RQF 2007 Trial Guidelines

1.Name of Research Grouping:Integrated Irrigated Catchment Management

2. Home Panel:Panel 2 Physical, Chemical and Earth sciences

3. Up to three 4 Digit RFDC Codes: ____2605___%60__: 2910______%20__: _3402_____%__20 Up to three 4 Digit SEO Codes: _6205______%40__: _7700_____%_40_: 7799 ______%_20_

4. Name ofResearchers / Level / M/F / FTE / ECR / RFCD Code / SEO Code
1John Blackwell / Prof; / M / 100% / N / 2605 / 620500
3 John Louis / Ass Prof / M / 100% / N / 2605 / 620500
4 Ben Wilson / Senior Lecturer / M / 100% / N / 2605 / 620500
5 Shahbaz khan / Prof; / M / 50% / N / 2605 / 620500
6.Remy Dehaan / Lecturer / M / 50% / Y / 2910 / 779902
7. Richard Culas / Lecturer / M / 100% / Y / 3402 / 770000
8. Nadeem Asghar / Scientist / M / 100% / N / 2605 / 620500
9. Shahbaz Mustaq / Scientist / M / 100% / Y / 2605 / 620500

Blackwell John, 4 Best Publications

  1. Khan, S., Tariq, R., Yuanlai, C., and Blackwell, J. (2006). Can irrigation be sustainable? Agricultural Water Management, 80 (no. 1-3): 87-99.

Most of the worlds irrigation systems, particularly those established in high evaporation environments, rarely last for 200 years. This paper examines the historical reasons for this phenomenon, identifies the challenges to attaining Irrigation sustainability by comparing 3 irrigation areas around the globe, Australia, China and Pakistan.Drawing conclusions from these comparisons shows that we have not really progressed since Mesopotamian times and that we need better quantification of the processes involved in the sustainability of irrigation areas. Agricultural Water Management is a highly respected international Water journal

Impact Factor 2006: 1.122, Google Scholar citations: 4

  1. Jayawardane, N., Biswas, T., Blackwell, J., and Cook, F. (2004). A review of the land FILTER technique for treatment and reuse of sewage effluent and other wastewater. in: Juhasz, A., Magesan, G., and Naidu, R. (eds), Urban waste management in Australasia-Pacific region, Science Publishing Inc. Emfield: 249-275.

Globally land based treatment of urban sewage effluent is rarely efficacious and often prohibitively expensive, FILTER addresses both of these issues effectively The field trials in both China and Australia indicate that the FILTER system offers opportunities for sustainable irrigated cropping with saline urban wastewater on degraded salinised lands. It is also capable of removing the major pollutants in wastewaters such as nutrients, BOD, COD, total suspended solids, E.coli and agricultural chemicals that adsorb onto the soil during filtration, thereby increasing the potential reuse of the drainage water for downstream irrigation and other uses. The pollutant load reduction rates were comparable at the two sites at Griffith and Wuqing with clay and silty clay soils, respectively.

  1. Peng, X., Horn, R., Deery, D., Kirkham, M., and Blackwell, J. (2005). Influence of soil structure on the shrinkage behaviour of a soil irrigated with saline-sodic water. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43 (no. 4): 555-563.

This paper demonstrates that it is possible to maintain good soil structure in sodic red-brown earths if irrigated with waste waters of high salinity and sodicity. The experiments were carried out on soils from the Griffith City Council’ FILTER sites. The results show that 33% leeching could be maintained indefinitely thus assuring that the system is sustainable in the long term, thus demonstrating the economic feasibility of the system over traditional land based systems such as forestry, or traditional chemical removal of nitrogen and phosphorous.Australian Journal of Soil Research has been the premier soil science journal of the Asia-Pacific region since 1963. It attracts an enthusiastic international authorship due to its breadth of scope and recognition of emerging issues in land care and environmental science. Impact Factor 1.072, Google Scholar citations: 3

  1. Blackwell, J., Jayawardane, N., Biswas, T., and Christen, E. (2005). Evaluation of a sequential biological concentration system in natural resource management of a saline irrigated area. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 9 (no. 2): 169-176.

The Sequential Biological Concentration (SBC) system described, and scientifically proven, overcomes the basic cause of failure in an irrigation scheme, poor drainage and no environmentally acceptable receiver of that drainage This paper describes a Sequential Biological Concentration system to treat MIA drainage waters on a communal basis, thus allowing the MIA farms to continue to drain freely, a prerequisite to sustainable irrigation and a potential solution to the problems faced by the MIA in terms of rising water tables and associated salinity, considered to be the greatest threat to the future development of the region.

