Curriculum Vitae
Evgeny N. Osin
Phone (+7916) 631-5719
E-mail: ;
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
Senior Lecturer (part-time since 2007, full-time since 2009), Deputy Dean for Research (2009-2011) and International Relations (2008-), Psychology department.
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
Senior Research Fellow, Positive Psychology and Life Quality Research lab (since 2011).
International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (2006–2010)
Existential analysis, psychological counselling (post-graduate degree) (Dr Alfried Längle, Dr Vladimir Shumsky, Elena Ukolova).
Moscow State University, Psychology Department (Graduate Studies, 2004–2007)
PhD in General Psychology, Personality, History of Psychology (PhD thesis: Loss of Meaning as Perceived Alienation: Structure and Assessment, supervisor: Prof. Dmitry A. Leontiev).
Institute for Existential Psychology and Life Enhancement (2001–2005)
Workshops on existential psychology and existential counselling.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Psychology Department (1999–2004)
Specialist degree (Honours) in General Psychology.
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
· Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology (lectures & seminars for MSc Psychology students, 2011-)
· Research Methods in Psychology and Education (lectures & seminars for MSc students in Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2010-)
· Problematic Issues in Theoretical and Applied Psychology (lectures & seminars for MSc Psychology students, 2009-2011)
· Student Research Seminars (undergraduate and MSc students, 2009-)
· Introduction to Psychology (undergraduate lectures & seminars, 2009)
· Media Psychology & Communication (workshops for continuing-education students in Journalism and Media Management, 2007-2011)
· BSc and MSc student research supervision
Institute for Professional Innovations (Moscow, Russia)
General Psychology, Applied Statistics in Psychology, Research Methods (lectures & seminars, 2009).
University of East London, London, UK
Positive Psychology topics within Master in Applied Positive Psychology programme, MSc thesis supervision, consultations on research methods (2008).
St. John’s Russian Orthodox University, Moscow, Russia
Applied Statistics in Psychology (lectures, seminars, SPSS workshops, 2006–2007), student research supervision.
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
Introduction to Psychology, Motivation and Emotions, Measurement in Psychology (undergraduate seminars, 2006-2007, as a graduate teaching assitant), Introduction to Psychology (active workshops for high school students, 2001-2004).
· Psychological well-being: eudaimonia and its associations with hedonic well-being and lifestyle variables
· The nature and measurement of personal meaning, implicit conceptions of life meaning
· Religious practice and conceptions of the divine: associations with well-being and self-concept
· Personality resources, their associations with well-being and achievement
· Strengths and virtues: personal values or personality traits?
· Measurement: development of new psychometric tools
“Personality resources within the system of work motivation” (Russian State Foundation for Humanities, 2012, team leader).
“Development of Eudaimonic Well-Being Scale” (Leverhulme Trust, 2008, individual research grant).
“Alienation in Russia: psychological aspects and social predictors” (Higher School of Economics, 2010, individual research grant).
“Structure and assessment of the personality potential” (Russian State Foundation for Humanities, 2006-2008, team leader: Dmitry A. Leontiev).
“Indicators and predictors of psychological well-being and personality potential in public school students” (Russian Ministry of Education and Science, 2007-2009, team leader: Dmitry A. Leontiev).
“Motivation and personality predictors of academic achievement and psychological well-being in students” (Russian State Foundation for Humanities, 2012-2013, team leader: Tamara O. Gordeeva).
“Choice as a personal activity: levels, strategies, and personality predictors” (Russian State Foundation for Humanities, 2012-2013, team leader: Dmitry A. Leontiev).
“Influence of sociocultural factors on individual psychological characteristics” (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2012-2013, team leader: Dmitry A. Leontiev).
Gross National Happiness (2012-2013, expert invited by the Government of Bhutan): review of evidence and development of policy recommendations for the UN on time use, behaviour change, psychological well-being.
