Ageing Well Strategy 2007- 2017
The number of people aged 55 years and over who live in Hobsons Bay is increasing at a greater rate than Victoria as a whole. In 2026, the number of people aged over 55 will be 35,147, accounting for 38% of the entire Hobsons Bay population.
This change means that the Hobsons Bay City Council needs to reconsider the way it delivers its broad range of services to best meet the needs of ageing residents.
Hobsons Bay City Council recognises the importance of timely action to plan for an increasing demand for its services. Therefore the Council, has developed the Ageing Well Strategy in consultation with it’s residents and various Council departments.
The 10 year Ageing Well Strategy will guide Hobsons Bay City Council towards a municipality where all residents are able to age well and remain active within their local communities.
To make this vision a reality Hobsons Bay City Council will focus its work on the issues which the community has identified as most important. Annual Ageing Well Action Plans will guide working towards positive changes in the following key areas:
The Council will:
§ Support residents to safely remain in their homes by facilitating appropriate modifications and maintenance to existing homes.
§ Influence and encourage new housing developments and innovative housing models that are designed with the needs of the ageing population in mind.
§ Build a responsive town planning process which will encourage and actively support development of housing that provides suitable options for older people.
§ Advocate for and support additional residential aged care places to meet forecast increased demand.
Access & Mobility
The Council will:
§ Explore and evaluate the feasibility of alternative transportation modes and the expansion of the Council’s community transport service.
§ Work with public transport operators to review and evaluate options for meeting the future needs of an ageing municipality.
§ Foster the mobility of residents by addressing and improving the municipality’s physical infrastructure.
§ Ensure Australian Standards for disability access are embedded in the Council’s planning and designing of built environments.
§ Social Connection & Participation
The Council will:
§ Facilitate residents’ opportunities to feel socially connected through a broad range of social, active and passive recreational, physical and culturally appropriate activities.
§ Support and encourage the wellbeing of residents who care for others.
§ Take a lead role in encouraging cooperation and support between residents at a local level.
§ Explore potential funding sources for suitable activities which encourage residents to remain physically and mentally healthy.
Service Planning & Delivery
The Council will:
§ Work in conjunction with all levels of government and local service providers to ensure funding for services is reflective of the needs of an ageing population.
§ Advocate for quality health and support service provision, in particular Doctors services, within the municipality.
§ Continuously strive for best practice in service delivery and a whole of organisation approach to older people.
§ Empower residents to become informed consumers within the aged care services.
Lifelong Learning
The Council will:
§ Support and create opportunities for older people to actively contribute to positive community outcomes through volunteering and mentoring activities.
§ Promote the flexible and innovative use of senior citizens centres and other facilities to reflect the diverse interests of older people.
§ Work closely with employment agencies and other organisations to support older workers to remain in and/or return to the workforce.
§ Encourage a broad range of lifelong learning opportunities and intergenerational exchanges within the municipality tailored for the changing interests of older people.
Information & Communication
The Council will:
§ Assist residents to access the right information services and programs to prepare them for retirement.
§ Ensure information about Council services is provided in a variety of formats and languages.
§ Streamline provision of information to residents in an effort to improve access to municipal and local services information.
§ Value resident’s contribution and encourage their participation in Council and community decision making processes.