7103 Social Sciences Building 17 Sauk Creek Circle
1180 Observatory Dr. Madison WI 53717
University of Wisconsin 608-824-9705
Madison WI 53706
608-265-5389 (fax)e-mail:
608-263-5204 (voice)
1976Ph.D., Harvard University, in the Social Psychology Program of the Department of Psychology and Social Relations
1971A.B., Bryn Mawr College, Magna cum laude, in the Department of Political Science
1969-70University of Hamburg, W. Germany, in Modern European History
2011-Alice H. Cook Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2006-11Martindale-Bascom Professor of Sociology
2004-08, 2009-11Director, Center for German and European Studies
2002-03, 2011-Director, European Union Center, University of Wisconsin
2001-Joint governance appointment with Women’s Studies
2000-Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1991-00Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, University of Connecticut
1987-91Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Connecticut, Storrs
1985-87Director, Women’s Studies Program, University of Connecticut
1976-87Assistant & Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Connecticut, Storrs
1976 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Tufts University
1975-76Senior Research Associate, Laboratory for Psychosocial Studies, Boston College
1973-74Consultant, Personnel Office, Harvard University
1969Executive Intern, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C.
Visiting Positions
2010Guest faculty, Intersectionality Seminar, Central European University, Budapest, July
2005 Berlin Prize Fellow, American Academy in Berlin, Jan-June
2004 Marie Jahoda Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, May-July
1993 Visiting Professor, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia, May
1985 Guest Professor, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, West Germany, April-July
Grants and Fellowships
2011-12Mellon Foundation, Sawyer Seminar (co-PI with Aili Tripp and Christina Ewig)
2010-13International Institute and Global Studies Program, Research Circle on International Women’s Policy and Feminist Activism
2010-13Alexander von Humboldt TransCoop collaborative research award (co-PI with Kathrin Zippel and Susanne Baer)
2008-09 DAAD Professorship in German and European Studies, German Academic Exchange Service
2007-09Atlantis Program, European Union and FIPSE, co-ordinate grants (joint with Northeastern University, Radboud University (Nijmegen, NL) and Complutense University (Madrid) “Transnational Applied Research in Gender Equity Training (TARGET)”
2007-09International Institute and Global Studies Program, TARGET: a Research Circle on Global Gender Equity (co-PI with Christina Ewig, Political Science).
2004-05Berlin Prize Fellowship, The American Academy in Berlin “The Struggle for Sisterhood”
1996-97National Council for Soviet and East European Research Grant (co-ordinate with Barbara Risman) “The Russian Women’s Movement: Local and Global Influences”
1993-96NSF Grant (coordinate with William A. Gamson), “Social Movements and Public Discourse: The Abortion Debate in Germany and the US”
1990-91German Marshall Fund Fellowship, “Equality and Autonomy: Political Strategies and Feminist Concerns in Germany”
1990-92Problems in the Discipline, ASA/NSF Conference Grant, “Feminist Organizations: Harvest of the Women’s Movement” (with Patricia Yancey Martin)
1988-90NSF Grant, “Perceived Equity in the Household Division of Labor.”
1982-83Woodrow Wilson Faculty Development Grant
1982-83German Academic Exchange Service Research Fellowship
1982-83University of Connecticut Sabbatical Research Grant
1981 Federation of Professional Women’s Organizations Travel Award
1978-79Dept. of Labor Grant, “Causal Models of Women’s Employment Attitudes.”