Time Diagnostics (2008-2010). Development of an electronic psychometric test battery for assessment of individual attitudes towards time and time-related skills (,
In English
Journal papers:
Osin, E.N. (2009). Subjective experience of alienation: measurement and correlates. Existenzanalyse, 29(1), 4-11.
Boniwell, I., Osin, E., Linley, P.A., & Ivanchenko, G. (2010). A question of balance: Time perspective and well-being in British and Russian samples. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(1), 24-40.
Sircova A., Karibi F., Holme P., Lee S., Osin E., Strombom, D. Approaching social dilemmas through simulation: Exploring the mediating role of personal time perspective in tragedy of the commons (2013, under review).
Sircova A., van de Vijver F., Osin E.N., Milfont T.M., Fieulaine N., Kislali-Erginbilgic A. et al. A 24-Country Study of the Equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (2013, under review).
Book chapters:
Kaliteyevskaya, E., Borodkina, I., Leontiev, D., & Osin, E. (2005). Meaning, Adjustment and Autodetermination in Adolescence. In: Delle Fave, A. (Ed.), Dimensions of well-being. Research and intervention. Milano: Franco Angeli. (English) (pp. 157–171).
Osin, E. (2009). Social Desirability in Positive Psychology: Bias or Desirable Sociality? In: Freire, T. (Ed.), Understanding Positive Life. Research and Practice on Positive Psychology. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores. (pp. 421-442).
Gordeeva T.O., Osin E.N. (2011). Optimistic attributional style as a predictor of well-being and performance in different academic settings. In: Brdar, I. (Ed.), The Human Pursuit of Well-Being: a Cultural Approach. Springer (pp. 159-174). DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1375-8_14.
In Russian
Journal papers:
Osin, E.N. (2004). Autentichnost’ [Authenticity]. Ekzistencialnaya tradiciya: filosofiya, psikhologiya, psikhoterapiya, 2(5), 88–93 (available at:
Kaliteyevskaya, E.R., Leontiev, D.A., Osin, E.N., & Borodkina, I.I. (2007). Smysl, adaptatsiya i samodeterminatsiya u podrostkov [Meaning, adaptation and self-determination in adolescence]. Voprosy psikhologii, No. 2, 68–79.
Osin, E.N. & Leontiev, D.A. (2007). Smysloutrata i otchuzhdenie [Loss of Meaning and Alienation]. Kulturno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya, No. 4, 68-77.
Burovikhina, I.V., Leontiev, D.A., & Osin, E.N. (2007). Sily kharaktera kak resursy lichnosti podrostka: Opyt primeneniya oprosnika “Profil’ lichnostnykh dostoinstv” [Character strengths as resources of adolescent personality: application of Values-In-Action questionnaire]. Psikhologicheskaya diagnostika, 1, 107–127.
Leontiev, D.A., Mandrikova, E.Yu., Osin, E.N., Plotnikova, A.V., & Rasskazova, E.I. (2007). Opyt strukturnoi diagnostiki lichnostnogo potentsiala [A structural study of the Personality Potential]. Psikhologicheskaya diagnostika, 1, 8–31.
Leontiev, D.A. & Osin, E.N. (2007). Pechat’ ekzistentsializma: empiricheskie korrelyaty ekzistentsial’ nogo mirovozzreniya [Existential Imprint: Psychological correlates of existential worldview]. Ekzistencialnaya tradiciya: filosofiya, psikhologiya, psikhoterapiya, 1(10), 121–130.
Osin, E.N. (2007). Chuvstvo svyaznosti kak pokazatel’ psikhologicheskogo zdorovya i ego diagnostika [Sense of coherence as a determinant of mental health and its assessment]. Psikhologicheskaya diagnostika, 3, 22–40.
Osin, E.N. (2010). Faktornaya struktura russkoyazychnoi versii Shkaly obshei tolerantnosti k neoprdelennosti D. Makleina [Factorial structure of the Russian-language Multiple Stimulus Types Ambiguity Tolerance Scale by D. McLain]. Psikhologicheskaya Diagnostika, 2, 65-86.
