St. Lawrence County DRAFTFinance Committee

Board of LegislatorsMonday, October 24, 2011

Board Room5:30 P.M.

Members Attending:Mr. Morrill,Mr. Acres, Mr. Akins, Mr. Arquiett, Ms. Brothers, Mr. Bunstone, Mr. Burns, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. MacKinnon, Mr. Paquin, Mr. Parker, Mr. Peck, Mr. Putman, Mr. Putney, Mr. Sutherland

Others Attending: Karen St. Hilaire, Ruth Doyle, Kelly Pearson, Darren Colton, Chris Boulio, Nicole Duvé, Bob Santamoor, Bill Dashnaw, Steve Button, Kevin Felt, Richard Cassara, , Keith Zimmerman, Chris Rediehs, and Martha Ellen – Watertown Daily Times, Mike Cunningham, Mike Crowe

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Chair Morrill called the meeting to order at 5:29p.m. The agenda was modified to include a resolution from the Treasurer’s Department to be presented under old/new business. Mr. Bunstone moved to approvethe agenda,seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and Mr. Parker.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES–Mr. Bunstone moved to approve the minutes of

September 26, seconded by Mr. Arquiett and Mr. Parker, and carried.


A. Town/Village/School Omitted Taxes Per Real Property Tax Law, September 2011 (Info)

Mr. Colton asked if there were any questions on these items and there were none.

B. Town Corrections/Refunds under $2500 Per Annum Recommended to the SLC Treasurer’s

Office, September 2011 (Info)

C. School/Village Corrections/Refunds Recommended to School/Village Boards, September, 2011 (Info)


A. Approving Standard Federal Aid Highway and Marchiselli Aid Project Supplemental Agreement #1 for the Design/Right-of-Way Incidentals and Right-of-Way Acquisition of County Route 14 Over the Oswegatchie River, BIN 1039620, PIN 775316 (Res) –Mr. Peck moved to forward this resolution to the full Board, seconded by Mr. Bunstone, Mr. Parker, and Ms. Brothers. Mr. Dashnawsaid this is a standard resolution and he expect to have it ready for bid sometime in February. Motion carried.

B. Modifying the 2011 Department of Highways’ Capital Projects Budget (Res)– Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to the full Board,seconded by Ms. Brothers andMr. Lightfoot. Mr. Dashnaw said there were complications in that of a designerror and the consultant was willing to pay for this error. It isone hundred(100 %) percent covered. Mr. Burns asked who the consultant was. Mr. Dashnaw repliedBarton & Loguidice, PC, Syracuse, NY. Chair Morrill thanked Mr. Dashnaw and said he appreciated how quickly he got the designer to take responsibilityand repairs are nearly complete. Motion carried.

C. Abandoning Sections of County Highways, County Route 39, Town of Louisville (Res) (Info)– Ms. Brothers moved to forward this resolution to the full Board, seconded by

Mr. MacKinnon. The project was a driveway that was built on County Route 39 with the idea in mind that when project was finished we would abandon the Right of Way. The property is located on the westerly side. This will relieve us from liability and the owner is willing to take on maintenance issues. The driveway cannot be taken out until abandoned. Mr. Akins asked if there wereany restrictions or costs. Mr. Dashnaw said there are no restrictions and we will be covering costs. Mr. Parker asked about guidelines and removal. Mr. Dashnaw said the Town will do the removal. Motion carried.

Mr. Burns asked if we have a written list of sections of roads that go nowhere. Mr. Dashnaw said yes, he has a map with those areas highlighted.


A. Authorization to Fill an Assistant District Attorney Position in the District Attorney’s Office (Res) (Info) –Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by

Mr. Arquiett. This position has been vacant since mid August, but officially since October 2. There is an Appellate backlog that we are tryingto dig out from. We have 9,609 cases pending that doesnot include traffic infractions or appeals. This factors out to be on average, 1300 to 1500 cases per attorney. The office has earned 2700 hours of comp time this year and using 652 of those hours. We are hoping to fill this vacancy. Mr. Lightfoot asked how many defendants there are. Ms. Duvésaid cases are open on a per event case meaning multiple charges in one event equals one case/file. Traffic reductions fluctuate from 6,000-7,500 per year. Mr. Lightfoot asked if traffic matters were included in those numbers. Ms. Duvé said no. Attorneysdo not handle the process of traffic reduction, only the trials of the Vehicle and Traffic infractions. Mr. Lightfoot asked of the 9,609, how many are criminal cases? Ms. Duvé said all of them are criminal, meaning felonies, misdemeanors, or violations. Motion carried.


