English 11 Syllabus 2015-2016
Laura Jones Dreama Dalton
According to the Henry County Program of Studies, the eleventh-grade student will:
“be able to make and analyze persuasive oral presentations, with attention to the accuracy of evidence and the effectiveness of delivery. The student’s appreciation for literature will be enhanced by the study of American literature, both classic and contemporary. The student will identify the contributions of other cultures to the development of American Literature. The student will be able to write clear and accurate business and technical correspondence and reports for research and other applications in all subjects. The student will develop expository and persuasive compositions by locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and citing applicable information with careful attention to organization and accuracy.”
Supplies Needed:- 3 Ring Binder
- Notebook Paper
- Pens/Pencils
Tests/Projects 50%
Quizzes 25%
Classwork/Homework 25%
Grading Scale:
100-94= A
93-87= B
86-77= C
76-70= D
69-0= F
Extra Help:
I am available to stay after and give assistance on makeup work and/or extra help Tuesdays through Fridays after school. Please notify me ahead of time if you need to stay. If you feel lost in class, please take the initiative and ask for help!
All school policies and rules apply in our classroom in addition to the specific policies below. Make sure you are familiar with the student code of conduct.
Daily attendance is mandatory and does affect the overall success of a student in this course. Students who miss more than two unexcused days during a six week grading period will fail the class. One appeal per semester will be allowed. Students must be present for 50% (45 minutes) of the block in order to be counted present. A student must be present the entire school day in order to attend an extracurricular activity on the same day or participate directly in that event. This includes practices, games, concerts, etc.
3rd tardy- one block of ISS 5th tardy-one day suspension
4th tardy- one day of ISS 6th tardy and more-parent conference and additional consequences
The student is responsible for taking care of any work missed due to absences. All students with a verified absence will have three days to make up any missed work. Make up work can be found in the folder for your class at the front of the classroom.
Unexcused late assignments will be subject to a 5 point per day grade penalty. Band or athletic trips will not excuse a student from any required work. If a student is absent the day of a test, the student must be prepared to take the missed test the next day the class meets. Being absent before an assignment is due or before a test does not excuse the student from turning in the assignment or from taking the test on the scheduled day.
Technological problems are not an acceptable excuse for late work. Students must plan for the worst case scenario: save often and in more than one place (for example, on a computer and on a pen drive). Students will not be able to print assignments during class, so plan ahead and print the day before an assignment is due!
1. Devices must be registered on the school wifi and have an official sticker.
2. Please always keep devices on silent!
3. Please ask before using your device, even for school related activities.
4. Only use devices for classroom related activities (examples: researching, managing school agenda, completing assignments). Not Facebook, Snapchat, Kik, etc….
5. Phones/devices should be face down on table when not in use.
6. We may collect all devices during a lesson.
First offense: Verbal warning
Second offense: I take device until end of class
Third offense: device is held in office until a parent comes to pick it up.
Students may ask to leave class during group or individual work. Please do not interrupt full-class instruction except in an emergency. Students must fill out a hall pass and get it signed by the teacher and must sign in and out on the clipboard before leaving the classroom. Students will receive 3 hall passes each grading period, and may turn in unused passes at the end for 5 points each of extra credit.
Only water and sports drinks in their original bottles will be allowed in the classroom. Please keep our classroom clean. If food becomes a distraction, we will reserve the right to revoke that privilege.
We expect students to show respect for every individual at Bassett High School. In our class, students should respect the opinions and ideas of others and avoid behavior that makes it difficult for me to teach and for others to learn. Comments in discussion or in your writing that express an insult, prejudice, or threat against anyone are not appropriate. Everyone has a right to feel safe and welcome in class.
Your success matters to us. Although we are here to challenge you, we’re also here to offer support and guidance. However, we cannot do so if we are not aware of a problem. It is part of your job as a student to ask questions and to let us know when you need help!
First offense: Verbal warning
Second offense: Stay after class/ Conference with student
Third offense: Stay after class and call home
Fourth offense: Referral and call home
Please complete the following and return to class by Monday 8/17/15:
My signature below indicates I have read and understand this course description and have been given a copy of my own to keep.
Student name______
Student signature ______
Date ______
Parent/guardian signature ______
Date ______
E mail address/phone number to reach parent ______
To parents/guardians: Please feel free to email us ( or ) with questions or concerns at any time! If email is not an option, please call the office and leave a message. One of us will return your call as soon as possible.