John Louis, 4 Best Publications

1.Edirisinghe, A., Louis, J. and Chapman, G., 2004, Potential for Calibrating Airborne Video Imagery using Pre-flight Calibration Coefficients. Photogrammetric Engineering. & Remote Sensing Vol. 70, No 5, pp. 573 - 580. Google Scholar citations: 1

One of the limitations of low cost agricultural imaging systems is the need place radiometric calibration targets within the experimental scene. This is not always possible or convenient. This paper outlines a methodology for radiometrically calibrating images using instrument pre-flight calibration data and without the need for in field calibration targets.This paper won the 2005 John L Davidson Award for Practical Papers from the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. This paper arose from a doctoral project, forming part of a larger research project developing low cost airborne imaging systems, for which I was the principal investigator.

2.Lamb, D.W., Bunganaen, Y., Louis, J.P., Woolsey, G.A., Oliver, R.L. and White, G., 2004, Fibre evanescent field absorption (FEFA): an optical fibre technique for measuring light absorption in turbid water samples. Marine and Freshwater Research, 55, 533-543. Google Scholar citations: 1

This paper describes a novel technique for measuring the concentration of pigments in turbid water using the evanescent light field from a fiber optic. This the advantage of this technique is that it eliminates the sensitivity problems of traditional direct transmission systems that are cause by light scattering due to water turbidity. My contribution to this work was associated with the mathematical analysis and modeling of the system

3.Hall, A., Louis, J. and Lamb, D., 2003, Chacterising and mapping vineyard canopy using high-spatial-resolution aerial multispectral images. Computers & Geoscience, Vol 29/7 pp 813-822.

This paper represents a break in the methodology associated with high spatial resolution imaging of orchard & viticulture crops. The paper describes a novel method for partitioning the field into crop and inter-row space. A subsequent paper, using this methodology, has clearly identified pixel mixing as being the primary driver behind the correlation between LAI & NDVI that has traditionally been reported in courser spatial images. My contribution to this work was in mathematical & algorithmic aspects of the paper and as the principal supervisor of the associated doctoral project.

4.Mount, N.J., Louis, J.P., Teeuw, R.M., Zukowskyj and Stott, T., 2003, Estimation of Error in Bankfull Width Comparisons from Temporally Sequenced Raw and Corrected Aerial Photographs, Geomorphology, 56(1), 65 - 77. Google Scholar citations: 3

This paper describes a methodology for using modern GIS / Spatial Analysis techniques to estimate the error in bank full width calculations from satellite image data. My contribution to this paper was towards the mathematical analysis.

Ben Wilson, 4 Best Publications

1Wilson, B.P. (2005) Classification issues for the Hydrosol and Organosol Soil Orders to better encompass surface acidity and deep sulfidic horizons in acid sulfate soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research 43; 629-638 DEST points 1

This paper is first and currently only paper to address the important issue of classification of sulfidic soils. It is currently being reviewed for inclusion into the next review of the Australian Soil Classification System.Impact Factor: 1.072

2.Wilson, B.P. (2005) Elevations of pyritic layers in acid sulfate soils: what do they indicate about sea levels during the Holocene in eastern Australia. Catena 62; 45-56.

This study was the first large scale examination of the stratigraphic relationships of acid sulfate soils in Australia that described the relationship between sea level rise during the Holocene and acid sulfate soils. DEST points 1, Impact Factor: 1.285

3.Hamilton, A. J., Robinson, W., Taylor I. R. and B.P. Wilson (2005). The ecology of sewage treatment gradients in relation to their use by waterbirds. Hydrobiologia. 534; 91-108. DEST point 0.25, Impact Factor: 1.049, Google Scholar citations: 1

4.Hamilton, A.J, Taylor, I.R and Wilson B.P. (2003). Potential Impact of future sewage treatment changes on waterbird use of the LakeBorrie ponds at the Western treatment plant: a theoretical discussion. Water. November; 45-48. DEST point 0.33

Shahbaz Khan, 4 Best Publications

  1. Khan S., Rana T., Yuanli C., Blackwell J. (2006) Can irrigation be sustainable? Agricultural Water Management 80:87–99.