1977 University of Connecticut Faculty Summer Fellowship
1974-75Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies
1974-75Peter B. Livingston Research Fellowship, Harvard University
1974-75National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship
1971-72National Science Foundation Training Grant, Harvard University
2011With Hae Yeon Choo, Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship for an Article, ASA Race, Class and Gender Section
2009Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship for an Article, ASA Race, Class and Gender Section
2004Jessie Bernard Award, American Sociological Association
2001Robin Williams Distinguished Lecturer, Eastern Sociological Society
1997 Mentoring Award, Sociologists for Women in Society
1995Excellence in Equity Award, AAUW, Connecticut Chapter
1992Cheryl Miller Feminist Lecturer, Sociologists for Women and Society
1988 Distinguished Lecturer, National Council on Family Relations
1987 Outstanding Woman in Education (Connecticut) UN/USA Association
Editorial Positions
2011-Editorial Board, Journal of Women’s History
2006-11Editorial Board, Sociological Theory
2003-06 Deputy Editor, American Sociological Review
2001-07International Board, Journal of Sociology
2001-04 Editorial Board, Women in German Yearbook
2000-03 Editorial Board, Contexts
1999-01 Editorial Board, American Journal of Sociology
1994-01Editorial Board, Public Opinion Quarterly
1992- Series Editor, Perspectives on Gender, Routledge
1990-95Editorial Board, American Sociological Review
1988-92Consulting Editor, Perspectives on Gender Monograph Series, Unwin Hyman
1987-88 Women’s Studies/Social Science Advisor, Books for College Libraries
(Choice compendium of recommended books)
1986-90 Editorial Board, Gender & Society
1985-88 Editorial Board, The Sociological Quarterly
1980-83 Editorial Board, Contemporary Sociology
Professional Associations (* indicates elective office)
2009-11 Program Committee for the 2010 and 2011 ASA Annual Meetings
2000-02*President-elect and President, Sociologists for Women in Society
2000Chair, ASA Taskforce on Committee on Committees/Committee on Nominations
1999 Co-chair, Program Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems
1997-00 *Publications Committee, Sociologists for Women in Society
1996 *Vice-President, American Sociological Association
1990-93*Council, American Sociological Association
(Council liaison to Committee on Teaching, Minority Fellowship Committee)
1991-92 *Chair, Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section, ASA
1988-89Co-chair, Program Committee, Eastern Sociological Society
1988 Chair, Dissertation Paper Award Committee, Sex and Gender Section, ASA
1987Candace Rogers Award Selection Committee, Eastern Sociological Society
1987-90*Council, Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section, ASA
1986-88 *Committee on Nominations, American Sociological Association
1985-86 *Chair, Sex and Gender Section, American Sociological Association
1984-86 *Committee on Committees, American Sociological Association
1984 Program Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems
1977-79 Committee on Women, Eastern Sociological Society (Chair, 1978-79)
Other Professional Service
2009NSF Reverse Site Visit Reviewer, National Center for Women in Information Technology
2008-10National Review Panel for social science proposals, ACLS Faculty Fellowships
2005-09Selection Committee, Berlin Program Graduate Fellowships, SSRC & Free University Berlin
2005-08, 2010 Selection Committee, EMGIP Awards, German Academic Exchange Service
2002 Advisory Committee, Democracy Society Program, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
2001-04Advisory Board, Political Research Associates, Campus Activism Project
1996 Final Selection Panel, Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowships in Women’s Studies
1994 Review Panel, Instrumentation Awards, Social, Behavioral and Economic Research Division, National Science Foundation
1993-96Advisory Board, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
1991-93 Selection Panel, Fulbright Scholarships to Germany, Institute of International Education, NY
1989-91 Sociology Review Panel, National Science Foundation
1987-90 Research Council (Grant research awards and set policy university-wide), University of Connecticut Research Foundation
1984-86 Social Sciences Review Panel, Dissertation Fellowships in Women’s Studies, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Varieties of Feminism: German Gender Politics in Global Context,Stanford University Press, 2012.
Global Feminism: Women’s Transnational Activism, Organizations and Human Rights(edited with Aili Mari Tripp), New York University Press, 2006.
Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States. (with William A. Gamson, Jürgen Gerhards and Dieter Rucht), Cambridge University Press, 2002.
- Best Book Award, Collective Behavior and Social Movements section, American Sociological Association, August 2004
- Mattei Dogan Award for Comparative Research, Society for Comparative Research, 2002
- Honorable mention, Mirra Komarovsky Distinguished Book Award, Eastern Sociological Society 2003)
Revisioning Gender: New Directions in the Social Sciences. (edited, with Beth B. Hess and Judith Lorber). Sage Publications. 1998.
Feminist Organizations: Harvest of the New Women’s Movement. (edited, with Patricia Yancey Martin). Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995.
Controversy and Coalition: The New Feminist Movement. (with Beth B. Hess). Boston: G.K. Hall/ Twayne/ Routledge. 1985/ 1994/ 2000.
- Selected as Choice Outstanding Academic Book of 1985
- Portions reprinted in Laura Kramer, The Sociology of Gender: A Text-Reader. St. Martin’s Press,1990
- Second, expanded and fully revised edition, 1994
- Third edition, expanded and revised, Routledge, 2000
Analyzing Gender: A Handbook for the Social Sciences. (edited, with Beth B. Hess). Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1987.
