Installing Visual Age for Java Entry Enterprise Edition, Version 3.5

Visual Age for Java Entry Enterprise Edition
Version 3.5
Installation Guide

Note: The drive with the installation files will be referred to as drive X. Please substitute this drive letter with the appropriate CD or network drive letter. If the required files were downloaded from a website and placed into a temporary installation directory, substitute this drive letter for the temporary installation directory.

1.  If you have not already done so, create a new user on the PC with username wasadmin and password wasadmin. Make this user a member of the Administrators group. (If you have already installed DB2 following a Web Age Solutions Installation Guide, you can skip this step – you have already created this user as part of that installation.)

2.  If you have not already done so, log on to Windows as wasadmin (password: wasadmin).

3.  Insert the CD labeled VAJ V 3.5.

4.  From the X:\vajnstall\ivj35\setup directory, double-click setup.exe.

5.  From the VisualAge for Java for Windows - InstallShield Wizard window, select the Next button.

6.  Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement option, and click the Next button.

7.  In the Setup Type window, select the Custom installation, and then press the Next button.

8.  In the Edit Features window, scroll down to EJB/JSP Development Environment and select by clicking the icon. Click on This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive, and press the Next button.

9.  Select Local for the Location of Repository, and click the Next button.

10. From the Ready to Install the Program window, click the Install button.

This will take several minutes. Wait for the window below to be displayed.

11. Click the Finish button.

12. Once the VisualAge for Java installation is complete, from the X:\VAJInstall\patch2 directory, double-click the setup.exe file.

a.  The following window will appear. Press the Next button.

b.  When finished, press the Next button.

c.  Choose English as the Setup Language and click OK.

d.  The readme - Notepad will be displayed. Close the Notepad.

e.  Click the Next button.

f.  Click the Next button.

This may take several minutes to complete.

g.  Click the Finish button.

Copyright Web Age Solutions Inc., 2001. Visual Age for Java EEE v3.5 Install Guide - 1