A. Authorization to Fill an Assistant Public Defender Position in the Office of the Public

Defender (Res) (Info) – Mr. Peck moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Bunstone and Mr. Lightfoot. Mr. Button said Public Defender Jeffrey Ellsworth isleaving to take a teaching position in England. This will leave the office short-staffed . There will be only three attorneys covering over 400 cases. 2100 cases were opened last year and numbers are up about 100 cases this year. They are trying to keep up with the case and Family Court alone is massive. It is urgent that this position be filled. This will leave only four attorneys left in the office and with the number of Courts in St. Lawrence County,it is hard to stretch four people to go to all of those places. He askedthat the position be filled immediately. Mr. Acres asked if all these openings go before a vacancy committee. Ms. St. Hilaire said the procedure changed. When hiring from outside the County, those are brought to the Board and the Board would decided if it could be filled immediately or if there would be a waiting period. The procedure changed in July and there is a resolution. Motion carried.


Supporting the Effort to Encourage the Use of New York Grown andProduced Fresh Foods and Other Products(Res) (Info) -Mr. Akins moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Parker and Ms. Brothers. Mr. Akins said even though we voted this down a month ago, hestill wanted to encourage locally grown food and business. He said he didn’t want it to just include agriculture. Mr. Cunningham said in general anything local is not allowed under New York StateLaw. Local means New York State, not St. Lawrence County. The Commissioner of Agriculture has set up a website. Albany could enact a resolution allowing for bid requirement on produce. Worked with Commissioner of Agriculture and came back with requirement of 50 percent allowable under New York State law. School systems have further exceptions. The State could encourage vendors to use New York State products on State bid specs It is not required but it does encourage. First step to show this is our intent. Even though it is not required it does give bargaining power. Produce comes mostly from Central NYand milk from Upstate Niagra. We should include GouverneurCorrectional on the resolution. Mr. Parker fully supports this resolution and asked to be added as co-sponsor. Ms. Brothers thankedMr. Akins for bringing this resolution forward. We should promote this one industry in St. Lawrence County. Motion carried.


A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign a Contract for Equipment Rental for the Central Printing Department (Res) – Mr. Peck moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Arquiett. Ms. St. Hilaire said Mr. Cassara got a good deal. He said they received proposals from four businesses in our area. This was to basically replace equipment as a bigger copier is now needed. Mr. Colton provided numbers from Real Propertysaving approximately $10,000 a year. This will be our third cycle of copiers and it makes more sense to lease. Mr. Parker asked if we did an assessment to see if we can get rid of other copiers. Ms. St. Hilaire said 100 printers were removed from circulation. Mostly colored printers in various offices were removed,printing can produce colored copies for 15 centsper copy which is a big savings. Ms. St. Hilaire said the Sheriff’s Office still has a colored printer and possibly a few other offices but they are primarily all out of circulation. Mr. Acres asked about the cost of maintenance and supplies. Mr. Cassara said supplies include toner. Ms. St. Hilaire said the printers incirculation would averagesometimes as much as $1,500 per week in toner. Mr. Morrill asked where company is located. Mr. Cassara said it is Usherwood out of Potsdam. Mr. Cassara said they were $10,000 cheaper than their competitors. Motion carried.


TREASURER – KEVIN FELT (Resolution on desks)

Modifying the 2011 Treasurer’s Budget for the Payment of Services Provided for Issuing Revenue Anticipation Note (Res) – Mr. Peck moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Lightfoot. Mr. Felt said three billed were received. Motion carried.

Cash flow–Mr. Felt said it was better than it was. There was nothing unusual to report. We did receive payment on school taxes but we will pay it back out next month. The Department of Social Services payments- 1.5 million andTax foreclosures-$300,000.

Ms. St. Hilaire said she had a conversation with Assemblyman Blankenbushand he said he will look into the hold-up with the State payments.