Gordeeva, T.O., & Osin, E.N. (2010). Pozitivnoe myshlenie kak faktor uchebnykh dostizhenii starsheklassnikov [Positive thinking as a predictor of academic success in High school]. Voprosy psikhologii, No. 1, 24-33.
Gordeeva, T.O., Sychev O.A., & Osin, E.N. (2010). Razrabotka russkoyazychnoi versii Testa disposicionnogo optimizma (LOT) [The development of a Russian version of Life Orientations Test (LOT)]. Psikhologicheskaya diagnostika, 2, 36-64.
Gordeeva, T.O., Osin, E.N., Kuzmenko, N.E., Leontiev, D.A., Ryzhova O.N. (2011). Ob effektivnosti olimpiadnoy sistemy zachisleniya abiturientov v vuzy (na materiale khimicheskikh vuzov) [On effectiveness of the academic contest system of enrolment to higher education institutions (in chemistry)]. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, LV(5-6), 68-76.
Kosheleva N.V., Osin E.N. (2012). Implicitnye predstavleniya studentov ob ateistakh i veruyuschikh lyudyakh [Students’ implicit conceptions of atheists and believers]. Psikhologiya. Zhurnal Vyshei Shkoly Ekonomiki, 9(1), 135-143.
Gordeeva T.O., Osin E.N. (2012). Differences in achievement motivation and learning motivation in students exhibiting different types of academic attainment (United State Examination scores, academic contest results, university grades). Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya, 5(24).
Ivanova, T.Yu., Rasskazova, E.I., Osin, E.N. (2012). Struktura i diagnostika udovletvorennosti trudom: razrabotka i aprobaciya metodiki [Structure and assessment of job satisfaction: Questionnaire development and validation]. Organizacionnaya psikhologiya, 2(3), 2-15.
Osin E.N. (2012). Izmerenie pozitivnykh i negativnykh emociy: razrabotka russkoyazychnogo analoga metodiki PANAS [Measurement of positive and negative emotions: Development of a Russian-language analog of PANAS]. Psikhologiya. Zhurnal Vyshei Shkoly Ekonomiki, 9(4), 91-110.
Gordeeva T.O., Sychev O.A., Osin E.N. (2013, in press). Vnutrennyaya i vneshnyaya uchebnaya motivatsiya studentov: istochniki i sledstviya dlya psikhogicheskogo blagopoluchiya // Voprosy psikhologii (in press).
Gordeeva T.O., Rasskazova E.I., Osin E.N. (2013, in press). Koping-strategii v strukture deyatel’nosti i samoregulyatsii: psikhometricheskie harakteristiki i vozmozhnosti primeneniya metodiki COPE [Coping strategies in the structure of activity and self-regulation: the psychometric properties and diagnostic possibilities of COPE inventory]. Psikhologiya. Zhurnal Vyshei Shkoly Ekonomiki (in press).
Osin, E.N., Leontiev, D.A. (2013, in press). Differencial’nyi oprosnik perezhivaniya odinochestva: struktura i svoistva [Multidimensional inventory of loneliness experience (MILE): structure and properties]. Psikhologiya. Zhurnal Vyshei Shkoly Ekonomiki (in press).
Osin E.N., Rasskazova E.I. (2013, in press). Kratkaya versiya testa zhiznestoikosti: psikhometricheskie charateristiki i primenenie v organizacionnom kontekste [Short version of the Hardiness Test: Psychometric properties and organizational applications]. Vestnik MGU. Seriya 14. Psikhologiya (in press).
Osin, E.N. (2013, in press). Faktornaya struktura i demograficheskie korrelyaty Testa Smyslozhiznennykh Orientaciy (SZhO) [Factorial structure and demographic correlates of the Purpose in Life Test (PIL)]. Psikhologicheskie isskedovaniya (in press).
