Nutrition and bioprocess development for efficient biosynthesis of an antitumorcompound frommarine-derivedfungus
Weiqiang Zhou, Menghao Cai*, Jiushun Zhou, Tao Jiang, Jiao Zhou, Meixia Wang, Xiangshan Zhou*, Yuanxing Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, 130Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China
* Corresponding authors. Tel./fax: +86-21-64253025.
E-mailaddress: (M. Cai); (X. Zhou).
Suppl. Fig. 1 Results of experiment designs for medium optimization, including one-factor-at-a-time design on carbon source (a and b), nitrogen source (c and d) and trace element (e and f), 3-D plots of central composite design (g-i) and the comparisons of pH, DCW and 1403C production between the optimized and original medium (j-l)
Suppl. Table 1ANOVA for Plackett-Burman design considering some interactions (α=0.01)
Source / DF / Sum of squares / F-value / P-valueProb>F
Model / 9 / 2.010*105 / 123.11 / 0.0081*
X1 / 1 / 2.354*105 / 144.13 / 0.0069*
X2 / 1 / 3188.86 / 1.95 / 0.2971
X3 / 1 / 3.046*105 / 186.51 / 0.0053*
X4 / 1 / 1587.64 / 0.97 / 0.4281
X5 / 1 / 27248.75 / 16.69 / 0.0550
X1X3 / 1 / 20812.39 / 12.74 / 0.0703
X1X4 / 1 / 37012.24 / 22.66 / 0.0414
X2X3 / 1 / 2.771*105 / 169.71 / 0.0058*
X3X5 / 1 / 34085.90 / 20.97 / 0.0447
Residual / 2 / 3266.11
Cor Total / 11 / 1.813*106
*Significant at the 5% level (P0.05); R2 =0.9982, Adj R2 =0.9901, Pred R2 =0.9563, CV%=4.40, Adeq precision=32.887,
Suppl. Table 2 Designed matrix of the steepest ascent method and 1403C production
Run / X1 (g/L)Glucose / X2 (g/L)
Tryptone / X3 (g/L)
Beef extract / Response(mg/L)
Origin / 10 / 1 / 4 / 1137.71
Δ / -1 / 0.05 / 0.4 / -
Origin+Δ / 9 / 1.05 / 4.4 / 1503.49
Origin+2Δ / 8 / 1.10 / 4.8 / 933.19
Origin+3Δ / 7 / 1.15 / 5.2 / 719.87
Origin+4Δ / 6 / 1.20 / 5.6 / 201.57
Origin+5Δ / 5 / 1.25 / 6.0 / 37.30
Origin+6Δ / 4 / 1.30 / 6.4 / 30.34
Origin+7Δ / 3 / 1.35 / 6.8 / 26.19