Human Services Council of Indiana County
June 10, 2010
Attendance: Nancy Grillo (ICCDC), Cathy Williams (Scenery Hill Manor),
Judy Silvester (SWPAPC), Reed Booth Fairman (Head Start),
Pepita Jimenez-Jacobs (LWVIC), Maureen Pounds (DHS), Joe Bujdos (MH/MR),
Patty Drew (Beacon Ridge), Sandy Harber (ICCAP), Lou Ann Williams (Alice Paul House), Carol Woods (APH), Melodee Medsger (ASI), Barb Telthorster (The ARC),
Patty Drew (Beacon Ridge), Gina Lehman (DHS), Andrea Wittman (MH/MR/EI),
Dan McCullough (Scenery Hill Manor), June Stewart (VNA), Dory Campbell (ELCMA),
Jill DeBella (PMSD), Mila Simpson (Community Living & Learning).
The program following the meeting was.
1. Call to Order by Sandy Harber, President
2. Minutes from the May 2010 meeting were recently posted on the web site so we will delay approval to next meeting. Two letters were passed around for all to see:
3. Treasurer’s Report by Patty Drew, Treasurer
Starting Balance $2574.50
Membership due: $30.00
May meeting expenses $150.00
Ending balance $2754.50
Motion to approve was made by LouAnn Williams and seconded by Dory Campbell.. Motion passed.
4. Committee Reports
a. By Laws, Nancy Smith, chair, No report.
b. Community Connections, Maureen Pounds, chair:
1. They updated the HSC brochure.
2. They are working on a power point presentation on the Council and mailed out
information to 41 civic groups about the council and if a speaker is needed.
3. The Gazette is printing an article about the Council meeting on the Sunday
after the meeting.
c. Finance: Patty Drew, chair. They organized today’s program and the speakers are pertaining to health care issues.
d. Legislative, Amanda McVicker, chair. Pepita reported on a meeting that was held on Tuesday 5-11 concerning the Marcellus Shale and the impact on water and roads. The supervisors and local representative for boroughs were in attendance and they felt that a severance tax was needed to help with these issues. This had not yet been passed in the state legislature.
e. Nominating Cathy Williams, chair
f. Community Education and Fellowship Judy Silvester, chair. This committee will be responsible for the August 12 picnic and will meet following today’s program.
g. Volunteerism, Janeen Love, chair, no report
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Announcements:
· Barb Telthorster from The ARC announced that their agency is looking for a new location due to a change in occupancy at Regency Mall.
· Barb announced a workshop on Participant Directed Services by the PA Partnership on June 22 from 9 AM to Noon, lunch included.
· On June 30th there is a cross systems workshop at the Belmont Complex in Kittanning.
· On October 21 there is a Safety Awareness workshop for professionals and individuals with disabilities. There will be a 4 person panel who will discuss how they are preparing for emergencies. It will be held at Rustic Lodge. Three schools are sending students and teachers. More information on The ARC website.
· Near the end of September there may be a workshop on Beyond Tokenism which will train participants on how to be effective on a board of directors. Also how to be self advocates and talk to elected officials. This is geared for people with intellectual developmental disabilities.
· Perhaps in March The ARC will sponsor training on “Who is your Friend?”
· Gina announced that the Summit Fest for Teens is on June 19 from 10 to 3, at the Eagle Nest picnic pavilion. Speakers will be telling about various careers.
· Maureen announced about an overview of services for New Stories (formerly Milestones).
8. Adjournment
Barb Telthorster made a motion to adjourn the meeting, June Stewart seconded. Meeting adjourned.
9. Program: Speakers from Indiana County Prescription Assistance Program (Debbie
Pennington), Beacon Ridge (Patty Drew), and AseraCare (Audra Plamo).