Osin, E.N., Rasskazova, E.I., Neyaskina, Yu.Yu., Dorfman, L.Ya., Aleksandrova, L.A. (2013, in press). Operacionalizaciya pyatifaktornoi modeli lichnostnykh chert na rossiyskoi vyborke [Operationalization of the five-factor personality inventory in a Russian sample]. Psikhologicheskaya diagnostika (in press).
Gordeeva, T.O., Osin, E.N., & Shevyakhova, V.Yu. (2009). Diagnostika optimizma kak stilya ob”yasneniya uspekhov i neudach: Oprosnik STOUN [Optimistic explanatory style assessment: Success and Failure Explanatory Style Questionnaire]. Moscow: Smysl. (152 pp.)
Osin, E.N., Leontiev, D.A. (2013, in press). Differentsialnyi oprosnik perezhivaniya odinochestva [The Multidimensional Inventory of Loneliness Experience]. Moscow: Smysl.
Osin, E.N. (2013, in preparation). Psikhologiya i psihodiagnostika otchuzhdenia [The psychology and psychological assessment of alienation]. Moscow: Smysl.
Book chapters:
Leontiev, D.A. & Osin, E.N. (2004). Empiricheskaya klassifikatsiya smyslov zhizni v SShA i Rossii [Empirical classification of life meanings in USA and in Russia]. In: A.A. Bodalev, G.A. Vaizer, N.A. Karpova, V.E. Chudnovsky (Eds.) Smysl Zhizni i akme: 10 let poiska. Two volumes, Vol. 1, Moscow: Smysl. (pp. 72–81).
Grebentschikova, T.A., Osin, E.N., & Shapiro, A.Z. (2006). Empatiya [Empathy]. In: “Krugosvet” online encyclopedia (
Gordeeva, T.O., Kuzmenko, N.E., Leontiev, D.A., Osin E.N., Ryzhova O.N., & Demidova E.D. (2010). Individual’no-psikhologicheskie osobennosti i problemy adaptatsii studentov: otlichayutsya li pobediteli olimpiad ot ostal’nykh? [Student personality features and adaptation problems: Are competition winners special?]. In: V.V. Lunin (Ed.), Sovremennye tendentsii razvitiya estestvennonauchnogo obrazovaniya: fundemental’noe universitetskoe obrazovanie. Moscow: MSU (pp. 92-101).
Gordeeva T.O., Osin, E.N., Kuzmenko N.E., Leontiev, D.A., Ryzhova, O.N., & Demidova, E.D. (2011). Ob effektivnosti dvukh sistem zachisleniya abiturientov v himicheskie vuzy: dal’neishii analiz problemy [Efficiency of two approaches to university admission for Chemistry students: further analysis]. In: V.V. Lunin & N.E. Kuzmenko (Eds.), Estestvennonauchnoe obrazovanie: tendencii razvitiya v Rossii i v mire. Moscow: MSU (pp. 88-110).
Osin E.N. (2011). Problema social’noi zhelatel’nosti v issledovaniyakh lichnostnogo potenciala [The problem of social desirability in personality potential research]. In: D.A. Leontiev (Ed.), Lichnostnyi potentsial: struktura i diagnostika. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 454-468).
Gordeeva, T.O., Leontiev, D.A., & Osin, E.N. (2011). Vklad lichnostnogo potenciala v akademicheskie dostizheniya [The contribution of personality potential to academic success]. In: D.A. Leontiev (Ed.), Lichnostnyi potentsial: struktura i diagnostika. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 642-668).
Kaliteevskaya, E.R., Leontiev, D.A., & Osin, E.N. (2011). Lichnostnyi potencial pri perehode ot detstva k vzroslosti i stanovlenie samodeterminacii [Personality potential in transition from childhood into adulthood and development of self-detemination capacity]. In: D.A. Leontiev (Ed.), Lichnostnyi potentsial: struktura i diagnostika. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 611-641).
