Inquiring minds want to know!
After all – we live in, and on one!
Stay with me, I’m not going into the NDAA but just a short reference.
NDAA – Rules of the Battlefield?
America has been ruled as a Battlefield by the passage (again) by our illustrious treasonous leaders. If you do not know what the NDAA is, here is a “brief” synopsis. If you want to know more – you are sitting at a computer, probably with a search engine.
What is the NDAA?
Please stay with me here. I’m not going to beat this part to death, it’s already been done many times.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a bill that normally funds the military. However, in 2012, two sections (1021 & 1022) made the NDAA the most dangerous law since the U.S. Civil War. Repeating the mistakes of WWII, when we detained 120,000 Japanese-Americans on race alone, this law authorizes the indefinite military detention of any person suspected of an affiliation with terrorism. This law applies to American citizens in America, non-citizens in America, and American citizens abroad. It doesn’t matter.
No charge. No trial. No day in court. Passed 93-7 in the Senate, 283-136 in the House.
Passed (again) in the year 2014.
The National Defense Authorization Act, an annual exercise in allotting money for America’s military, has in the past been used to open the door to “detain as a threat to national security anyone viewed as a troublemaker,” according to critics. Or, again according to critics, create the framework for a police state.
Obama signs NDAA 2014, indefinite detention remains. Supreme Court refuses to stop indefinite detention of Americans under NDAA.
So, who is the enemy! (I think we know).
So, my question is?
What are the rules of a battlefield? What are “our” rights, living in and on a battlefield. Do laws even exist living in or on a battlefield other than the Geneva Convention?
If we are attacked by a terrorist (government definition) could be person with bad attitude, different ideas and ideals, looks suspicious, wrong haircut, pants dirty, troublemaker, you get my drift? These are the governments definitions – the best one is – just because “we say so”.
So – attacked by water cannon, police, sound cannon, Taser, tear gas, batons, psychopathic cops……..(you get the idea) should we not be able to protect ourselves? After all, if the combatants are peaceful on one side and the other side reverts to violence, well, then on a battlefield all is fair, is it not? Nebuchadnezzar – eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth?
I have researched the heck out of this and following is all that I’ve found. There are only censored answers out there but I will refer to that old time “Thomas Paine” common sense.
To make it quick and easy I will start with a reference to a YouTube video, this doesn’t cover “all” but something very few know about…..
The Most Important Law In U.S History Is Up For Debate And No One Is Talking About It And it’s NOT the NDAA.
Congress, as always, is useless and passed a “law” that has made them irrelevant. (Surprise)
Let’s move on…..
National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 Authorizes Cyber Warfare Against American Citizens
In support of this harmful bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield” and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial “American citizen or not.” Another supporter, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) also declared that the bill is needed because “America is part of the battlefield.”
The senators pushing the indefinite detention proposal have made their goals very clear that they want an okay for a worldwide military battlefield, that even extends to your hometown. That is an extreme position that will forever change our country.
Lindsey Graham – America is part of the battlefield – I’m sure you caught that.
The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing.
OK, so now I live in a battlefield, can be taken away, no trial, imprisoned, sent away, indefinite detention………ETC. – ad nauseum…..
So, in order to defend myself from anything including mistaken identity (read current synopsis on CIA torture 12/10/14 –— oops sorry, wrong guy)….. Hope we didn’t screw you up too much…..
I will defend myself…. and my family – from anybody and any “thing”.
Another question – who or whom exactly are we at war with?
I look at it this way,
If someone is trying to kill me – I’m going to try to kill them right back.
If someone is trying to hurt my family or me, I’m going to do it right back……
If someone is attacking me! Well, you get the idea.
Hello Police State, this is Verizon, can you hear me now?
Time is up!
We are being “killed” – after all, we live on a Battlefield by law and decree!
Perhaps, just perhaps we should “act” as we live on a battlefield.
Black lives matter, White lives matter, Yellow lives matter, Brown lives matter!
ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where the Government is afraid of its people………………………… I’m sure most know this quote. I like liberty and freedom, I even remember it from “long ago”.
OUR DISPUTE HOWEVER, IS NOT WITH THE GOVERNMENT (per se) however they are willing accomplices’!
But the rules, Oh Lord, the Rules…..What are the rules of the battlefield we have been put in?
Can you help me? I want to hear from others……
I “want” to communicate. Going to the store in the People’s Republic of Ameri-ka…. No one looks at each other, no one talks, no one listens except in secret.