Most of the worlds irrigation systems, particularly those established in high evaporation environments, rarely last for 200 years. This paper examines the historical reasons for this phenomenon, identifies the challenges to attaining Irrigation sustainability by comparing 3 irrigation areas around the globe, Australia, China and Pakistan. Drawing conclusions from these comparisons shows that we have not really progressed since Mesopotamian times and that we need better quantification of the processes involved in the sustainability of irrigation areas. Agricultural Water Management is a highly respected international Water journal. Impact Factor 2006: 1.122, Google Scholar citations: 4

  1. Khan S., (2005) “Rethinking Rational Solutions for Irrigation Salinity” Australian Journal of Water Resources, Special Issue on Salinity Engineering – Vol 9, No 2:129 -140

Salinity management poses significant socio-economic and environmental issues in Australia. This paper outlines vision for future salinity management based on sound land and water management practices with the involvement of gross root communities, governments and policy makers. This approach is now being implemented in several catchments in Australia.

  1. Khan S. (2004) Integrating hydrology with environment, livelihood and policy issues – the Murrumbidgee Model. Special Volume on Hydrology for the Environment Life and Policy. Water Resources Development Vol. 20, No. 3: 415-429. Water Resources Development:Impact factor: 0.39

This work was supported by UNESCO under its Hydrology for Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) programme. The multilevel stakeholder engagement in hydrological research and development of integrated catchment management tools and policies in the Murrumbidgee catchment in Australia helped to gain the status of reference catchment under the pilot phase (2001–02). The approach has been very influential in bringing about change in land and water management and informing and guiding regional policy, the model is now being implemented in 28 catchments around the globe.

  1. Khan S., Xevi E., and Meyer W. S. (2003) Salt, Water and Groundwater Management Models to Determine Sustainable Cropping Patterns in Shallow Saline Groundwater Regions – Special volume of the Journal of Crop Production titled Crop Production in Saline Environments. 325-340. Co-published simultaneously in Crop Production in Saline Environments, Global and Integrative Perspectives, Ed Sham S. Goyal, Surinder K. Sharma and D. Williams, Haworth Press. Invited paper.

This suite of SWAGMAN models is being used worldwide as an important tool for water and drainage managers. Google Scholar citations: 2

Remy Dehaan, 4 Best Publications (ECR)

1.Dehaan, R. & Taylor, G. (2006). Mapping indicators of soil salinity using HyMap hyperspectral imagery. International Journal of Geoinformatics2(1), 61-78.

This is a new journal servicing the Australasian market and as such does not have an impact factor yet. Chosen because this paper represents the first attempt to map dryland salinisation in Australian landscapes using hyperspectral imagery. It provides a methodology for using this cutting-edge technology to effectively characterise the plant and soil characteristics in this environment.

2.Dehaan, R. & Taylor, G. (2002). Field-derived spectral endmembers as indicators of irrigation induced soil salinity. Remote Sensing of the Environment 80(3), 406-417. Google Scholar citations: 25.

This is the leading International Spatial Science journal in my discipline. This is the first work to demonstrate that imaging spectrometry can measure both soil and vegetation indicators of salinity. This provides managers with an inexpensive method of mapping salinisation and monitoring land degradation. Research in this area led to an invitation to present a keynote address to the US Department of Agriculture, Los Angeles in 2002. Importantly this research has been adopted by the Victorian Department of Primary Industries and has formed the basis of their current research program for mapping catchment soil salinity. Impact Factor 0.98

3.Dehaan, R. & Taylor, G. (2003). Image-derived spectral endmembers as indicators of salinisation.International Journal of Remote Sensing24(4), 775-794. Google Scholar citations: 8.

This paper builds on the previous paper (2002) developing methodologies for using this cutting-edge imagery to map salinisation without the need for field data. Impact Factor 3.064

Richard Culas, 4 Best Publications (ECR)

1.Culas, R. J (2006): “Debt and Deforestation: A Review of Causes and Empirical Evidence”, Journal of Developing Societies, Volume 22 (4): 347-358.

This paper is published in an internationally refereed journal. It examines the hypothesis that heavy foreign debt of developing countries causes high rate of tropical deforestation through forestland clearing for agricultural expansion. The paper reviews possible causal links between debt, agricultural expansion and deforestation and empirically evident that the debt and deforestation are positively linked. The paper concludes with a view that reducing the debt burden of developing countries can widen opportunities for better environmental policies. It is now being placed in sixth among the fifty most-frequently read articles published in the Journal of developing Societies updated in June 2007.

2. Culas, R. J (2006): “Causes of Farm Diversification Over Time: An Australian Perspective on an Eastern Norway Model”, AFBM Journal, Volume 3 (1), p. 1-9.