Healing Technology: Feminist Perspectives. (Team-edited, with Kathryn S. Ratcliff as lead editor) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1989.
Women, Work and Technology: Transformations. (Team-edited, with Barbara Wright as lead editor). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1987.
Refereed Articles
“Filling the Glass: Gender Perspectives on Families” Journal of Marriage and Family, 2010,72 (June, Decade in Review issue): 420-439.
“Practicing Intersectionality in Sociological Research: A Critical Analysis of Inclusions, Interactions and Institutions in the Study of Inequalities.” (Hae Yeon Choo and MMF), Sociological Theory, 2010, 28 (2): 29-49.
- 2011 Distinguished contribution to scholarship article award, Section on Race, Class and Gender, American Sociological Association
“Gender politics in the Berlin Republic: Issues of Identity and Institutional Change” German Politics Society, 2010, 28 (1): 189-214.
“From Policy to Polity:Democracy, Paternalism, and the Incorporation of Disadvantaged Citizens” (Sarah Bruch, MMF and Joe Soss),American Sociological Review, 2010, 75 (2): 205-226.
“Citizenship and Intersectionality: German Feminist Debates about Headscarf and Anti-discrimination Laws” (Susan B. Rottmann and MMF), Social Politics,2008, 15(4): 481-513.
“Cowboyof the World? Gendered Discourse in the Iraq War Debate” (Wendy M. Christensen and MMF), Qualitative Sociology, 2008, 31(3): 287-306.
“Angela Merkel: What Does it Mean to Run as a Woman?” (special issue on Bundestag 2005 elections) German Politics & Society, 2006, 24(1): 93-107.
“Close Your Eyes and Think of England: Pronatalism in the British Print Media” (Jessica Autumn Brown and MMF), Gender & Society, 2005, 19(1): 5-24.
“Global Activism in Virtual Space: The European Women’s Lobby in the Network of Transnational Women’s NGOs on the Web” (MMF and Tetyana Pudrovska), Social Politics, 2004, 11(1): 117-143.
- Reprinted in Roberto Franzosi (ed), 2007. Content Analysis (SAGE Publications, London) in series “Benchmarks in Social Research Methods”)
“Resonance and Radicalism: Feminist Abortion Discourses in Germany and the United States.” American Journal of Sociology, 2003, 109 (2): 304-344.
“Four Models of the Public Sphere in Modern Democracies” (MMF, William A. Gamson, Jürgen Gerhards and Dieter Rucht). Theory & Society, 2002,31(3):289-324.
“Abortion Talk in Germany and in the United States: Why Rights Explanations Are Wrong” (MMF, William A. Gamson, Jürgen Gerhards and Dieter Rucht). Contexts. 2002 2(1): 27-33.
“Constructing Global Feminism: Transnational Advocacy Networks and Russian Women’s Activism” (Valerie Sperling, MMF and Barbara J. Risman), Signs, 2001, 26 (4): 1155-1186.
“Meaning and Measurement: Reconceptualizing Measures of the Division of Household Labor” (Joan Twiggs, Julia McQuillan and MMF), Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1999, 61: 712-724.
“The Russian Women’s Movement: Activists’ Strategies and Identities.” (MMF, Barbara Risman, Valerie Sperling, Tatyana Gurikova and Katherine Hyde), Women & Politics, 1999, 20(3): 83-109.
“Gender, Class and the Interaction among Social Movements: AStrike of West Berlin Daycare Workers.” (MMF and Silke Roth), Gender & Society, 1998, 12 (6): 626-648.
- Revised version published with Silke Roth as “Klasse, Geschlecht und die Interaktion von sozialen Bewegungen: Ein- und Ausgrenzungsdynamiken” in Berlin Debatte Initial, 2001, 12(2): 79-92.
“Marital Satisfaction among Two-Earner Couples: Gender and Fairness.” (with Jane Wilkie, Kathryn S.Ratcliff and MMF), Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1998, 60: 577-594.
“Kollektive Identität und Organizationskulturen: Theorien neuer sozialer Bewegungen aus amerikanischer Perspektive.” (“Collective Identity and Organizational Culture: An American Perspective on the New Social Movements”) (Silke Roth and MMF) Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen. 1998. 11(1):80-91.
