2013 YVC-SHRM Board Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 6, 2013
Billings Federal Credit Union
1)Call to OrderDebbie Strever
2)College RelationsPat Reuss
Pat reported that she had looked at the website but has not had time to thoroughly review it. Discussed possibly not utilizing Doug Van Zee next year. Debbie indicated she would call Doug. No scholarship applications to date.
3)Program’sDee Dee Kane & Michele Younker
- September 10, 2013 –Bobbi Zenker-Diversity, Everyone Matters and we are Changing the World
- October 8, 2013 – Russ ?, Team Killing Behaviors
Discussed the need to send more program reminders prior to the program. One weekly for the 2-3 weeks prior to the program. Russ Cherry is scheduled for October. Sherry Winn presenting on Overcoming Adversity is a possibility for November. For January, Six Hats presentation is possible. Also discussed Pete Shatwell presenting on Wellness.
4)Treasurer’s ReportGeorgia Lukkes
Budget was reviewed.
5)FoundationDera Mitchell
- Document from Dera
Dera’s proposal to the board was reviewed. The board voted to not purchase the item from for auction from Debbie. $500.00 in auction items were donated by the board and we agreed to pursue this again this year.
6)CertificationAlexis Urbaniak
No updates on certification
7)Workforce ReadinessSherry Daniels
Sherry has been attending meetings with the Billings Chamber and Job Service to keep YVCSHRM’s name out there.
8)MarketingJennifer Kraft
- Social Media Progress
Facebook has been updated and overhauled. Added 2013 programs and Board members. Adding general posts weekly. Need to get SHRM members to “Like” us on Facebook. Linked In update. Over 150 invites. Can post programs and updates on site. Logo has been updated on websites, Facebook and Linked In. Requested reimbursement for advertising and a gift card. Approved.
Socials have been successful so far as we have been signing new members that first attended the social. Talked about continuing in 2014. Possibly expanding to 3-4 socials per year. Susan will find out how National SHRM is getting our membership numbers.
10)ByLaws ReviewDebbie
Debbie sent to the board. Would like board to review. National informed Debbie that the voting members of the board must consist of the Executive Board only. Proposed VP’s are voting members. Debbie requested a mark-up of the bylaws be submitted to her by the board by September 20th, 2013.
11)Time to get started recruiting for 2014 BoardDebbie