Ms. St. Hilaire said she had an email from Roseanne Murphy stating$167,000 will be coming from tribal funds for this year. When asked about 2012, she said she didn’t know where those talks were, but she would get back to us as soon as possible.

The Secretary of State called to say we would receive a grant for Shared Services Program. The Grantwould cut down on mileage and personnel stresses.

Mr. MacKinnon asked about the push button method and if anyone listened to the tapes to see how it recorded when button not pushed. Ms. St. Hilaire said Ms. Brothers suggested going back to the microphone being constantly on.

In reference to hiring a Secretary to the Board of Legislators, Ms. St. Hilaire said the Board has never asked other departments for permission to fill vacancies. The office cannot function with one person. Mr. Arquiett said he wants someone else in the office and strongly suggest filling the position. Mr. Parker said he does not believe it is a political issue. We are asking everyone to make cuts and should be looking at everything we do. We owe it to the County to scrutinize and try to save money for the people of the County. He asks that it is not taken personally. We just do not have money to spend. Ms. St. Hilaire said that she understands thatbut it was not done in any of the other 48 cases. Ms. St. Hilaire said how much more can we cut. Ms. Brothers saidshe was not aware at how much work is done in that office until she became Chair. Shesupport filling the position immediately. Mr. MacKinnon said I have argued with Mr. Boulio about staffing. This is our department and we have not said that we will never fill that position, we are just looking extra hard at it and she does understand that a lot of work goes into that office. Mr. Paquin said as the remaining one that has served as Chair, it is stunning the amount of work that is done and one person is not going to be able to do that. There has been a reduction in staff already. The work is not going to get done. We are the face of the County Government and we are not going to get work done by being understaffed. We are micro-managing. Mr. Bunstone said we are playing a dangerous game, because now we have a spot where there is a hole and the only fair way is that we fill them when there are transfers. He will support filling it. We never argued cutting the positions that we filled. Mr. Boulio saidhe would like to explain my roll in this. There have been 79 moves made and money saved. This office cannot do without that position. The Office has lost two long-term (10 year) employees in two months. DepartmentHeads rely on the Board of Legislators’staff. Three support staff in that office is not toomany. We have been filling from within and abolishing behind them. Mr. Peck asked if there would be a savings. Employee we hired has changed her mind, so we do not know. It depends on how we fill the position. Mr. Putney said it is good to debate and discuss issues. I do believe it is a position we need to have. That position is the face of our office and other Departments. I do not think this is a position we should cut. Mr. Morrill said he thinks the one thing that there was an issue with is that we didn’t know anything. Mr. Boulio said that all the positions were not discussed by Board. Mr. Lightfoot said he would to say in no way was politics involved and he does not think it is micro-managing. He feels we are just questioning things andhe takes offense of the accusation that it was political. It is an honest attempt on our part to save tax payer dollars. Mr. Lightfoot askedMr. Boulio if you are willing to discuss this in executive session. Mr. Boulio said yes. Mr. Lightfoot said he was totally against filling the position, but will listen to what Mr. Boulio has said. Ms. St. Hilaire said there is no backup when only three people are working in the office. Mr. Lightfoot reiterated that he was willing to listen. Mr. Akins said on these procedures he would be more comfortable voting or having a motions made. Emotions are getting high and he would like to make a motion or move on.

Mr. Acres said it is good to hear the passion and to have discussions. Hearing Mr. Boulio’s explanation helps. Mr. Acres feels that judging from the looks of the minutes in the past we should move ahead with the recording of the minutes and possibly a voice recording for the phone. Ms. St. Hilaire said she has information on recording of minutes. A cost of approximately $1,200 would get a digital track.

Mr. Parker asked where we stand with Medicaid. Ms. St. Hilaire said it is out of the budget. All State Legislators have signed on as co-sponsors of that bill. Assemblywoman Addie Russell has paperwork submitted. Everyone is trying to get theirLegislators to move on this critical issue. Mr.Peck said will we get to a point as to whether to put it in the budget. Ms. St. Hilaire said she will get list of how many we have signed on.

Ms. Brothers moved to go into executive session, seconded by Mr. Arquiett.

Mr. Bunstone moved to adjourn theFinance Committee at 7:13 p.m., seconded by Mr. Parker,

and carried.