- Reprinted in Neue Soziale Bewegungen - Impulse, Bilanzen und Perspektiven, Ansgar Klein and Markus Rohde, editors. Westdeutschen Verlag, 1998.
“Gender-based Pay Gaps: Methodological and Policy Issues in University Salary Studies” (MMF and Julia McQuillan), Gender & Society, 1998, 12(1): 7-39.
“Rethinking Stratification from a Feminist Perspective: Gender, Race and Class in Mainstream Textbooks” (MMF and Elaine J. Hall), American Sociological Review, 1996, 61 (6): 1-22.
- Partially reprinted in Doing Social Research, Theresa Baker, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1999)
“Patriarchies and Feminisms: The Two Women’s Movements of Unified Germany.” Social Politics, 1995, 2(1): 10-24.
- A revised, expanded version also appears in Crossing Borders, 1997, edited by Barbara Hobson and Anne Marie Berggson, Stockholm: Swedish Research Coordination and Planning Council. Reprint, 1999, London: Macmillan.
“‘The Time of Chaos was the Best’: The Mobilization and Demobilization of the Women’s Movement in East Germany,” Gender & Society, 1994, 8(4): 597-623.
“Three Steps Back for Women: Gender, German Unification and University ‘Reform’” (MMF and Brigitte Young), PS: Political Science and Politics, 1993, 26 (2): 199-205.
“The Rise and Fall of ‘Mommy Politics’: Feminism and German Unification.” Feminist Studies, 1993, 19 (1): 89-115.
- A shorter version published as “Aufstieg und Untergang der ‘Muttipolitik’” Diskurs, January, 1992: 60-65.
- Also published in French translation, “Grandeur et décadance de la ‘politique des mamans’: féminisme et réunification en Allemagne de l’Est” in Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 1997,17(4): 9-43.
- Reprinted in Women, Culture and Society, Kendall-Hunt, 1998.
“Institutionalizing Gender Equality: Feminist Politics and Equality Offices.” German Politics & Society, Issue 24 & 25, Winter 1991-2: 53-66.
“The Gender Division of Labor in Two-Earner Marriages: Dimensions of Variability and Change.” Journal of Family Issues, 1991, 12 (2): 158-180.
“Visual Images of American Society: Gender and Race as Depicted in Introductory Sociology Textbooks.” (MMF and Elaine J. Hall), Gender & Society, 1990, 4 (4): 500-533.
“Beyond Separate Spheres: Feminism and Family Research.” Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1990, 52 (4): 866-884.
- Reprinted in Feminist Frontiers III. Laurel Richardson and Verta Taylor, eds. McGraw_Hill, 1992.
- Reprinted in The Work & Family Interface: Toward a Contextual Effects Perspective. Gary Bowen and Joe Pittman, eds. National Council on Family Relations, 1995.
“Race Differences in Abortion Attitudes” (Elaine Hall and MMF), Public Opinion Quarterly, 1986, 50 (2): 193-207.
“Between Two Worlds: West German Research on Working Class Women and Work.” Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 1985, 10 (3): 517-536.
- Reprinted in Feminist Research Methods, Joyce Nielson, ed., Westview Press, 1990.
“Mobilization and Meaning: Some Social Psychological Contributions to the Resource Mobilization Perspective on Social Movements” (MMF and F.D. Miller), Sociological Inquiry, 1985, 55 (1): 38-61.
- Reprinted in Social Movements: Critical Concepts, edited by Jeff Goodwin and James Jaspers, Routledge, 2007.
“The View from Below: Women’s Employment and Gender Equality in Working Class Families” Marriage and Family Review, 1984, 7(3/4): 57-75.
“Class, Housework, and Happiness” Sex Roles, 1984, 11 (11/12): 1057-1074.
“The Women’s Movement in the Working Class” Sex Roles 1983; (Spring):9(4):493-505.
“Working Class Feminism: a Consideration of the Consequences of Employment.” The Sociological Quarterly, 1980, 21(2): 173-184.
“Employment Without Liberation: Cuban Women in the U.S.” Social Science Quarterly, 1979, 60 (1):35-50.
- Reprinted in Latinos and the Law, Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, editor, Garland, 1995.
“A Cognitive Approach to Social and Individual Stigma.” Journal of Social Psychology, 1979, 109:87-97. (Eliot R. Smith and MMF )
“Predicting Perceptions of Victimization” (with F.D. Miller, E. R. Smith and S.E. Taylor), Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1976, 6(4):352-259.