Leontiev, D.A., & Osin, E.N. (2011). Metodologicheskie i metodicheskie voprosy empiricheskogo izucheniya i diagnostici lichnostnogo potenciala [Methodological issues of personality potential empirical research and assessment]. In: D.A. Leontiev (Ed.), Lichnostnyi potentsial: struktura i diagnostika. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 404-423).
Osin E.N., Orel E.A. (2012, in press). Vozrastnaya dinamika vremennoi perspektivy rossiiskikh zhenshin [Age differences in time perspective of Russian women]. In: A.K. Bolotova (Ed.), Chelovek vo vremeni: sbornik trudov kafedry obshei i eksperimental’noi psikhologii. Moscow: HSE.
Conference proceedings:
Osin, E.N. (2004). The way towards authenticity. In: D.A. Leontiev (Ed.) 2nd Russian conference on existential psychology: book of proceedings. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 141–146).
Osin, E.N. (2005) Alienation and loss of meaning: notes concerning their relationship. In: The Problem of Meaning in Human Sciences (V. Frankl’s 100-year anniversary international conference): book of abstracts. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 174–176).
Leontiev, D.A., Mandrikova, E. Yu., Osin, E.N., Plotnikova, A.V., & Rasskazova, E.I. (2005). Perspektivy empiricheskogo issledovaniya lichnostnogo potenciala [Perspectives of Empirical Study of the Personal Potential]. In: Applied Psychology as the Resource for Socioeconomical Development of Contemporary Russia: Book of Abstracts. Moscow: Insight (pp. 259–260).
Osin, E.N. (2006). Society, alienation and life meaning. In: G.A. Vaizer, E.E. Vakhromov (Eds.) Psychological problems of life meaning and akme: abstracts of 11th symposium. Moscow (pp. 26–27) (available at:
Salikhova, A.Zh., Leontiev, D.A., & Osin, E.N. (2006). Dva aspekta odinochestva: empiricheskii analiz [Two sides of loneliness: an empirical study]. In: Obshchenie-2006: na puti k enciklopedicheskomu znaniyu: materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferencii 19-21 oktyabrya 2006, PI RAO. Moscow: Akademiya Imidzhelogii (pp. 550–555).
Osin, E.N. (2007). Alienation as a psychological concept. In: D.A. Leontiev (Ed.) Proceedings of third Russian conference on existential psychology. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 97–100).
Osin, E.N. (2007). Meaning alienation in education: research perspectives. In: XIV international student and young researchers’ conference “Lomonosov-2007”: book of abstracts. Moscow: MSU (pp. 317–319) (available at:
Leontiev, D.A., Osin, E.N., & Salikhova, A.Zh. (2007). Positive and negative sides of loneliness experience. In: O. V. Solovieva (Ed.), Psychology of Communication: Humanity Training. Abstracts of International Conference dedicated to 70th Anniversary of L.A. Petrovskaya. Moscow: Smysl (pp. 320-322).
Osin, E.N., & Leontiev, D.A. (2008). Russian-language adaptation of two short subjective well-being scales. Proceedings of the 3rd Russian Congress on Sociology. Moscow: Russian Sociology Society, 2008.
Gordeeva, T.O., Osin, E.N., Kuznetsova, S.A., & Sytchev, O.A. (2008). Optimistic attributional style as a predictor of academic achievement in high school students. Proceedings of the Russian conference “Personality within intensifying integrational processes: theoretical and applied problems”. Makhachkala: 2008. (pp. 298-303).
Ivanchenko, G.V., Kosheleva, N.V., & Osin, E.N. Implicitnye koncepcii lichnosti ateista i veruyushego v postateisticheskom obshestve [Implicit conceptions of atheist and believer in post-ateist society]. Proceedings of the S.L. Rubinstein 120-th anniversary conference. Moscow: IP RAN, 2009. (pp. 145-152).