If we don’t adapt, we will not survive!
OK now to some definitions…..
bat·tle·field (btl-fld)
n. In both senses also called battleground.1. An area where a battle is fought.2. A sphere of contention.battlefield (ˈbætəlˌfiːld) or battleground n
1. (Military) the place where a battle is fought; an area of conflict
bat•tle•field (ˈbæt lˌfild) n.
1. the field or ground on which a battle is fought.
2. an area of contention, conflict, or hostile opposition.
Also called bat•tle•ground (ˈbæt lˌgraʊnd)
What are the rights of a US Citizen?
You have many rights as a United States citizen, among them the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Your rights are really unlimited, All Rights Reserved by the People, as Rights of the People are never all defined anywhere. For example, you have the Right to open your eyes, literally. It doesn’t need to be spelled out on paper as such. These are natural or unalienable Rights.
As for specifically stated rights, they too are not defined per se in any founding document. The Constitution, in particular the Bill of Rights, defines government limitation or infringement upon some Rights, purposely protecting Rights the founders felt were most important to the protection of the People’s right to Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.
The some protected Rights under the Constitution, are:
· Right of Free Speech and Press.
· Right to Bear Arms.
· Right to Vote.
· Right to a Fair, Speedy Trial by a jury of your peers.
· Right to Freedom of Religion.
· Right to be Secure in your Persons, Papers and Effects against unreasonable search and seizure.
· Right to Equality and Equal Rights.
· And the list goes on.
The right of self-defense (according to U.S. law) (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for civilians acting on their own behalf to engage in a level of violence, called reasonable force or defensive force, for the sake of defending one’s own life or the lives of others, including, in certain circumstances, the use of deadly force.
In the United States, a civilian may legally use deadly force when it is considered justifiable homicide, that is to say when the civilian feels that their own life, the lives of their family, or those around them are in legitimate and imminent danger.[2]
And now! A step in the right direction….
Philly Mayor: ‘You Have Some Police Officers Who are Increasingly Afraid of the Community’
December 8, 2014 6:55 AM
“You in essence have the citizens who want to be protected who are now are increasingly afraid of the police and you have some police officers who are increasingly afraid of the community,” the mayor said. “There is a large gap in that context, so it is about training. People need the police to protect them.”
So, people need police to protect them? The last, very, very last thing I would do, is call a cop.
This is how I see America, I remember how it used to be!
Rifle Grill – http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/gals-with-guns-rustle-up-customers/
This kills me, TPTB even mess with Nuns! This is enough to piss off the good humor man.
Nuns, The Little Sisters – http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/feds-slammed-for-inability-to-function-without-nuns/
One last question……..
What does it take to piss off the Ameri-kan people?
To make them act and take action, and not couch or chair potato action?
Our time is up! It’s over! May God rest our souls but,…,….,…..
If we can stagger off our couches and think about the future of our children and grandchildren then “maybe”…… Or – do they not matter anymore?
So someone, anyone, please help me and explain!
What are the rules of our Battlefield?
· porkybeans
December 22, 2014 at 6:49 am · Reply
You won’t listen and frankly it is beyond the mental capabilities of Americans to grasp. It’s not that they are stupid, their minds are like NASCAR, all left turns going nowhere. That’s just the way they have been trained since birth and the way they will stay until a totally avoidable death finds them after teotwawki. You keep asking, “When will the American people wake up and stand together?” The answer is never! Survival, if it can be found at all, will come from being a loner. This time in history there is no safety in numbers. A lone, well prepared, skill enlightened, survivor along with the members of his/her immediate family [no friends]will be the few, the humbled, the miserable that make it through this coming disaster. If anyone still thinks they can form a survivor group or community, dig wells, grow crops, animals, and keep the hordes out is priming for death. Furthermore 90% of the prepper supplies advertised on these sites are worthless and designed to do nothing but generate income for the webbers. What you can’t carry on your back, forage, or for the most part fabricate from scratch in the woods is a minus not a plus in the column of survival[guns, ammo, and lifestraws being exceptions]. Anyway stop dreaming about Americans standing shoulder to shoulder anywhere but in the ebt, ptsd, welfare, foodstamp lines. As rules go, there are none: Survivors will make their own as we go, if we can keep going. Constantly changing circumstance will dictate the rules, not you or I! thanks and God bless.