Lab 10: graphs

Exercise 1 Implement a Template Class
Problem statement:

Implement a new template class that is derived from the graph. The new class should permit both edges and vertices to have labels.

Learning Objectives:

The learner will be able to:

Write a new template class derived from the graph template class that permits both edges and vertices to have labels.

Exercise 2 Implement a Graph Function
Problem statement:

Implement a function with three arguments: a graph, a starting vertex number, and an ending vertex number. The function determines whether there is a directed path from the starting vertex to the ending vertex.

Learning Objectives:

The learner will be able to:

Write a three-argument function to determine if a directed path exists from a starting vertex to an ending vertex.


Typical Computer Lab setup


Microsoft Visual C++

Classroom Configuration:


Lab Procedures:

Complete the following tasks: Exercise 1
1.  Implement a new template class that is derived from the graph.
2.  The new class should permit both edges and vertices to have labels.
Complete the following tasks: Exercise 2
1.  Implement a function with three arguments: a graph, a starting vertex number, and an ending vertex number.
2.  The function determines whether there is a directed path from the starting vertex to the ending vertex.


Answers to Lab Exercises

Solutions to Lab Exercises can be found at the Curriculum Knowledge Network (CKN) section of the ITT Technical Institute Employee Portal, The solutions are also listed below.

Exercise 1

// FILE: graph.h (part of the namespace main_savitch_15)
// From Chapter 15 of Data Structures and Other Objects (Second Edition)
// ______
// This file has been modified to work with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0,
// as described in
// ______
// TEMPLATE CLASS PROVIDED: graph<Item> (a class for labeled graphs)
// The vertices of an n-vertex graph are numbered from zero to n-1. Each vertex
// has a label of type Item. It may be any of the C++ built-in types (int,
// char, etc.), or any class with a default constructor and an assignment
// operator. The graph may not have multiple edges.
// MEMBER CONSTANTS for the graph<Item> template class:
// static const size_t MAXIMUM = ______
// graph::MAXIMUM is the maximum number of vertices that a graph can have.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the graph<Item> template class:
// graph( )
// Postcondition: The graph has been initialized with no vertices and no edges.
// MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the graph<Item> template class:
// void add_vertex(const Item& label)
// Precondition: size( ) < MAXIMUM.
// Postcondition: The size of the graph has been increased by adding one new
// vertex. This new vertex has the specified label and no edges.
// void add_edge(size_t source, size_t target)
// Precondition: (source < size( )) and (target < size( )).
// Postcondition: The graph has all the edges that it originally had, and it
// also has another edge from the specified source to the specified target.
// (If this edge was already present, then the graph is unchanged.)
// void remove_edge(size_t soure, size_t target)
// Precondition: (source < size( )) and (target < size( )).
// Postcondition: The graph has all the edges that it originally had except
// for the edge from the specified source to the specified target. (If this
// edge was not originally present, then the graph is unchanged.)
// Item& operator [ ] (size_t vertex)
// Precondition: vertex < size( ).
// Postcondition: The return value is a reference to the label of the
// specified vertex.
// CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the graph<Item> template class:
// size_t size( ) const
// Postcondition: The return value is the number of vertices in the graph.
// bool is_edge(size_t source, size_t target) const
// Precondition: (source < size( )) and (target < size( )).
// Postcondition: The return value is true if the graph has an edge from
// source to target. Otherwise the return value is false.
// set<size_t> neighbors(size_t vertex) const
// Precondition: (vertex < size( )).
// Postcondition: The return value is a set that contains all the vertex
