Entrance area – the planters are in place and most comments have been positive. It was agreed it would be nice to put a small plaque on each planter to show that they had been provided by the Community Council. The Clerk was asked to obtain quotes.The Chairman reported that the one quote to paint the wall was £500 which he considered excessive. He proposed that he purchase paint and do the work himself. This was accepted.
Welcome sign – Cllr. Pallier circulated some ideas. Members agreed they should incorporate the words ‘St Fagans’ and Cllr. Pallier was asked to obtain quotes.
Cllr. Pallier reported that the grass at the recreation ground has not been cut properly for some time and that the roads have not been swept. The Clerk was asked to report this. Cllr. Pallier added thatsome residents have been warned to cut back overgrown hedges.
c) the Village:
Two planters have now been installed, one in front of the Church and the other on the green in St Fagans Drive. Members discussed getting some more and the possibility of hanging baskets. No decision was reached at this time.
Cardiff Council has agreed to repaint the white lines, including Greenwood Lane. No time-scale has been given for this or for the speed awareness signs.
The Clerk advised that M Williams from Centregreat will contact Cllr. Price about the Xmas lights.
Members agreed that new ‘St Fagans’ signs are needed at the entrances to the Village, possibly incorporated into planters. The Clerk will make enquiries about this.
d) Other:
Defibrillator – The Clerk had obtained the dimensions of a defibrillator cabinet and established that a power supply is required. Cllr. Price will speak to the landlord of the Plymouth Arms.
318.10.08 – Planning
a) Cardiff LDP / North West Cardiff Group
Cllr. Lewis reported on the meeting held on 22nd September. Helena Fox, who is now the Clerk at Pentyrch CC, has agreed to act as secretary to the Group, and Pentyrch Council has said it is willing to meet the costs unless they become excessive. A letter has been sent to the Auditor General for Wales complaining about the way the LDP process in Cardiff was managed. The Llandaff Society is drafting a letter regarding traffic issues and the impact on Llandaff Village.
b) Redrow / Plasdwr planning application
Cllr. Lewis confirmed that she is drafting a letter in relation to the drainage proposals for the Land South of Pentrebane Road. A general discussion ensued about the problems associated with new building sites.
c) Other Planning Applications
The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:
17/02206/MNR – Great House Farm: D of C 5 (landscaping) and 8 (site enclosure) of 15//00584/MNR.
17/02216/DCH – Old Trygurnog Farm: D of C 5 (bat flight survey) of 17/00539/DCH
17/02234/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: D of C 28 (drainage) of 14/02188/MJR.
17/02304/MJR – Land north & south of Llantrisant Road: D of C 14 (Travel Plan) of 14/02157/MJR.
17/01013/MJR – Goitre Fach Farm: D of C 18 (Foul Water disposal) & 19 (Surface Water drainage) of 16/00106/MJR.
17/02287/MJR – Land to the north of M4 J33: D of C 17 (Phasing Schedule) of 14/00852/DCO.
17/02288/MJR – Land to the north of M4 J33: D of C 24 (Highway improvement works) and 28 (Landscaping of HIW) of 14/00852/DCO.
17/02294/MJR – Land to the north of M4 J33: D of C 34 (Soils) of 14/00852/DCO
17/02305/MJR – Land to the north of M4 J33: D of C 23 (Strategic Surface Water drainage masterplan) of 14/00852/DCO
14/00852/DCO – Land to the north of J33 M4: Outline application for comprehensive development to create a new community including homes, park & ride, community facilities, primary school, shops, offices, etc. Permission granted.
17/02066/MJR – Great House Farm: D of C 7 (soil survey) Full discharge.
318.10.09 – Environmental Matters
a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns
The Chairman reported that he had met David Harris from the Cricket Club regarding the overgrown hedges on St Bride’s Road. Part of the problem is that the verge is encroaching onto the highway. The Clerk confirmed he had written to Mark Cummings about this and was pursuing the matter. It was also reported that at the western end of St Bride’s Road is an ‘S’ bend where the hedges are encroaching onto the highway, causing a hazard. The Clerk was asked to report this to Highways.
Cllr. Edwards reported concerns at the traffic speed on Llantrisant Road. Although a 40mph limit is now in force, she expressed the view that additional measures are required and suggested a speed camera. It was agreed to raise this with Matt Wakelam.
The Chairman commented on the amount of dirt and debris that is blocking the drains on Michaelston Road and considered that it needed a complete clean from the traffic lights to the railway crossing. The Clerk confirmed that he had reported this to Cardiff Council.