This paper is published in a refereed Australasian journal. It deal with risk which can be related to production, marketing, financial and environmental aspects of the production. Diversification is a way out for managing the risk and that this paper analyse how the diversification can be influenced by various other factors, for instance in a farming situation. The results suggest that diversification and farm size are positively linked and that farm specialisation may not be environmentally desirable. The analysis has been done for a Norwegian farming sector but results of which have implications for farmers in Australia and anywhere else.

3.Culas, R. J (2003): “Impact of Credit Policy on Agricultural Expansion and Deforestation”, Tropical Agricultural Research, Volume 15, p. 257-287. Google Scholar citations: 1.

This paper addresses important of agricultural credit programs for farmers in developing countries since agricultural credit has been an important policy tool for improving agricultural productivity and farmer’s income. This paper extent a theoretical model of agricultural production to analyse the policy effect of agricultural credit programs on deforestation for subsistent- and profit-oriented farmers. Empirical evidences support that access to credit for the poor farmers is important to purchase adequate fertilizer inputs, which can increase land’s productivity thereby limit agricultural land expansion into forestland by deforestation. This paper has been published in a refereed journal and available through CAB database.

Nadeem Asghar, 4 Best Publications

1. Ali, G., M.N. Asghar, M. Latif, and Z. Hussain, 2004. Optimizing operational strategies of scavenger wells in lower Indusbasin of Pakistan. Agricultural Water Management, 66 (2004): 239-249.Impact factor of this journal: 2006: 1.122

In the Lower Indus Basin of Pakistan, where rainfall is low and water use is high, more than 350 scavenger wells were installed under the Left Bank Outfall Drain Stage –1 (LBOD-1) with a capital cost of US$ 12.75 million to provide drainage and recover fresh groundwater mainly for irrigation purposes. This paper highlights the environmental issues caused by the pumping and disposal of saline groundwater. and evaluates the hydraulic performance of two scavenger wells (PSW1A and PSW2) representing different hydro-geological conditions in the LowerIndusBasin. Using two numerical models (MODFLOW and MT3D), changes in the operational strategies of such wells have been recommended.

2. Qureshi, A.S., M.N. Asghar, S. Ahmad, and I, Masih, 2004. Sustaining crop production in saline groundwater areas: A case study from Pakistani Punjab. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 55(4): 421-431.Impact factor of this journal: 2006: 1.133

Waterlogging and salinity are widely acknowledged to adversely affect production of about 50% of the world’s irrigated land, though the severity of the problem varies. Currently, more than one hundred countries throughout the world have a very serious salinity problem including the Pakistani Punjab. This paper describes the problem precisely and suggests a sustainable solution to both waterlogging and salinity. A cost effective and technically feasible design, guidelines and operational strategiesfor skimming wells are offered using a transient modelling approach using MODFLOW and SWAP

3.Saeed, M.M., M. Ashraf, and M.N. Asghar, 2003. Hydraulic and hydro-salinity behavior of skimming wells under different pumping regimes. Agricultural Water Management, 61 (2003): 163-177.Impact factor of this journal: 2006: 1.122, Google Scholar citations: 1

4. Asghar, M.N., S.A. Prathapar, and M.S. Shafique, 2002. Extracting relatively-fresh groundwater from aquifers underlain by salty groundwater. Agricultural Water Management 52 (2002): 119-137.Impact factor of this journal: 2006: 1.122

The demand for fresh water within the Indusbasin of Pakistan has increased enormously over the past two decades with the increase in population. Groundwater extractions have increased exponentially both in the private and public sectors. Conventional pumping technology has failed to extract the shallow fresh groundwater lenses that exist on around 30% of the Indus basin. Tubewell discharges are too large for the given hydrological capacity of the underlying aquifer. These two papers present the outcomes of computer simulation and field experimental studies conducted for appropriately designing and adequately defining the operational management strategies of skimming wells so that reliable and better quality of pumped groundwater is ensured.

Shahbaz Mushtaq (ECR)

  1. Mushtaq. S., D. Dawe, H. Lin and P. Moya. 2006. An Assessment of the Role of Ponds in Adoption of Water Saving Irrigation (WSI) Practices in the Zhanghe Irrigation System (ZIS), China. Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 83, Pages 100-110 Impact Factor 1.12

This research work has resulted outstanding adoption models for water saving irrigation practices for rice. This research has improved the understanding of the key factors influencing the adoption of water saving irrigation practices in China. The key finding has been taken up by the Chinese government in addressing the key constraints for water saving irrigation technology for rice. The research work is widely appreciated in the CGIAR system, especially by IRRI and IWMI.