Transportation and Public Works Committee Minutes

October 7, 2008

Members: / Present:
B. Anderson, Chair / B. Anderson
B. Henderson, Vice-Chair / B. Henderson
E. Gibbons / E. Gibbons
K. Krushell / K. Krushell
S. Mandel / S. Mandel

Also in Attendance:

Councillor T. Caterina

Councillor R. Hayter

Councillor K. Leibovici

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk


A.1.Call to Order

Councillor B. Anderson called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.

A.2.Adoption of Agenda

Moved B. Henderson:

That the October 7, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting agenda be adopted.


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell.

A.3.Adoption of Minutes

J. Wright, Offfice of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved E. Gibbons:

That theSeptember23, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting minutes be adopted.


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell.


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

The Committee selected the following items for debate:E.1.,E.3., E.4., E.9. and P.1.

J. Wright, Offfice of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Henderson:


D.1.Transit Routes to the West End (S. Mandel)

That the revised due date of June 2, 2009, be approved. / Transportation
Due: June 2/09

D.2.Lewis Estates to Downtown Bus Rapid Transit Plan – Detailed Planning Study

That the revised due date of June 2, 2009, be approved. / Transportation
Due: June 2/09


E.2.Current Future Plans Relating to CN and CP Rail Operations

ThatTransportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:

That Mayor S. Mandel, on behalf of City Council, propose through the Capital Region Board that both Canadian Pacific and Canadian National be asked to enter into discussions regarding the Region’s concerns and CP and CN future rail plans

E.5.Fish Creek Excavating Ltd. Agreement - Change Order

That the Agreement with Fish Creek Excavating Ltd. be increased by $2,730,000 (including GST) for the supply of processed dolostone aggregate. / Transportation

E.6.Open Tenders - $1,000,000 or Greater (Inclusive of GST) as at September 16, 2008

That Administration award the tender projects, in Attachment 1 of the September 16, 2008, Corporate Services Department report 2008COP018, and enter into all relevant agreements, and such tenders to be in accordance with Administration’s normal tendering guidelines. / Corporate Svcs.

E.7.Sale of an Industrial Lot - Pylypow Industrial

That the sale of a lot in Pylypow Industrial for $1,504,500 be approved, in accordance with the terms and conditions as outlined in the September 23, 2008, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2008PW3807. / AMPW

E.8.Sale of Commercial Lot - Silver Berry – 2847-34 Street NW

That the sale of a commercial lot in Silver Berry for $1,140,000 be approved, in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the September 17, 2008, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2008PW9348. / AMPW


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell.

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear

Moved B. Henderson:

That Transportation and Public Works Committee hear from the following speakers in panels:

E.4.Traffic Safety Comparison

  1. P. Grell, President, Woodcroft Community League
  2. P. Stinson, Youngstown School Parent Council

E.9.Connaught Armoury

  1. B. Hetherington
  2. I. Kipnes
  3. D. Kipnes
  4. M. Phillips-Rickey
  5. D. Caultley, Executive Director, Youth Emergency Shelter Society


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell.

Mayor S. Mandel entered the meeting.


E.1.Status of the Non-statutory Public Hearing - West LRT (Lewis Estates to Downtown) Plan - West LRT November 4, 2008, Public Hearing

B. Latte, Transportation Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Krushell:

That the Non-statutory Public Hearing on the West LRT scheduled for the November4, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting be postponed to June 2, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting. / Transportation
Due: June 2/09


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, S. Mandel.

E.3.Urban Traffic Safety Research Chair, University of Alberta

B. Stephenson,Transportation Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. G. Shimko, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Anderson:

ThatTransportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:

That an Urban Traffic Safety Research Chair at the University of Alberta be funded as a one time endowment from the City of Edmonton of $1.5 million. The donor gift is to be structured over ten years at a yearly contribution of $150,000 (Source of Funds: 2009 Photo Enforcement/Red Light Camera Revenue).


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell.

Absent: S. Mandel.

