Historical Use of Food

  • The original need for food was for survival only
  • A human’s day was spent searching for food by hunting, fishing, or scavenging
  • Later we learned to raise and store food supplies
  • Today food is used during social occasions, hanging out with friends, or an escape when we are sad or depressed
  • Many of the ways food is utilized does not contribute to a balanced and nutritional diet and may lead to dietary problems

Why do we eat the foods we eat?

“You are what you eat”– What type of food would you be?


  • 6 essential nutrients


  • The ______of the body and are extremely important when you are considering exercise to build muscle
  • Protein is present in ______of the body
  • Most important role is in the ______of body issue
  • Can also supply ______when there are not enough carbohydrates or fats in the body
  • Foods in the ______group are the main dietary source of protein
  • ______- are essential in the digestive process
  • Proteins are made up of amino acids
  • ______are produced by our body
  • ______are essential and must be obtained from food
  • ______- contain the essential amino acids for a healthy diet
  • Meats high in fat content (red meats) are associated with ______
  • ______and skinless poultry are much lower in fat content
  • ______- do not contain all essential amino acids


  • Serve as the main “______” for our active, vigorous lifestyle
  • Examples:
  • Great source of ______- the body can use them quickly and easily
  • Body uses them ______before fats or proteins
  • When eliminated the body usually has problems developing strength or muscle bulk because it is forced to use protein instead
  • ______- starches from fruits, vegetables, and grains
  • ______- sugars, dairy products, and honey
  • There are three types of carbs- ______
  • ______is blood sugar and is the primary source of energy for the cells of the body
  • ______- bread, potatoes, rice, and cereal provide a good source of energy.
  • They take your body longer to digest, which means your energy levels are maintained longer
  • ______- “empty calories” like candy and pastries OR fruits which also provide other nutrients
  • Easier to digest and provide the body with a quick source of energy
  • ______- the indigestible material that makes up the walls of plant cells
  • Useful in moving waste through the body system and is helpful in ______the risks of several diseases
  • In order for fiber to work efficiently in the body ______must be consumed
  • Examples:


  • Fats store ______as much energy as protein or carbohydrates but is not as easy to convert to energy as carbohydrates
  • Two types of Fats
  • ______- fats found in animal products – usually solid at room temp and elevate blood pressure (veg. oils, fatty meats, whole milk, butter, cheese and ice cream)
  • ______- fats found in plant sources – usually liquid at room temp and is lowering “bad” cholesterol (salad dressing, mayo, avocados, olives, nuts)
  • ______- important to diet (oily fish and dark leafy greens)
  • ______- unsaturated fat changed through food production (fried or baked foods)
  • ______
  • A wax like fatty substance produced by the body in the liver and helps build cells
  • In healthy people, the ______all of the cholesterol it needs
  • ______contain cholesterol so therefore you are adding additional cholesterol into the body
  • Cholesterol is transported throughout the body in the blood stream with excess amounts stored on the walls of the blood vessels- ______
  • ______- “good” cholesterol helps remove the extra cholesterol from the artery walls
  • ______- “bad” cholesterol leads to build up of cholesterol on the artery walls


  • They are important to ______various bodily functions
  • Help chemical reactions take place in the body
  • There are ______essential minerals
  • Each are needed for the body in small amounts
  • No ______or and provide no ______
  • Excessive mineral intake can be harmful


  • A nutrient that helps ______and ______body functions
  • Helps chemical reactions take place in the body
  • They are an ______substance found in very small amount of foods
  • Only need a______amount for normal growth and maintenance of the body
  • They do not supply energy but aid in ______and ______of nutrients
  • They are important to the function on the ______


  • Steroids are ______, often hormones, that your body makes naturally
  • They help your ______, ______, and ______do their jobs
  • The familiar name for synthetic variants of the male sex hormone ______
  • The proper term for these compounds is anabolic-androgenic steroids anabolic” referring to ______and “androgenic” referring to increased ______
  • Anabolic steroids are usually either taken ______or ______into the muscles, although some are applied to the skin as a cream or gel
  • Side effects:
  • MEN- shrinkage of the testicles, reduced sperm count or infertility, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer
  • WOMEN- facial hair, male-pattern baldness, changes in menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, deepened voice
  • ADOLESCENTS- stunted growth due to premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes


