Board of Education

May 17, 2016

Present: Mrs. R. Peabody, Mrs. D. Liuzzo, Mrs. M. Marshall, Mr. B. Wood, Superintendent of Schools D. Henner, Principal R. Berson, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Programs L. Eaves

Absent: Mr. J. Foster, District Clerk G. Burpee

Also Present: Mr. J. Gale, Mrs. G. Gonzalez, Mrs. T. Hammond, Mr. P. O'Connor, Mrs. C. O'Connor, Mrs. K. Rutz, Miss M. Shepherd, Miss D. Slocum,

CALL TO ORDER / Vice President Peabody called the meeting to order at 8:33 PM.
All pledged allegiance to the flag.
Appointment of Clerk Pro-Tem / Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo, upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools, to appoint Mrs. Marshall as Clerk Pro-Tem
for this meeting. The District Clerk is conducting the voting in
Georgetown. Second by Mr. Wood.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
AGENDA / The agenda was approved on a motion by Mrs. Peabody, and
seconded by Mrs. Liuzzo.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS / Mrs. Marshall moved the minutes of the April 20 and corrected
minutes of the May 10, 2016 budget hearing be approved, second
by Mrs. Marshall.
Motion carried, 5 - 0.
CORRESPONDENCE / ·  / None at this time.
PUBLIC COMMENT / Mr. J. Gale, thanked who ever fixed the unisex bathroom door at
80% "almost shuts all the way." Also is concerned with the fact
"the budget, represents almost $30,000.00 a student. We need to
keep next years budget the same or less, our teacher raises need
to reflect the CPI, only. No more of these high raises that are in
the most recent contract. Our BOCES students need to be educated
to the 21st century not the 20th."
(FY'15/16 - #82) / Mr. Henner reported on the following topics:
·  Mr. Henner made a recommendation for the upcoming
2016/2017 BOE meeting calendar. This was tabled for the
board to think about and get input from new board members
as well as current. Reorganization meeting scheduled for
Wednesday July 6, 2016 at 7:00 PM.
·  Miss Shepherd & Mr. O'Connor presented a model
they plan to implement over the summer to help build our
athletic background, which will flow over into our classrooms
with self respect, team respect, leadership and team building.
·  The transportation report was previously distributed
Principal’s / Mr. Berson reported on the following:
·  2016 Graduation projection
·  Year end activities
·  June 10, 2016 PK- 6 Field days
·  Walk for Golisano
·  June 13, 2016 PK - 12 Moving up day
·  Final morning program of the year
·  Senior trip
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Programs / Mrs. Eaves reported on the following:
·  June professional development opportunities
Business Manager’s / Nothing to report at this time.
Committee Reports / The safety committee will meet in June before the Board meeting.
Board Member’s / ·  SB Governance Training in June was announced
·  Mrs. Marshall thanked Mr. O'Connor, Miss Shepherd and
Mrs. Gonzalez for going the extra mile for our students.
She also recognized what a great job our FFA students did
at states, and how empowering this program is on teaching

Financial Reports

(FY'15/16 - #83) / Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo, to accept the March financial reports as
presented. Second by Mrs. Peabody.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Policy Manual – Third Reading – Revised Safety Plan / This meeting constitutes the third reading and adoption of the Revised
Safety Plan.
Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo, upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools, to adopt the revised safety plan. Second
by Mrs. Peabody
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Policy Manual – Second Reading - Determination of Class Rank
(FY'15/16 - #84) / This meeting constitutes the second reading of the determination of
Class Rank policy of the Otselic Valley Central School Policy
Manual. It was the consensus of the Board to change the minimum
cumulative average to 95.
Personnel Recommendations / Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo upon the recommendation of the Superintendent
of Schools to appoint the following:
Carrie Maxian / Resignation as a special education teacher / Effective
May 22, 2016
Kaitlyn Stanton / Conditional appointment pending clearance from the State Education Department as a substitute teacher / Effective
May 16, 2016
Second by Mrs. Peabody
Motion carried, 4-0.
Committee on Special Education Recommendations / Motion by Mrs. Marshall to accept the recommendations of the
Committee on Special Education resulting from the meetings
held on May 10, 2016. Second by Mr. Wood.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Reorganizational Meeting Date / Motion by Mr. Wood, upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools, to set the date of the reorganizational
meeting as July 6, 2016. Second by Mrs. Liuzzo.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Declaration of Surplus Items / Motion by Mrs. Marshall, upon the recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools, to declare the two voting machines
and a safe as surplus and to dispose of them as appropriate.
Second by Mrs. Peabody.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Executive Session / Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo to enter executive session at 9:45 PM
for the purpose of early retirement incentive and personnel issues.
Second by Mr. Wood.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Mrs. Gonzalez was asked to join the Board.
Open Session / Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo to resume open session at 10:09 PM,
second by Mrs. Peabody.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Voting Results
(FY'15/16 - #85) / Motion by Mrs. Marshall, to accept the following voting results:
Budget: 149 Yes 75 No
Board Member: 73 Terri Hammond
178 Mark Swayze
143 Brian Wood
Establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund 144Yes 79 No
Lease four buses: 148 Yes 74 No
Purchase of a school car: 126 Yes 86 No
Second by Mrs. Peabody.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
At this time, Mr. Wood was sworn in by the District Clerk to complete
the unexpired term of Ricky Collins.
Public Comment / None at this time.
Executive Session / Motion by Mrs. Marshall to enter executive session at 10:18 PM for
personnel discussion with no action to be taken. Seconded by Mrs.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Open Session / Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo to resume open session at 11:19 PM,
second by Mrs. Marshall.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
ADJOURNMENT / Motion by Mrs. Liuzzo to adjourn the meeting at 11:19 PM, second
by Mrs. Marshall.
Motion carried, 4 - 0.
Submitted by,
Gail Evans Burpee
District Clerk

Otselic Valley Central School Board of Education Minutes – May 17, 2016