E.4.Traffic Safety Comparison

Moved E. Gibbons:

That the Committee hear from the following:

E.4.Traffic Safety Comparison

R. Bell, Royal Canadian Legion Strathcona Branch 150


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell.

Absent:S. Mandel.

B. Stephensen,Transportation Department, made a presentation.

P. Grell, Woodcroft Community League; and P. Stinson, Youngstown School Parent Council, made presentations and answered the Committee’s questions. A copy of the presentation by P. Grell, Woodcroft Community League, was distributed to Members of the Committee and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Councillor B. Anderson vacated the Chair and Councillor B. Henderson presided. Councillor B. Anderson left the meeting.

Councillor B. Anderson re-entered the meeting. Councillor
B. Henderson vacated the Chair and Councillor B. Anderson presided.

B. Stephensen and C. Walbaum, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Henderson:

That Administration meet with representatives of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, School Boards and Edmonton Police Commission/Edmonton Police Service regarding potential partnering opportunities and approaches to address speed and safety concerns in communities and near schools, and report back to Transportation and Public Works Committee on the outcome of those discussions by March 17, 2009. / Transportation
Due: Mar. 17/09


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, S. Mandel.

E.9.Connaught Armoury

R. Daviss, Asset Management and Public Works Department, made a presentation.

B. Hetherington andI.Kipnes, Edmonton Opera; D. Caultley, Youth Emergency Shelter Society; and R. Bell,Royal Canadian Legion Strathcona Branch 150, made presentations and answered the Committee’s questions.

Copies of presentations by I. Kipnes, Edmonton Opera; D. Caultley, Youth Emergency Shelter Society; and R. Bell, Royal Canadian Legion Strathcona Branch 150, were distributed to Members of Council and copies were filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

L. Rosen, General Manager, and R. Daviss, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

R. Bell, Royal Canadian Legion Strathcona Branch 150; D. Caultley,Youth Emergency Shelter Society; and I. Kipness,Edmonton Opera,answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved S. Mandel:

That Administration provide a broader-based report to the November 4, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting with recommendations following further analysis of Connaught Armoury proposals, including further discussion with each applicant to:
  1. clarify their existing proposal
  2. determine if any other options exist to meet additional uses and/or determine if there is potential to accommodate one or more proponent(s) on this site
Due: Nov. 4/08


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, S. Mandel.

Absent: K. Krushell.


P.1.Purchase of Land for North LRT Project

Moved B. Henderson:

  1. That approval be given to purchase 3 lots totaling an area of 0.2085 hectares, as described in Attachment 1 and shown on Attachment 2 of the September 30, 2008, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2008PW1443.
  1. That the September 30, 2008, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2008PW1443 remain private pursuant to section 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, B. Henderson, S. Mandel.

Absent: K. Krushell.


Councillor B. Anderson asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.


The meeting adjourned at 12:04 p.m.


ChairCity Clerk

Transportation and Public Works CommitteeMinutes | October 7, 2008, to1 of 7



October 7, 2008


A.1.Call to Order......

A.2.Adoption of Agenda......

A.3.Adoption of Minutes......


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items......

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear......


D.1.Transit Routes to the West End (S. Mandel)......

D.2.Lewis Estates to Downtown Bus Rapid Transit Plan – Detailed Planning Study


E.1.Status of the Non-statutory Public Hearing - West LRT (Lewis Estates to Downtown) Plan - West LRT November 4, 2008, Public Hearing

E.2.Current Future Plans Relating to CN and CP Rail Operations......

E.3.Urban Traffic Safety Research Chair, University of Alberta......

E.4.Traffic Safety Comparison...... 4/5

E.5.Fish Creek Excavating Ltd. Agreement - Change Order......

E.6.Open Tenders - $1,000,000 or Greater (Inclusive of GST) as at September 16, 2008

E.7.Sale of an Industrial Lot - Pylypow Industrial......

E.8.Sale of Commercial Lot - Silver Berry – 2847-34 Street NW......

E.9.Connaught Armoury




INDEX - Transportation and Public Works CommitteeMinutes | October 7, 2008, to1 of 1