1 Alpha Boxes

Writing Daily Plan

1. Mini-Lesson Focus: ELACCKW2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. ELACCKSL5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.

This lesson helps students understand that nonfiction visuals contain accurate and factual information.

Create a Visual that Contains Facts: For this lesson you will need several apples and a knife. Display a real apple and consider its attributes, both exterior and interior. Possible Think Aloud: “As a nonfiction writer, I know that one of my important jobs is to create diagrams that have accurate information. I can get those facts by doing research with real things and by reading books. Today I am going to do research on an apple. I will gather all the facts I can and put those facts into a diagram. When I look at this apple, I see it is mostly red. It wouldn’t be accurate to color it all red because there are little stripes of yellow (depends on the type of apple you are using) along the skin. I notice the stem at the top and the way the skin of the apple slopes down to where the stem is connected. When I turn it over, I notice the place where a blossom used to be at the bottom of the apple. The skin of the apple slopes toward that area as well. I am going to try to put these facts into my diagram. Watch as I draw,(see example below) and see if I am using accurate information about this apple. Turn and Talk: Writers, accuracy is important. Check my drawing. Talk to your partner about – Does the diagram have real information about my apple? Is there anything else I could do to make this more accurate? Possible Think Aloud: “The facts in a diagram need to be as accurate as possible. As we look inside the apple, I can say that it is a fact that it has seeds. I can say it is a fact that the flesh is a creamy, white color and the skin is mostly red. My diagram needs to include those facts. This is not a time when I can use my imagination. Nonfiction writers need to get their facts straight.” Model for students labeling your diagram and adding a fact or two. Turn and Talk: Talk to your partner about any other facts we might want to include.

The apple has four seeds in the inside. The apple has a stem on top.

Troup County Schools 2012

Writing Lesson