// numbers of vertices that are the target of an edge whose source is at
// the specified vertex.
// Item operator [ ] (size_t vertex) const
// Precondition: vertex < size( ).
// Postcondition: The return value is a reference to the label of the
// specified vertex.
// NOTE: This function differs from the other operator [ ] because its
// return value is simply a copy of the Item (rather than a reference of
// type Item&). Since this function returns only a copy of the Item, it is
// a const member function.
// VALUE SEMANTICS for the graph<Item> template class:
// Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with graph<Item> objects.
#include <cstdlib> // Provides size_t
#include <set> // Provides set
namespace main_savitch_15
template <class Item>
class graph
// * For VC++ 6.0 we are using size_t instead of std::size_t. And we
// * have defined CAPACITY using an enum instead of a static member
// * constant. See for details.
enum { MAXIMUM = 20 };
graph( ) { many_vertices = 0; }
void add_vertex(const Item& label);
void add_edge(size_t source, size_t target);
void remove_edge(size_t source, size_t target);
Item& operator [ ] (size_t vertex);
size_t size( ) const { return many_vertices; }
bool is_edge(size_t source, size_t target) const;
std::set<size_t> neighbors(size_t vertex) const;
Item operator[ ] (size_t vertex) const;
bool edges[MAXIMUM][MAXIMUM];
Item labels[MAXIMUM];
size_t many_vertices;
#include "graph.template" // Include the implementation.
// FILE: graph.template (part of the namespace main_savitch_15)
// From Chapter 15 of Data Structures and Other Objects (Second Edition)
// ______
// This file has been modified to work with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0,
// as described in
// ______
// TEMPLATE CLASS IMPLEMENTED: graph<Item> (See graph.h for documentation.)
// This file is included in the header file and not compiled separately.
// INVARIANT for the graph class:
// 1. The number of vertices in the graph is stored in the member variable
// many_vertices.
// 1. These vertices are numbered from 0 to many_vertices-1.
// 2. edges is the adjacency matrix for the graph (with true in edges[i][j]
// to indicate an edge from vertex i to vertex j).
// 3. For each i < many_vertices, labels[i] is the label of vertex i.
#include <cassert> // Provides assert
#include <cstdlib> // Provides size_t
#include <set> // Provides set
namespace main_savitch_15
/* Not needed for VC++
template <class Item>
const std::size_t graph<Item>::MAXIMUM;
template <class Item>
void graph<Item>::add_edge(size_t source, size_t target)
// Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
assert(source < size( ));
assert(target < size( ));
edges[source][target] = true;
template <class Item>
void graph<Item>::add_vertex(const Item& label)
// Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
size_t new_vertex_number;
size_t other_number;
assert(size( ) < MAXIMUM);
new_vertex_number = many_vertices;
for (other_number = 0; other_number < many_vertices; ++other_number)
edges[other_number][new_vertex_number] = false;
edges[new_vertex_number][other_number] = false;
labels[new_vertex_number] = label;
template <class Item>
bool graph<Item>::is_edge(size_t source, size_t target) const
// Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
assert(source < size( ));
assert(target < size( ));
return edges[source][target];
template <class Item>
Item& graph<Item>::operator[ ] (size_t vertex)
// Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
assert(vertex < size( ));
return labels[vertex]; // Returns a reference to the label
template <class Item>
Item graph<Item>::operator[ ] (size_t vertex) const
// Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
assert(vertex < size( ));
return labels[vertex]; // Returns only a copy of the label
template <class Item>
std::set<size_t> graph<Item>::neighbors(size_t vertex) const
// Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib, set
std::set<size_t> answer;
size_t i;
assert(vertex < size( ));
for (i = 0; i < size( ); ++i)
if (edges[vertex][i])
return answer;
template <class Item>
void graph<Item>::remove_edge(size_t source, size_t target)
// Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
assert(source < size( ));
assert(target < size( ));
edges[source][target] = false;

