Mike Hale

Ezra Van Den Einde

Little Beaver OffersSimple, Efficient Soil Sampling Tools

LAS VEGAS (March. 7, 2017)–Little Beaver Inc.,the leading manufacturer of torque-free, one-man earth drills, provides convenient, fast and economical soil sampling equipment that gives owners control over when and where they sample. The combination of the Big Beaver Auger Drill Rig with the optional SSK-1 kit is ideal for standard penetration testing (SPT) as it easily lifts the 140-pound hammer to drive the sampler into the soil. Little Beaver also offers hand-sampling toolsthat can be used with any of its earth drills for easy environmental soil sampling.

Little Beaver is featuring its soil sampling equipment at booth B90510during CONEXPO-CON/AGG in Las Vegas.

TheSSK-1 kitincludes an additional hydraulic valve, Cathead and tower kit with stabilizer legs that extend out in front of the drill for additional stability. Itcan be used with Little Beaver’s AWJ drilling rod and 24-inchsplit spoon sampler, which allows a user to obtain a core soil sample for geotechnical or environmental testing.

The Big Beaver is portableand designed for limited access areas with a width of only 26 inches and a height of 80 inches. Because it’s compact, one person caneasily maneuver the two-wheeled unit throughgates,doorways and evenbasements.

The drill’s hydraulic power source is available with a 20-horsepower gasoline engine and can be used with other hydraulic tools like concrete saws, breakers, tampers and chain saws. Like all Little Beaver earth drills, the Big Beaver features the company’s exclusive torque tube that enhances safety by allowing the operator to remain a safe distance from the power source—absorbing dangerous kickback when hitting tough soils or obstructions.

In addition to the Big Beaver and SSK-1 kit, Little Beaver also offersstandard hand-sampling tools for environmental soil sampling. The samplersare available in 1.5-inch and 2-inch diameters, andcan be used with any of the company’s mechanical or hydraulic earth drills. The hydraulic earth drills are available with 11- or 20-horsepower gasoline engines or other diesel engine options, which makes them ideal for drilling in rocky or heavy clay soils.They also feature a three-wheeled chassis for enhanced stability and maneuverability. Little Beaver’s mechanical earth drills are available in 5.5 or 8 horsepower and offer fast operating speeds of up to 360 rpm for increased productivity and cleaner holes. The drills’ four-wheeled chassis increase stability when transporting over rough terrain.

Forsandy or loose soils, Little Beaver also offers hollow-stem augers that allow the driller to collect samples without the risk of contamination from the surrounding unstable soil. Available in 6- and 8-inch diameters, the augers feature a 2¾-inch or 3¾-inchinternal diameter, and work great for monitoring wells. The center rod and center plug can be removed to create a clear path for inserting the soil sampler while keeping adjacent soil from falling into the testing areato give operators an undisturbed sample. Once the hole is drilled, the Big Beaver also features a swing-away drive head that makes adding extensions and using a soil sampler quick and simple.

For drilling to shallow depths of 15-30 feet, Little Beaver offers a tripod kit for use with its 11-horsepower, PS11 Hydraulic Earth Drill. The kit allows operators to add and remove auger extensions without hand lifting. It alsostabilizes the drill during operation for precise positioning and controlled drilling.

About Little Beaver Inc.

Little Beaver has been proudly manufacturing quality, safe and productive drilling equipment for three generations. With a full line of easy-to-operate equipment, along with a complete offering of accessories, including augers, extensions, points and blades, Little Beaver effectively serves the needs of end-users from professional contractors to rental centers. For more information: Little Beaver, 2009 South Houston, Livingston, TX 77351; 800-227-7515; fax 936-327-4025; ;


Image: LittleBeaver_BigBeaver&SSK1.jpg

Cutline:The Big Beaver with SSK-1 kit,includes a cathead, additional hydraulic valve and tower kit with stabilizer legs that extend out in front of the drill for stability.

Image: LoneStar_LST1G+ SoilSampling.jpg

Cutline:Lone Star Drill’s LST1G+ gives engineers and soil technicians a rugged and dependable drill for standard penetration tests (SPT) and sampling through nearly any soil.

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Cutline: The hollow stem auger keeps adjacent sandy or loose soils out of the testing area for uncontaminated soil samples.