/ DePaul University
Time Reporting
Reference Guide

Time Reporting for Salaried Employees

Table of Contents

Time Reporting for Salaried Employees 1

Table of Contents 1

Introduction 1

Frequently-Asked Questions 2

What is daily time entry? 2

How many hours in a day? 2

Can I record a partial vacation day? 2

How do I enter vacation hours? 2

What is Reported Time? 2

Can I change hours? 2

What is a Time Manager? 2

Who can see these hours? 2

Who approves these hours? 3

Will I be able to exceed my vacation balance? 3

Why are you doing this to me? 3

How often will I need to do this? 3

What is the duration of a time reporting period? 3

Can I record vacation that will occur in the future? 3

What happens to the data you enter here? 3

Recording Vacation Time 3

Navigation 3

Updating Your Timesheet 6

Viewing Payable Time 7


As a full-time salaried DePaul staff employee, you are responsible for recording vacation leave taken. Your role in the ‘Time Reporting and Approval’ system is a Time Reporter

Note: You only need to access your timesheet to record vacation days. For periods that you do not take vacation, you do not need to access this system. If you do not access your timesheet, you will still automatically receive your regular salary each biweekly pay cycle.

Frequently-Asked Questions

What is daily time entry?

DePaul’s time reporting system tracks information as hours per day. When you take vacation days, you will be asked to record the total number of vacation hours taken on a calendar day.

How many hours in a day?

DePaul’s full-time salaried employees are based on a 7-hour day. You will record 7 hours to signify one day of vacation.

Can I record a partial vacation day?

Yes. The system will accept any entry less than 7 hours. For partial vacation days, record hours as follows:

·  ¾ day = 5.25 hours

·  ½ day = 3.5 hours

·  ¼ day = 1.75 hours

How do I enter vacation hours?

You will enter hours through DePaul’s Campus Connection web site, by linking to the appropriate page. This document describes how to perform this activity.

What is Reported Time?

Hours that have been added or changed on your timesheet is known to the system as reported time. The system must convert reported time into payable time before it can be approved and sent to payroll.

Can I change hours?

Yes. Both you and your time Manager can review and change hours that you enter. Once a time reporting period has closed, you will be able to adjust hours in a single prior period. Once the prior period closes, entries can no longer be made in the time reporting system. Your Time Manager will need to contact the payroll office.

What is a Time Manager?

A Time Manager is a person designated by DePaul to review and (for hourly employees) approve hours entered into the time reporting system. In most cases, your time manager will also be able to enter hours on your behalf.

Who can see these hours?

Only you, your Time Manager, and the payroll system administrator can view or update your hours. System security prevents others from accessing this data.

Who approves these hours?

Vacation hours for salaried staff are ‘Pre-Approved’. When you save a vacation entry on your timesheet, it is instantly approved for transfer to the payroll system. Both you and your Time Manager can review and change hours that you enter.

Will I be able to exceed my vacation balance?

No. The time reporting system is aware of your vacation balance, and will not allow you to report vacation time in excess of your balance. You will receive an error message and will be prevented from saving a timesheet that exceeds your vacation balance.

Why are you doing this to me?

This system replaces a paper-based system for capturing staff vacation hours.

How often will I need to do this?

You are responsible for making sure that your vacation hours are recorded on your timesheet by close of the time reporting period where you took vacation, or as soon as possible in the next period. The system will remain open for a single prior period for adjustments and late entries.

What is the duration of a time reporting period?

A single time reporting period is two weeks (i.e. biweekly). Each time reporting period starts on a Monday, to align with DePaul payroll periods.

Can I record vacation that will occur in the future?

Yes. A single future time period will be open for recording vacation.

What happens to the data you enter here?

The vacation hours that you save in your timesheet will be transferred to the payroll system each biweekly pay period. Vacation hours will continue to appear on your pay stub each period. These vacation hours will transfer from payroll to the benefits system where your vacation accrual balance will be reduced.

Recording Vacation Time


Sign on to Campus Connection

Navigate to Time Reporting and Approval

Under ‘My Links as an Employee, Select ‘My Timesheet’

Your initial window appears as shown

The search will always return multiple lines as follows

·  Prior Period – Time reporting period that has just past. You can adjust time for this period

·  Current Period – Time reporting period that is currently open for reporting. Because you are recording vacation hours as you take them, you will always access the Current period for reporting.

·  Next Period – Next time reporting period. You can also record vacation hours for a single future period.

From the search results list, use your mouse to select a time reporting period (Prior, Current or Next).

Your biweekly time sheet will appear as shown.

You be presented with a row of boxes corresponding to the days in the reporting period. For each day, vacation hours will default as 0. Find the vacation day or days in this grid and change the number from 0 to 7 to record a vacation day.

When you have recorded all vacation hours for a reporting period, click the yellow


Button. A page will display as shown

Click the button indicating that the save was successful.

Updating Your Timesheet

The process for updating recorded time is the same as the process for recording time:

·  Sign-On

·  Navigate to ‘My Timesheet’

·  Choose a Reporting Period (Prior, Current or Next )

·  Change Hours

·  Click [Save]

Viewing Payable Time

Several times a day, the system converts new time reporting entries into payable time. Every two weeks, the payroll department transfers payable time to the payroll system to be included on employee paychecks.

Note: Viewing payable time is an optional step. You do not need to view payable time in order for your vacation hours to transfer to payroll.

Payable time for your vacation hours can be viewed as follows:

Sign-On to Campus Connection

Navigate to ‘Payable Time Summary’

The following search page will display

Enter a start date. This will to establish a time period for reviewing payable time. For example, to view payable time from 5/10/2004through 5/16/2004, you will enter a start date of 5/10/2004.

Note: The system will only recognize a date entered in certain formats. For example, March 8, 2004 should be entered as one of the following:
·  030804
·  03082004
·  03/08/2004
·  03-08-2004

The system allows you to view one week of payable time. Press [Previous Week] or [Next Week] to review payable time on subsequent or prior weeks, or click to establish a different start date.
Quick Reference – Recording Vacation Time

·  Sign-On

·  Navigate to ‘My Timesheet’

·  Choose ‘Current Period’

·  Record Hours

·  Click [Save]

Time Reporter – Salaried Page 10