“Working-Class Jobs: Paid Work and Housework as Sources of Satisfaction.” Social Problems, 1976, 23(4):431-441.
“A Short Scale of Attitudes toward Feminism” (F.D. Miller, E. R. Smith and MMF), Representative Research in Social Psychology, 1975, 6(1):51-56.
- Scale data reprinted in Carole Beere, ed., Gender Roles: A Handbook of Tests and Measures, Greenwood Press, 1990.)
“A Woman for President? Changing Responses, 1958-1972.” Public Opinion Quarterly,1974, 38(3):390-399.
Other Journal Publications
“Feminist Practice Meets Feminist Theory: Symposium on Linda Zerilli’s Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom.” Sociological Theory, 2009, 27(1): 75-80.
“Practice Makes Perfect? A Comment on Yancey Martin’s ‘Gendering Practices, Practicing Gender’” Gender & Society, 2003, 17(3): 373-378.
“The Ironies of Power” Gender & Society, 2001, 15 (5): 649-653.
“Editorial: Geschlechtsblinder Diskurs: Geschlechterverhältnisse und Frauenbewegungen in internationaler Perspektive.”[A discourse without gender: Gender relations and women’s movements in international perspective] (with Silke Roth) Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, 2001, 14 (2): 4-12.
“Hot Movements, Cold Cognition: Thinking about Social Movements in Gendered Frames” (with David Merrill), (Millennium special issue) Contemporary Sociology, 2000, 29(3):454-462.
- Revised, expanded version pp. 247-261 in James Jasper and Jeffrey Goodwin, Rethinking Social Movements: Structure, Meaning, Emotion. Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
“Gender Stratification and Paradigm Change: A reply to Manza and VanSchyndel.” (with Elaine J. Hall). American Sociological Review, 2000, 65(3): 475-481.
“Equality and Cumulative Disadvantage: A Comment on Baxter and Wright” (with Bandana Purkayastha), Gender & Society, 2000, 14(6): 809-813.
“Sociological Perspectives on Gender in Germany.” Women in German Yearbook 12, Patricia Herminghouse and Sara Friedrichsmeyer, eds., University of Nebraska Press, 1996, 27-38.
“Making Gender Visible: AComment on Coleman’s ‘Rational Reconstruction of Society’” (with Barbara Risman), American Sociological Review, 1995, 60(5): 775-781.
“After the Wall: Explaining the Status of Women in the Former GDR.” Sociological Focus, 1995, 28(1): 9-22. (invited keynote address to North Central Sociological Association)
Book Chapters
“Sexual Citizenship and Suffering Subjects: Media Discourse about Teenage Homosexuality in South Korea” (Hae Yeon Choo and MMF), in Celine-Marie Pascale (ed), Inequality and the Politics of Representation: A Global Landscape, Sage. (forthcoming)
“Feminist Organizing: What’s old, what’s new? History, Trends and Issues” (Christina Ewig and MMF). In Laurel Weldon (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics. (forthcoming)
“Feminist Encounters: Germany, the EU and Beyond” in Konrad Jarausch (ed), Twenty Years after German Unification. (forthcoming)
“The discursive politics of feminist intersectionality” in Helma Lutz et al. Intersectional Analysis. Frankfurt a/M, 2009.
- Translated into Chinese, reprinted in Gender Equality and Social Transformation in a Global Context. Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011.
“An American Roadmap to Equality?Framing Feminist Goals in a Liberal Landscape” in Gender Equality: Transforming Family Divisions. Janet Gornick and Marcia Meyers, eds. 2009. NY: Polity Press.
“Inequality, intersectionality and the politics of discourse: Framing feminist alliances.” Chapter 6 in The Discursive Politics of Gender Equality: Stretching, Bending and Policy-making. Emanuela Lombardo, Petra Meier and Mieke Verloo (editors), 2009, Routledge.
- 2009 Distinguished contribution to scholarship article award, Section on Race, Class and Gender, American Sociological Association
“Framing Equality: The Politics of Race, Class, Gender in the US, Germany, and the Expanding European Union” in Gendering Transformation, Yota Papageorgiou (editor) University of Crete, Rethymno, 2007 and The Gender Politics of the European Union, Silke Roth (editor), Berghahn Publishers, 2008.