  • Water is ______for your body and makes up about 65 percent of your weight
  • You can live longer without food than without water
  • Drinking water with ______will increase ones metabolism
  • Should drink about ______of water daily

Reference Daily Allowance

The Food Label

  • The food label makes it ______for consumers to make comparisons and quickly determine the specific ______value of each product
  • Check ______first

Types of Foods

  • ______- food that is cooked or processed before being put on the market, then prepared at home
  • ______- products produced totally in laboratories
  • ______- foods that have had nutrients added
  • ______- prepared in a quick order restaurant
  • ______- food that is nutritionally inferior to the food it imitates. Must be on the label if it contains 10% less of the RDA of an essential nutrient then the food it imitates
  • ______- culturally accepted slang term for food that are nutritionally bad, containing high amounts of fat, sugar, and salt
  • ______- are the calories from solid fats and added sugars in foods and beverages. They add to total calories, but provide no vitamins or minerals
  • ______- are foods that have a lot of nutrients but relatively few calories
  • ______- food that is cooked, frozen, or otherwise treated before being put on the market
  • ______- come from foods with many extra calories but few vitamins and minerals


  • My Plate is a reminder to find your ______style and build it throughout your lifetime.
  • Everything you eat and drink ______
  • The right mix can help you be healthier now and in the future. This means:
  • Focus on ______, ______, and ______
  • Choose foods and beverages with ______saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars
  • Start with ______changes to build healthier eating styles
  • Support healthy eating for everyone


  • About ______cups of fruit daily
  • Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed– ______
  • Including
  • Helps reduce ______and diverticulosis by providing essential nutrients
  • ______-containing foods such as fruits help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.
  • May reduce risk for ______, including heart attack and stroke.


  • About ______cups of vegetables daily
  • Vegetables may be raw or cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated; and may be whole, cut-up, or mashed.
  • Based on their nutrient content, vegetables are organized into 5 subgroups:
  • Examples:
  • Most vegetables are naturally ______in fat and calories and important source of many nutrients


  • Any food made from ______, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product
  • Examples:
  • Grains are divided into 2 subgroups
  • ______contain the entire grain kernel ― the bran, germ, and endosperm
  • ______have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ. This is done to give grains a finer texture and improve their shelf life, but it also removes dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins
  • ______ounces needed daily
  • Help provide a feeling of ______and provides ______lasting energy


  • All foods made from ______, ______, ______, beans and peas, eggs, processed soy products, nuts, and seeds
  • Meat and poultry choices should be lean or low-fat
  • ______ounces recommended daily
  • Proteins function as building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood


  • All fluid milk products and many foods made from ______are considered part of this food group:
  • Most Dairy Group choices should be ______
  • ______cups recommended daily
  • ______is used for building bones and teeth
  • Intake of dairy products is linked to improved ______health, and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis


  • Oils are ______a food group, but they provide essential nutrients
  • They contain ______fatty acids
  • Oils are fats that are ______at room temperature, like the vegetable oils used in cooking
  • Oils come from many different ______and from fish
  • Use sparingly- ______-teaspoons recommended
  • ______is the healthiest

Ideal Body Weight

  • Is based on ______
  • To maintain/gain/ or lose weight you need to know the following :
  • Calorie ______/and or fat intake
  • Caloric ______
  • One pound is ______calories- excessive calories
  • ______- A condition where the person weighs more than what is considered normal for that height, age and sex
  • Risks:
  • ______- A disease marked by excessive generalized deposition and storage of fat, with a BMI (Body mass index) of over 30
  • ______- A condition where the person weighs less than what is considered normal for that height, age and sex
  • Risks
  • Eating Disorders
  • ______- an emotional disorder in which lack of self-esteem and an intense fear of being overweight result in starvation
  • ______- binge eating followed by starvation, self-induced vomiting and use of diuretics or laxatives
  • ______- periods of uncontrolled eating beyond the point of being full with no purging
  • ______- literally means “to change”. It includes the processes of breaking down nutrients to produce energy as well as combining nutrient building blocks