1. What is the filing status for Norman and Dorothy Painter?

a. / Married Filing Joint
b. / Married Filing Separately
c. / Head of Household
d. / None of the Above

Question 2

  1. 1.How many exemptions are the Painter’s filing on their 1040A tax return

a. / 1
b. / 2
c. / 3
d. / 4

Question 3

  1. 1.How many dependents are the Painter’s claiming on this tax return?

a. / `1
b. / 2
c. / 3
d. / 4

Question 4

  1. 1.Who is considered the “primary” on this tax return?

a. / Hunter
b. / Emily
c. / Norman
d. / Dorothy

Question 5

  1. 1.What is the adjusted gross income amount and on what line(s) is this amount identified on tax form 1040A?

a. / Line 21, $48,945
b. / Line 22, $49,245
c. / Line 22 or 21, $49,245
d. / Line 21 and 22, $48,495

Question 6

  1. 1.How much is the taxable interest and where is it located on the tax form(s)?

a. / Schedule B, Line 4 and on Form 1040A, Line 8a, $245
b. / Schedule B, Line 2, and form 1040A, Line 8b, $245
c. / Only on Schedule B, $245
d. / Only on Form 1040A, $245

Question 7

  1. 1.What is the amount of the student loan interest that Norman is adjusting from the adjusted gross income, and what line number is it on Form 1040A?

a. / $300
b. / $245 and Line 8a
c. / Line 18
d. / $300 and Line 18

Question 8

  1. 1.Are the Painter’s electing the standard or itemized deductions, what is the amount and what is the line number on the 1040A?

a. / Itemized, line 24; $11,900
b. / Standardized, Line 26, $11,900
c. / Standardized, Line 26, $8,700
d. / None of the above.

Question 9

  1. 1.What is the total amount of the exemptions and on what line number is the figure located on the 1040A?

a. / Line 26, $5,200
b. / Line 27, $15,200
c. / Line 26, $15,200
d. / None of the above.

Question 10

  1. 1.What is the amount of Taxable Income and what line number is it located?

a. / Line 28, $21,845
b. / Line 27, $2,404
c. / Line 27, $21,845
d. / None of the above.

Question 11

  1. 1.Where is the tax amount located on the 1040A Tax Return and where was the tax amount found?

a. / Tax Tables
b. / Form 1040A, Line 28, Tax Tables
c. / Tax Rate Schedle
d. / Form 1040A, Line 45, Tax Tables

Question 12

  1. 1.What is the amount of the Child Tax Credit and where is it located on form 1040A?

a. / $4000, Line 12
b. / $2,000 Line 33
c. / $2000, Form 8812
d. / None of the above.

Question 13

  1. 1.How much was paid in estimated taxes?

a. / $400
b. / $345
c. / $000
d. / $300

Question 14

  1. 1.The amount of Earned Income Credit (EIC) allowed for the Painters is

a. / $0
b. / $543
c. / $932
d. / $1000

Question 15

  1. 1.What is the amount of the refund on this tax return and what line is it located on?

a. / $2,146
b. / $2,550, Line 41
c. / $2,550, Line 36
d. / $2,550 Line 42

Question 16

  1. 1.On the Child Tax Credit WORKSHEET, how many qualifying children are being claimed?

a. / 1
b. / 2
c. / 3
d. / 4

Question 17

  1. 1.On the Child Tax Credit WORKSHEET, what is the amount in Box 2 and what is it called?

a. / Adjusted Gross Income, $48,945
b. / Adjusted Gross Income, $49,245
c. / Earned Income, $49,000
d. / None of the above

Question 18

  1. Do the Painter’s qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit (Schedule 8812, Part II)?

a. / No
b. / Yes
c. / Not Sure
d. / Maybe

Question 19

  1. 1.Whose Social Security Number is identified on the top of Schedule EIC in the box on the right hand side of the Schedule?

a. / Dorothy
b. / Emily
c. / Norman
d. / Hunter

Question 20

  1. 1.Does the tax preparer, Valerie Bush, need to prepare the Paid Preparers Earned Income Credit Checklist for the Painter’s if they do not qualify for the credit?

a. / Yes
b. / No

Question 21

  1. 1.What are the four areas that are identified to be completed if a taxpayer qualifies for the Child Tax Credit and the tax preparer has to complete form 8867?

a. / Part 1 All Taxpayers
b. / Part 2 Taxpayers With a Child
c. / Part 3, Taxpayers Without a Qualifying Child
d. / Part 4 Due Diligence Requirements
e. / All of the above

Question 22

  1. 1.Could this tax return have been completed on Form 1040, Year 2012?

a. / Yes
b. / No

Question 23

  1. If Norman had died in 2012 what would the filing status be for this tax return?

a. / Head of Household
b. / Qualifying Widow
c. / Married Filing Separately
d. / Married Filing Jointly

Question 24

  1. 1.If the Painters had been able to declare three (3) children, instead of 2, would they have qualified for the Earned Income Credit, if so, at what amount?

a. / No
b. / Yes, $0
c. / Yes, $535
d. / Yes, $986

Question 25

  1. 1.What document is normally used to report earned wages from an Employer to an Employee?

a. / 1099G
b. / W2
c. / 1099R
d. / W4