Cllr. Williams reported that the potholes opposite Quarry Cottages have still not been filled. The Clerk confirmed that photos of the area had been sent to Matt Wakelam.
b) StreetCleansing / Litter
Cllr. Lewis said that she was looking for suitable dates to arrange another clean-up in the Village. She commented on the amount of leaf-fall that needs to be dealt with.
c) Village Walkabout
The Clerk referred to a message from Chris Hyde advising that Laurel Cottage has now been painted. Members agreed that it looks much better.
d) Council’s land at the railway line
The Chairman reported that he had spoken to Rob at Taylor Weed Control about the weed growth. Members agreed to cancel the arrangement with Green Thumb and accept the quote from Taylors to spray the land to combat the weeds.
e) Other environmental issues
Cllr. Pallier referred to the land at the bottom of the Persimmon development that he believed it is hoped to develop and commented that there are issues with water courses. The Chairman updated Members on the plan to install boulders to deter access to that land. The Clerk was asked to thank Chris Hyde for his assistance in gaining access from Michaelston Road.
318.10.10 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle
Members had met with Bethan Lewis and MaredMaggs earlier that evening to review the arrangements for the Music and Food Festivals. Overall it was agreed that things had gone well with little disruption around the Village.
With regards to the water trough in the Castle wall, Ms Lewis acknowledged Members concerns and confirmed that the Museum would be seeking to preserve the feature.
318.10.11 – One Voice Wales
The Chairman reported on the AGM that had been well attended. Mark Drakeford, AM, who is very supportive of town and community councils, had given a good presentation, as did Huw Vaughan Thomas, the Auditor General for Wales, explaining that whatever he does is in the public interest.The Chairman added that membership fees will rise by 5% next year and that a lot of things are planned during the next twelve months. He reminded Members thatthe in-house training session covering the Code of Conduct will take place on Tuesday 17th October from 6.30 – 9.00pm, but apologised that he would be unable to attend, due to a family commitment.
318.10.12 – Local Resolution Protocol.
The Clerk had circulated a draft Protocol for dealing with certain complaints, based on the OVW model. Cllr. Price proposed that the Local Resolution Protocolbe formally adopted. This was seconded by Cllr. Lewis and resolved accordingly.
318.10.13 – Correspondence and other communications
The Clerk reported on the following:
12/09/17 – Cardiff Council: Employment Services and Building Resilient Communities Survey.
18/09/17 – OVW / Jayne Bryant, AM: Roundtable report on Loneliness.
18/09/17 – Malcolm Weatherall: copy of letter to Andrew Gregory re speeding in the village.
19/09/17 – Cardiff Council: Standards & Ethics Members’ briefing.
26/09/17 – Sustain Wales: September events newsletter.
27/09/17 – Cardiff Council: Employment Services & Building Resilient Communities survey.
29/09/17 – LDBCW: Consultation on guidance for Principal Councils on the Review of Communities.
318.10.14 – Finance
a) Requests for Financial Assistance.
The Chairman reported on a second meeting with Andy Smith about the plans for reopening the Tennis Club, which he said had been very positive.The feasibility report is still awaited. The flooding issue was mentioned briefly, though it is believed it has not flooded since the Tennis Club closed.
The Clerk reported that the Village Association had requested reimbursement of the rates charges of £295.66 on the Village Hall. This was agreed.
b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals
The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council.The Clerkadvised thatthe following items were nowdue for payment:
D. BarnardSalary & expenses2,013.96
One Voice WalesAGM & Conference fee 90.00
Cllr. J. HughesExpenses August & September 204.61
SF Village AssociationRates charges 2017/18 295.66
Plantscape LimitedSix flower planters2,064.00
Members approved these payments and signed the cheques accordingly.
The Clerk referred to the arrangements for authorising bank transactions. Members resolved that the following five Members should be authorised signatories and that all transactions must be signed by at least two of the authorised signatories. Councillors J. Griffiths, J. Hughes, F. Lewis, T. Pallier and R. Williams. The Clerk was asked to contact Cater Allen accordingly.
The Clerk reported that he had received the formal report from BDO, the external auditors, on the accounts for 2016/17. In the Auditors’ opinion, the information contained in the Annual Return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. The Clerk presented the Annual Return to the Council, which was approved and accepted. The Clerk confirmed that the relevant notice of the conclusion of the audit had been put on display on the Council Notice Board and the web site.
c) Budget monitoring 2nd ¼
The Clerk had circulated a report showing the receipts and payments for the second quarter, the cumulative position for the half year, and a full year projection compared with the budget. Noted.
d) Statistics
The schedule of Members’ attendance and web site statistics was noted.
318.10.15 – Date & Time of Next Meeting
The Clerk advised that the next Meeting of the Councilwould be heldin five weeks’ time onMonday 6th November 2017.
The Clerk had circulated a schedule of proposed dates for Council meetings in 2018. Members agreed the proposed dates, subject to any unforeseen events, and agreed to defer the November 2018 meeting from the 5th to the 12th because of Bonfire night.
The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.40 pm.
Confirmed as a correct record…...……………………..Chairman…...………….Date