Exercise 2

// FILE: searches.h (part of namespace main_savitch_15)
// This file provides three template functions for searching graphs
// from the graph template class of graph.h
// template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
// void rec_dfs(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType v, bool marked[])
// Precondition: g is a labeled graph that is being traversed by a
// depth-first search. For each vertex x, marked[x] is true if x has
// already been visited by this search, otherwise marked[x] is false.
// The vertex v is an unmakred vertex that the search has just arrived at.
// Postcondition: the depth-first search of g has been continued
// through vertex v and beyond to all the vertices that can be reached
// from v via a path of unmarked vertices. The function f has been
// applied to the labe of each vertex visited by the search, and each
// such vertex x has also been marked by setting marked[x] to true.
// template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
// void depth_first(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType start)
// Precondion: start is a vertex number of the labeled graph g.
// Postcondition: A depth-first search of g has been executed,
// starting at the start vertex. The function f has been applied to the
// label of each vertex visited by the search.
// template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
// void breadth_first(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType start)
// Precondition: start is a vertex number of the labeled graph g.
// Postcondition: A breadth-first search of g has been executed,
// starting at the start vertex. The function f has been applied to the
// label of each vertex visited by the search.
#ifndef SEARCHES_H
#define SEARCHES_H
#include "graph.h"
namespace main_savitch_15
template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
void rec_dfs(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType v, bool marked[]);
template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
void depth_first(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType start);
template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
void breadth_first(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType start);
#include "searches.template" // Include the implementation.
// FILE: searches.template
// From Chapter 15 of Data Structures and Other Objects (Second Edition)
// ______
// This file has been modified to work with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0,
// as described in
// ______
// TEMPLATE FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED: rec_dfs, depth_first, and breadth_first.
// Please see searches.h for documentation of these functions.
// This file is included at the bottom of searches.h, and should not be
// separately compiled.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include "graph.h"
namespace main_savitch_15
template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
void rec_dfs(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType v, bool marked[])
// Precondition: g is a labeled graph that is being traversed by a
// depth-first search. For each vertex x, marked[x] is true if x has
// already been visited by this search, otherwise marked[x] is false.
// The vertex v is an unmakred vertex that the search has just arrived at.
// Postcondition: the depth-first search of g has been continued
// through vertex v and beyond to all the vertices that can be reached
// from v via a path of unmarked vertices. The function f has been
// applied to the labe of each vertex visited by the search, and each
// such vertex x has also been marked by setting marked[x] to true.
// Library facilities used: cstdlib, graph.h, set
std::set<size_t> connections = g.neighbors(v);
std::set<size_t>::iterator it;
marked[v] = true; // Mark vertex v
f(g[v]); // Process the label of vertex v with the function f
// Traverse all the neighbors, looking for unmarked vertices:
for (it = connections.begin( ); it != connections.end( ); ++it)
if (!marked[*it])
rec_dfs(f, g, *it, marked);
template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
void depth_first(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType start)
// Precondion: start is a vertex number of the labeled graph g.
// Postcondition: A depth-first search of g has been executed,
// starting at the start vertex. The function f has been applied to the
// label of each vertex visited by the search.
// Library facilities used: algorithm, cassert, graph.h
bool marked[g.MAXIMUM];
assert(start < g.size( ));
std::fill_n(marked, g.size( ), false);
rec_dfs(f, g, start, marked);
template <class Process, class Item, class SizeType>
void breadth_first(Process f, graph<Item& g, SizeType start)
// Precondition: start is a vertex number of the labeled graph g.
// Postcondition: A breadth-first search of g has been executed,
// starting at the start vertex. The function f has been applied to the
// label of each vertex visited by the search.
// Library facilities used: algorithm, cassert, cstdlib, graph.h, queue
bool marked[g.MAXIMUM];
std::set<size_t> connections;
std::set<size_t>::iterator it;
std::queue<size_t> vertex_queue;
assert(start < g.size( ));
std::fill_n(marked, g.size( ), false);
marked[start] = true;
connections = g.neighbors(vertex_queue.front( ));
vertex_queue.pop( );
// Mark and process the unmarked neighbors,
// and place them in the queue.
for (it = connections.begin( ); it != connections.end( ); ++it)
if (!marked[*it])
marked[*it] = true;
while (!vertex_queue.empty( ));

11 Lab Handout for IT327

Data Structures