WA Institute for Deaf Education
WAIDE Youth Advisory Council
22nd October 2013 6:00-8:00pm
Meeting Minutes
Attended:, Jack Meakins (JMe), Jessica Marinko (JM), Michael Matisons (MMa), Mina Mitric (MM), Steve Watson (SW – WAIDE Principal), Pam Davies (PD Teacher of the Deaf), Kathryn Monaco (KM – Guest), Julie Edmonds (JE – Guest)
Apologies: Amy, Vanessa
6.00 to6.30
Welcome back to Kathryn and farewell to Kathryn
Kathryn caught up with the progress of the YAC since she left and congratulated all the members for their ongoing, great work.
The YAC members presented Kathryn with a thank you card.
6.30 to 6.45
7.00 to 7.30
Julie Edmonds – funding for the camp.
Julie spoke to the group and informed everyone that the Deafness Council WA has agreed to auspice the YAC for the funding application to Lotteries for the camp. Julie needs some information for the application process;
1. Information about the potential students (country, metropolitan, numbers, age)
2. Other funding and support (e.g. the school, Ear Science Institute Australia)
3. What is planned for the camp (Activities, etc.)
Steve to send Julie the information required for the application.
7.30 to 8pm
Request from Commissioner for presentation by one student and SW
The Commissioner has requested that one YAC member and Steve Watson present at an upcoming Participation Seminar to be held on the 28th of November. The seminar has not been confirmed. The Commissioner would like to know if it was possible to get one student out of school to present.
Steve to contact the students and request one to present. Steve to then confirm if the event will be held.
Terms of Reference
The drafted Terms of Reference for the group was presented and discussed. All those in attendance agreed to the terms. Final ratification will happen at the next meeting once all members get to view the document.
Table at next meeting.
YAC Christmas Party
The decision was made to hold the YAC Christmas party at South City Beach, 8th of December. Parents will be asked to drop YAC members off at 4.30 and return at 6.30pm. The night should finish around 7pm. The members will invite Kathryn and her husband back for the party as special guests.
The dinner will be a BBQ using the facilities provided. Steve will aim to secure a table with a BBQ in the afternoon just below the South City Beach car park. The Invitation will contain all the necessary details.
Steve to organise invitation.
YAC Members to plan the party at the next meeting.
Next meeting: 3 December 6-8pm at 53 Curtin Ave, Cottesloe (unless Steve contacts all members to advise them of a venue change).
Meeting Closed 8.05pm