Conversion Service Profile Instructions

Please completeand submit this formfor posting to the AEM Center web site if your company offers a conversion service or content development resource prepared to:

a)  work with publishers to develop NIMAS-conformant source file sets forK–12 textbooks and related materials, and/or

b)  develop student-ready specialized formats for students with print disabilities (e.g., Braille, digital talking book (DTB), Section 508-compliant e-text, accessible HTML, etc.).

Conversion or content development companies are typically commercial entities based in the United States. For a specific definition of “NIMAS-conformant source files,” as well as the technical specification, please see the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) section of the AEM Center website.

Please send your completed form to as an attachment in the format of your choice. At this time, the form is available as a Microsoft Word download. A web-based interactive form may be implemented in the future. Conversion service organizations will have an opportunity to update the information they provide as their products and available services change. If you have questions about completing the form, send them to .

Thank you for your participation.

Skip Stahl & Joy Zabala
Co-Directors of the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials

Conversion Service Profile: [ORGANIZATION NAME] | 7

Conversion Service Profile
[Organization Name]

Contact Details


Address: 22/1,1st street

Address 2: North Balabakiya Nagar

City: Tirunelveli

State/province: Tamilnadu

Country: India

Zip code/postal code: 627001

Telephone number (with country code/area code): 0462-2320628

Fax number (with country code/area code):

Website URL:

Primary Contact for Inquiries

Name: Ramya.K

Email address:

Telephone number (if different than above): +91-9094122776

Direct extension:


Please tick the boxes next to all that apply. When you are asked to provide details, feel free to include as much information as you would like.

Conversion of PDF to NIMAS-Conformant Content (XML)

Tagged PDF

Untagged PDF

Conversion of Other File Types to NIMAS-Conformant Content (XML)

Please list source file types (feel free to add formats to this list):





Microsoft Word

Hard copy (print)

Adobe InDesign

Adobe PDF

Other (please indicate): EPUB,XML,SGML,TIFF,MS EXCEL, LaTex

Conversion of NIMAS-Conformant Source Files to Large Print

Please specify possible outcomes.

Addition of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to XML content that validates to the NIMAS Document Type Definition (DTD)

Preparation of hard copy (print) books

Other (please specify):

Conversion of NIMAS-Conformant Source Files to High-Quality Braille

Please note transcription certification details. Include information such as the number of certified transcribers, years of experience, etc.

Certifying agency:

Indicate which software is used for translation:

Describe previous experience converting XML source files:

Production of literary Braille (Grade II)

Production of Nemeth code for math and science

Transcription into languages besides English (specify):

Other specialization(s):

Braille production outcomes:

Electronic Braille files

Embossing, one-sided pages

Embossing, two-sided pages

Embossing, with plates

Using Thermoform for duplication

Binding, with comb- or spiral-binding

Binding, with other types of covers (specify):

Conversion of NIMAS-Conformant Source Files to Rich Text-Based Content

Please discuss the provision of digital electronic text, e.g., the inclusion of additional XML tags, development and input of figure descriptions, the inclusion of graphics, etc.

Provide details, such as examples of possible tags that may be included, or other DTDs with which the company has experience. Feel free to include links to samples. We recognize that companies may wish to protect proprietary information; however, this space offers an opportunity to showcase the ability to create content that surpasses the basic NIMAS fileset parameters.

Capestone success is built on continuous technology innovation around core publishing services operations.

1. Strong knowledge in NIMAS, Atypon Literatum, SiverChair, NLM (National Library of Medicine).

2. XML for any DTD/Schema complains, e.g., DocBook, Open eBook (OeB), JATS, BITS, and all Publisher’s DTDs.

3. We have strong expertise in developing DTD, Schema, CSS, XSLT.

Conversion of NIMAS-Conformant Source Files to Text-to-Speech-Based Content

Please specify the type of output.

DAISY 2.02 content

Z39.86-2002 content

Z39.86-2005 content

ePUB2 content

ePUB3 content

iBook content

MathML2 content

MathML3 content

A basic playlist divided into chapters


What level(s) of navigation are possible?








Distribution Mechanism

CD with Intellectual Property Protection (please describe):

CD without Intellectual Property Protection

Distribution on another medium, such as a flash drive

Password-protected web site

FTP or another similar protocol

Other: Backstage tool.

Coordination with the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC)

Would you be willing to provide information regarding the products developed from NIMAS content to the NIMAC, for its records?



Production Fees and Other Costs (optional)

Please provide basic details about contracting procedures. Include a description of what is required in order for the company to bid on a project. If you would like to offer a link to a page on the company web site, please do so.

In order for us to evaluate the project requirements, we usually need the following:

Sample of all types of input files you wish to process

Total number of titles or pages

Any deadlines that you have for the project

Website Accessibility

To the best of your knowledge, does your public web site comply with the W3C Web Access Initiative (WAI) Web Content Accessibility and/or the U.S. Access Board Section 508 web accessibility guidelines?



Any additional information about the accessibility of your web site:

Submission Details

Name of form submitter: Rajkumar.M

Email address of form submitter:

Date submitted: 27-July-2017

Last updated: 27-July-2017

Conversion Service Profile: [ORGANIZATION NAME] | 7